Source code for sknano.generators._graphene_generator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Graphene structure generators (:mod:`sknano.generators._graphene_generator`)

.. currentmodule:: sknano.generators._graphene_generator

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

import copy

import numpy as np

from sknano.core.math import Vector
from sknano.core.crystallography import SuperCell
from sknano.structures import PrimitiveCellGraphene, ConventionalCellGraphene
from ._base import Atom, Atoms, GeneratorBase

__all__ = ['GrapheneGenerator',

class GrapheneGeneratorBase(GeneratorBase):
    """`N`-layer graphene generator class.

    basis : {:class:`python:list`}, optional
        List of :class:`python:str`\ s of element symbols or atomic number
        of the two atom basis (default: ['C', 'C'])
    bond : float, optional
        bond length between nearest-neighbor atoms in **Angstroms**.
    nlayers : int, optional
        Number of graphene layers.
    layer_spacing : float, optional
        Distance between layers in **Angstroms**.
    stacking_order : {'AB', 'AA'}, optional
        Stacking order of graphene layers
    layer_rotation_angles : list, optional
        list of rotation angles for each layer in **degrees** if
        `degrees` is `True` (default), otherwise in radians.
        The list length must equal the number of layers.
    layer_rotation_increment : float, optional
        incremental layer rotation angle in **degrees** if
        `degrees` is `True` (default), otherwise in radians.
        Each subsequent layer will
        be rotated by `layer_rotation_increment` relative to the layer
        below it.
    autogen : bool, optional
        automatically generate unit cell and full structure
    verbose : bool, optional
        verbose output

    def generate(self):
        """Generate the full structure coordinates."""

        layer0 = Atoms()
        for atom in SuperCell(self.unit_cell, [self.n1, self.n2, 1]):

        # self.Natoms_per_layer = layer0.Natoms

        self.layers = []
        for nlayer in range(self.nlayers):
            layer = copy.deepcopy(layer0)
            layer.translate(Vector([0, 0, nlayer * self.layer_spacing]))
            if (nlayer % 2) != 0:
            [setattr(atom, 'mol', nlayer + 1) for atom in layer]
            layer.rotate(angle=self.layer_rotation_angles[nlayer], axis='z')

    def generate_fname(cls, nlayers=None, basis=None, **kwargs):
        nlayer = '{}layer'.format(nlayers)
        fname_wordlist = [nlayer, 'graphene']
        basis = '-'.join(basis)
        if not basis == 'C-C':
            fname_wordlist.append('_'.join((basis, 'basis')))
        fname = '_'.join(fname_wordlist)
        return fname

    def save(self, fname=None, outpath=None, structure_format=None,
             center_centroid=True, rotation_angle=np.pi / 2, rotation_axis='x',
        """Save structure data.

        See :meth:`` method
        for documentation.

        if fname is None:
            fname = \
                self.generate_fname(nlayers=self.nlayers, basis=self.basis)

        if center_centroid and self.nlayers > 1:

        super().save(fname=fname, outpath=outpath,
                     structure_format=structure_format, center_centroid=False,
                     angle=rotation_angle, axis=rotation_axis, **kwargs)

[docs]class PrimitiveCellGrapheneGenerator(GrapheneGeneratorBase, PrimitiveCellGraphene): """`N`-layer graphene generator class using a primitive unit cell. Parameters ---------- edge_length : float Length of graphene edges in **nanometers** basis : {:class:`python:list`}, optional List of :class:`python:str`\ s of element symbols or atomic number of the two atom basis (default: ['C', 'C']) bond : float, optional bond length between nearest-neighbor atoms in **Angstroms**. nlayers : int, optional Number of graphene layers. layer_spacing : float, optional Distance between layers in **Angstroms**. stacking_order : {'AA', 'AB'}, optional Stacking order of graphene layers layer_rotation_angles : list, optional list of rotation angles for each layer in **degrees** if `degrees` is `True` (default), otherwise in radians. The list length must equal the number of layers. layer_rotation_increment : float, optional incremental layer rotation angle in **degrees** if `degrees` is `True` (default), otherwise in radians. Each subsequent layer will be rotated by `layer_rotation_increment` relative to the layer below it. autogen : bool, optional automatically generate unit cell and full structure verbose : bool, optional verbose output """ @classmethod
[docs] def generate_fname(cls, edge_length=None, **kwargs): dimensions = '{:.1f}nm'.format(edge_length) fname = '_'.join((dimensions, super().generate_fname(**kwargs))) return fname
[docs] def save(self, fname=None, **kwargs): """Save structure data. See :meth:`` method for documentation. """ if fname is None: fname = \ self.generate_fname(edge_length=self.edge_length, nlayers=self.nlayers, basis=self.basis) super().save(fname=fname, **kwargs)
HexagonalGrapheneGenerator = HexagonalCellGrapheneGenerator = \ PrimitiveCellGrapheneGenerator
[docs]class ConventionalCellGrapheneGenerator(GrapheneGeneratorBase, ConventionalCellGraphene): """`N`-layer graphene generator class using a conventional unit cell. Parameters ---------- armchair_edge_length : float, optional Length of armchair edge in **nanometers** zigzag_edge_length : float, optional Length of zigzag edge in **nanometers** basis : {:class:`python:list`}, optional List of :class:`python:str`\ s of element symbols or atomic number of the two atom basis (default: ['C', 'C']) bond : float, optional bond length between nearest-neighbor atoms in **Angstroms**. nlayers : int, optional Number of graphene layers. layer_spacing : float, optional Distance between layers in **Angstroms**. stacking_order : {'AA', 'AB'}, optional Stacking order of graphene layers layer_rotation_angles : list, optional list of rotation angles for each layer in **degrees** if `degrees` is `True` (default), otherwise in radians. The list length must equal the number of layers. layer_rotation_increment : float, optional incremental layer rotation angle in **degrees** if `degrees` is `True` (default), otherwise in radians. Each subsequent layer will be rotated by `layer_rotation_increment` relative to the layer below it. autogen : bool, optional automatically generate unit cell and full structure verbose : bool, optional verbose output """ @classmethod
[docs] def generate_fname(cls, armchair_edge_length=None, zigzag_edge_length=None, **kwargs): dimensions = '{:.1f}nmx{:.1f}nm'.format(armchair_edge_length, zigzag_edge_length) fname = '_'.join((dimensions, super().generate_fname(**kwargs))) return fname
[docs] def save(self, fname=None, **kwargs): """Save structure data. See :meth:`` method for documentation. """ if fname is None: fname = \ self.generate_fname( armchair_edge_length=self.armchair_edge_length, zigzag_edge_length=self.zigzag_edge_length, nlayers=self.nlayers, basis=self.basis) super().save(fname=fname, **kwargs)
RectangularGrapheneGenerator = RectangularCellGrapheneGenerator = \ ConventionalCellGrapheneGenerator
[docs]class GrapheneGenerator(ConventionalCellGrapheneGenerator): """`N`-layer graphene generator class. .. versionchanged:: 0.3.11 `GrapheneGenerator` is now a sub-class of the `ConventionalCellGrapheneGenerator` class to maintain backwards compatibility and also includes 2 new classmethods: :meth:`~GrapheneGenerator.from_primitive_cell` and :meth:`~GrapheneGenerator.from_conventional_cell`. Parameters ---------- armchair_edge_length : float, optional Length of armchair edge in **nanometers** .. versionadded:: 0.3.10 zigzag_edge_length : float, optional Length of zigzag edge in **nanometers** .. versionadded:: 0.3.10 length : float, optional Length of armchair edge in **nanometers** .. deprecated:: 0.3.10 Use `armchair_edge_length` instead width : float, optional Width of graphene sheet in **nanometers** .. deprecated:: 0.3.10 Use `zigzag_edge_length` instead edge : {'AC', 'armchair', 'ZZ', 'zigzag'}, optional **A**\ rm\ **C**\ hair or **Z**\ ig\ **Z**\ ag edge along the `length` of the sheet. .. deprecated:: 0.3.10 No longer used! basis : {:class:`python:list`}, optional List of :class:`python:str`\ s of element symbols or atomic number of the two atom basis (default: ['C', 'C']) .. versionadded:: 0.3.10 element1, element2 : {str, int}, optional Element symbol or atomic number of basis :class:`~sknano.core.Atom` 1 and 2 .. deprecated:: 0.3.10 Use `basis` instead bond : float, optional bond length between nearest-neighbor atoms in **Angstroms**. nlayers : int, optional Number of graphene layers. layer_spacing : float, optional Distance between layers in **Angstroms**. stacking_order : {'AA', 'AB'}, optional Stacking order of graphene layers autogen : bool, optional automatically generate unit cell and full structure verbose : bool, optional verbose output Notes ----- The `GrapheneGenerator` class and its subclasses generate graphene with either an armchair or zigzag edge using a 4-atom conventional unit cell. If you want to generate graphene as an *unrolled nanotube*, see the :class:`~sknano.generators.UnrolledSWNTGenerator` class. .. seealso:: :class:`~sknano.generators.UnrolledSWNTGenerator` Examples -------- Start an interactive python or ipython session, then import the `GrapheneGenerator` class. >>> from sknano.generators import GrapheneGenerator Now generate a **20 nm AC x 1 nm ZZ** graphene nano-ribbon. >>> ACG = GrapheneGenerator(armchair_edge_length=20, zigzag_edge_length=1) Save structure data in `xyz` format: >>> The rendered structure look like: .. image:: /images/20nmx1nm_AC_edge.png Now let's generate a **20 nm ZZ x 1 nm AC** graphene nano-ribbon. >>> ZZG = GrapheneGenerator(armchair_edge_length=20, zigzag_edge_length=1) >>> The rendered structure looks like: .. image:: /images/20nmx1nm_ZZ_edge.png Now generate **25 nm AC x 5 nm ZZ**, 5 layer, `AB`-stacked graphene. >>> ACG_5layers = GrapheneGenerator(armchair_edge_length=25, ... zigzag_edge_length=5, ... nlayers=5) >>> The rendered structure looks like: .. image:: /images/25nmx5nm_5layer_AC_graphene.png Now generate single layer, **10 nm x 10 nm** sheet of BN Graphene. >>> BN_graphene = GrapheneGenerator(armchair_edge_length=10, ... zigzag_edge_length=10, ... basis=['B', 'N']) >>> The rendered structure looks like: .. image:: /images/10nmx10nm_single_layer_BN_graphene.png Now, just because we can, generate a **5 nm x 5 nm** sheet of Uranium-Einsteinium Graphene. >>> UEs_graphene = GrapheneGenerator(armchair_edge_length=5, ... zigzag_edge_length=5, ... basis=['U', 'Es']) >>> The rendered structure looks like: .. image:: /images/5nmx5nm_single_layer_UEs_graphene.png """ @classmethod
[docs] def from_primitive_cell(cls, **kwargs): return PrimitiveCellGrapheneGenerator(**kwargs)
[docs] def from_conventional_cell(cls, **kwargs): return ConventionalCellGrapheneGenerator(**kwargs)