Source code for sknano.core.atoms.neighbor_atoms

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Atom classes for NN analysis (:mod:`sknano.core.atoms.neighbor_atoms`)

.. currentmodule:: sknano.core.atoms.neighbor_atoms

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

from collections import Counter, OrderedDict
import numbers

import numpy as np

    from scipy.spatial import KDTree
    # from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError('Install scipy version >= 0.13.0 to allow '
                      'nearest-neighbor queries between atoms.')

from sknano.core import ordinal_form
from sknano.core.analysis import PeriodicKDTree
from sknano.core.math import Vector, Vectors

from .atoms import Atom, Atoms
# from .cn_atoms import CNAtom
from .mixins import KDTreeAtomsMixin

__all__ = ['NeighborAtom', 'NeighborAtoms']

[docs]class NeighborAtom(Atom): """An `Atom` sub-class for neighbor analysis. Parameters ---------- neighbors : :class:`Atoms` sub-class neighbor_map : :class:`~python:dict` .. todo:: Deprecate/replace `neighbors` parameter with `neighbor_map` """ def __init__(self, *args, neighbors=None, neighbor_map=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.neighbors = neighbors self.neighbor_map = neighbor_map self.nn_adjacency_map = {} # self.nn_adjacency_list = [] # self.fmtstr = super().fmtstr + ", neighbors={neighbors!r}" def __dir__(self): attrs = super().__dir__() attrs.extend(['neighbors', 'neighbor_map']) return attrs @property def neighbors(self): """Neighbor atoms.""" return self._neighbors @neighbors.setter def neighbors(self, value): if value is not None and not isinstance(value, Atoms): raise TypeError('Expected an `Atoms` object.') self._neighbors = value @neighbors.deleter def neighbors(self): del self._neighbors @property def neighbor_distances(self): """Neighbor atom distances.""" return self.neighbors.distances # @neighbor_distances.setter # def neighbor_distances(self, value): # self._neighbor_distances = np.asarray(value) @property def CN(self): """`NeighborAtom` coordination number.""" try: return self.neighbors.Natoms except AttributeError: return 0 @property def Nneighbors(self): """Number of neighbors.""" return self.neighbors.Natoms @property def NN(self): """Nearest-neighbor `Atoms`.""" try: return self.neighbors except AttributeError: return None @NN.setter def NN(self, value): """Set nearest-neighbor `Atoms`.""" self.neighbors = value @NN.deleter def NN(self): del self.neighbors @property def neighbor_map(self): """Neighbor atoms.""" return self._neighbor_map @neighbor_map.setter def neighbor_map(self, value): if value is None: value = OrderedDict() elif not isinstance(value, OrderedDict): raise TypeError('Expected an `OrderedDict` object.') for n, neighbors in value.items(): setattr(self, '_{}_neighbors'.format(n), neighbors) self._neighbor_map = value @neighbor_map.deleter def neighbor_map(self): del self._neighbor_map @property def first_neighbors(self): """First nearest neighbors.""" return self.get_nth_nearest_neighbors(1) @first_neighbors.setter def first_neighbors(self, value): self.set_nth_nearest_neighbors(1, value) @property def second_neighbors(self): """Second nearest neighbors""" return self.get_nth_nearest_neighbors(2) @second_neighbors.setter def second_neighbors(self, value): self.set_nth_nearest_neighbors(2, value) @property def third_neighbors(self): """Third nearest neighbors""" return self.get_nth_nearest_neighbors(3) @third_neighbors.setter def third_neighbors(self, value): self.set_nth_nearest_neighbors(3, value)
[docs] def get_nth_nearest_neighbors(self, n, exclusive=True): """Get the `n`th set of neighbors.""" if exclusive: return getattr(self, '_{}_neighbors'.format(ordinal_form(n))) else: neighbors = self.__class__(**self.kwargs) for i in range(1, n + 1): neighbors.extend( getattr(self, '_{}_neighbors'.format(ordinal_form(n)))) return neighbors
[docs] def set_nth_nearest_neighbors(self, n, neighbors): """Set nth nearest neighbors""" # Since we're setting the nth set of neighbors, we will remove # all 1..n-1 neighbors from the nth set. # distances = distances # neighbors = neighbors neighbor_map = self.neighbor_map for i in range(1, n): for neighbor in self.get_nth_nearest_neighbors(i): if neighbor in neighbors: # print(neighbors.index(neighbor)) # distances.remove(neighbors.index(neighbor)) neighbors.remove(neighbor) # neighbors.distances = distances # print(type(neighbors)) setattr(self, '_{}_neighbors'.format(ordinal_form(n)), neighbors) neighbor_map[ordinal_form(n)] = neighbors
[docs] def todict(self): """Return :class:`~python:dict` of constructor parameters.""" super_dict = super().todict() super_dict.update(dict(neighbors=self.neighbors, neighbor_map=self.neighbor_map)) return super_dict
[docs]class NeighborAtoms(KDTreeAtomsMixin, Atoms): """An `Atoms` sub-class for neighbor analysis. Parameters ---------- atoms : {None, sequence, `NeighborAtoms`}, optional if not `None`, then a list of `StructureAtom` instance objects or an existing `NeighborAtoms` instance object. kNN : :class:`~python:int` Number of nearest neighbors to return when querying the kd-tree. NNrc : :class:`~python:float` Nearest neighbor radius cutoff. neighbor_cutoffs : :class:`~python:list`, optional """ def __init__(self, *args, kNN=16, NNrc=2.0, neighbor_cutoffs=None, neighbors_analyzed=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.kNN = kNN self.NNrc = NNrc self.neighbor_cutoffs = neighbor_cutoffs self.neighbors_analyzed = neighbors_analyzed self.idx = [] self.nn_idx = [] self._nn_adjacency_matrix = None self._nn_adjacency_map = None self._nn_adjacency_list = None self._nn_vectors = None self._nn_seed = None @property def __atom_class__(self): return NeighborAtom @property def atom_tree(self): """Concrete implementation of :attr:`~KDTreeAtomsMixin.atom_tree`.""" try: try: if np.any(self.pbc): boxsize = np.asarray(self.lattice.lengths) for i, pbc in enumerate(self.pbc): if not pbc: boxsize[i] = -1 return PeriodicKDTree(np.asarray(self.coords), boxsize=boxsize, lattice=self.lattice) except AttributeError: pass else: return KDTree(np.asarray(self.coords)) except ValueError as e: print(e) return None @property def kNN(self): """Max number of nearest-neighbors to return from kd-tree search.""" return self._kNN @kNN.setter def kNN(self, value): if not isinstance(value, numbers.Number): raise TypeError('Expected an integer >= 0') self._kNN = self.kwargs['kNN'] = int(value) @property def NNrc(self): """Nearest neighbor radius cutoff.""" return self._NNrc @NNrc.setter def NNrc(self, value): if not (isinstance(value, numbers.Number) and value >= 0): raise TypeError('Expected a real number greater >= 0') self._NNrc = self.kwargs['NNrc'] = value @property def neighbor_cutoffs(self): """Nearest neighbor radius cutoff.""" return self._neighbor_cutoffs @neighbor_cutoffs.setter def neighbor_cutoffs(self, cutoffs): if cutoffs is None: cutoffs = [] if not any([np.allclose(self.NNrc, cutoff) for cutoff in cutoffs]): cutoffs.append(self.NNrc) self._neighbor_cutoffs = self.kwargs['neighbor_cutoffs'] = \ sorted(np.asarray(cutoffs[:], dtype=float).tolist()) @property def neighbors_analyzed(self): """Return `True` if neighbors have been analyzed.""" return self._neighbors_analyzed @neighbors_analyzed.setter def neighbors_analyzed(self, value): if not isinstance(value, bool): raise ValueError('Expected a boolean value.') self._neighbors_analyzed = self.kwargs['neighbors_analyzed'] = value @property def coordination_numbers(self): """:class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` of :attr:`NeighborAtom.CN`\ s.""" return np.asarray([atom.CN for atom in self]) @property def coordination_number_counts(self): """Coordination number counts. Returns ------- :class:`~python:collections.Counter` :class:`~python:collections.Counter` of :attr:`~NeighborAtoms.coordination_numbers`. """ return Counter(self.coordination_numbers) @property def coordination_counts(self): """Alias for :attr:`~NeighborAtoms.coordination_number_counts`.""" return self.coordination_number_counts @property def CN_counts(self): """Alias for :attr:`~NeighborAtoms.coordination_number_counts`.""" return self.coordination_number_counts @property def neighbors(self): """Return array of neighbor atoms.""" return np.asarray([atom.neighbors for atom in self]) @property def distances(self): """Neighbor atoms distances.""" return self._distances @distances.setter def distances(self, value): self._distances = np.asarray(value) @property def neighbor_distances(self): """Neighbor distances""" distances = [] # [distances.extend(atom.neighbor_distances.tolist()) for atom in self] [distances.extend(atom.neighbors.distances.tolist()) for atom in self] return np.asarray(distances) @property def NNN(self): """Number of first nearest-neighbors.""" return len(self.nn_idx) @property def nearest_neighbors(self): """Return array of nearest-neighbor atoms for each `KDTAtom`.""" # self._update_neighbors() return np.asarray([atom.NN for atom in self]) @property def first_neighbors(self): """First neighbors.""" return [atom.first_neighbors for atom in self] @property def second_neighbors(self): """Second neighbors.""" return [atom.second_neighbors for atom in self] @property def third_neighbors(self): """Third neighbors.""" return [atom.third_neighbors for atom in self] def get_nth_nearest_neighbors(self, n, exclusive=True): """Return `n`th nearest neighbors.""" return [getattr(atom, '_{}_neighbors'.format(ordinal_form(n))) for atom in self] # def reset_attrs(self): # """Reset :class:`NeighborAtoms` attributes.""" # super().reset_attrs() def update_attrs(self, **kwargs): """Update :class:`NeighborAtoms` attributes.""" super().update_attrs(**kwargs) self.update_neighbors(**kwargs) def update_neighbors(self, **kwargs): """Update :attr:`NeighborAtom.neighbors`.""" cutoffs = kwargs.pop('cutoffs', None) if 'cutoff' in kwargs and cutoffs is None: cutoffs = kwargs.pop('cutoff') if cutoffs is None: cutoffs = self.neighbor_cutoffs[:] elif not isinstance(cutoffs, list): cutoffs = [cutoffs] self.neighbor_cutoffs = cutoffs if not self._neighbors_analyzed: self.neighbors_analyzed = True for n, cutoff in enumerate(self.neighbor_cutoffs, start=1): try: NNd, NNi = self.query_atom_tree(k=self.kNN, rc=cutoff) for i, atom in enumerate(self): neighbors = \ self.__class__([self[NNi[i][j]] for j, d in enumerate(NNd[i]) if d <= cutoff], update_item_class=False, **self.kwargs) distances = \ [NNd[i][j] for j, d in enumerate(NNd[i]) if d <= cutoff] neighbors.distances = distances if np.allclose(cutoff, self.NNrc): atom.neighbors = neighbors atom.set_nth_nearest_neighbors(n, neighbors[:]) except ValueError: pass def update_neighbor_lists(self): """Update neighbor lists""" self._update_nn_lists() self._update_nn_seed() self._update_nn_vectors() self._update_nn_adjacency_matrix() @property def nn_adjacency_matrix(self): """Return nearest-neighbor adjacency matrix.""" if self._nn_adjacency_matrix is None: self._update_nn_adjacency_matrix() return self._nn_adjacency_matrix @property def nn_adjacency_map(self): """Return nearest-neighbor adjacency map""" if self._nn_adjacency_map is None: self._update_nn_adjacency_map() return self._nn_adjacency_map @property def nn_adjacency_list(self): """Return nearest-neighbor adjacency list""" if self._nn_adjacency_list is None: self._update_nn_adjacency_list() return self._nn_adjacency_list @property def nn_seed(self): """Return nearest-neighbor seed list""" if self._nn_seed is None: self._update_nn_seed() return self._nn_seed @property def nn_vectors(self): """Return nearest-neighbor vectors.""" if self._nn_vectors is None: self._update_nn_vectors() return self._nn_vectors def _update_nn_lists(self, NNi=None, cutoff=None): if NNi is None: if cutoff is None: cutoff = self.NNrc _, NNi = self.query_atom_tree(k=self.kNN, rc=cutoff) Natoms = self.Natoms idx = [] nn_idx = [] for i, nn_indices in enumerate(NNi): for ni in nn_indices[:]: if ni < Natoms: idx.append(i) nn_idx.append(ni) self.idx = np.asarray(idx, dtype=int) self.nn_idx = np.asarray(nn_idx, dtype=int) def _update_nn_seed(self): n = self.Natoms nnn = self.NNN idx = self.idx nn_seed = (n + 1) * [0] for k in range(n): nn_seed[k] = -1 nn_seed[n] = nnn nn_seed[idx[0]] = 0 for k in range(1, nnn): if idx[k] != idx[k - 1]: nn_seed[idx[k]] = k self._nn_seed = np.asarray(nn_seed, dtype=int) def _update_nn_adjacency_matrix(self): Natoms = self.Natoms nn_seed = self.nn_seed nn_idx = self.nn_idx nn_adjacency_matrix = np.zeros((Natoms, Natoms), dtype=int) # self._update_nn_lists() def _update_nn_adjacency_map(nn_map, indices, nindices): for i in indices: for ni in nindices: if ni not in nn_map: nn_map[ni] = nn_map[i] + 1 for i, atom in enumerate(self): nn_map = atom.nn_adjacency_map = {} nn_map[i] = 0 indices = [i] nindices = [nn_idx[si] for si in range(nn_seed[i], nn_seed[i+1])] _update_nn_adjacency_map(nn_map, indices, nindices) while len(nindices) > 0: indices = nindices[:] nindices = [] for ni in indices[:]: nindices.extend( [nn_idx[nsi] for nsi in range(nn_seed[ni], nn_seed[ni+1]) if nn_idx[nsi] not in nn_map]) _update_nn_adjacency_map(nn_map, indices, nindices) [nn_adjacency_matrix[i].__setitem__(j, nn_map[j]) for j in range(Natoms) if j in nn_map] self._nn_adjacency_matrix = nn_adjacency_matrix def _update_nn_adjacency_map(self): Natoms = self.Natoms nn_idx = self.nn_idx nn_seed = self.nn_seed nn_adjacency_map = OrderedDict() for i in range(Natoms): nn_adjacency_map[i] = \ [nn_idx[si] for si in range(nn_seed[i], nn_seed[i+1])] self._nn_adjacency_map = nn_adjacency_map def _update_nn_adjacency_list(self): Natoms = self.Natoms nn_idx = self.nn_idx nn_seed = self.nn_seed nn_adjacency_list = [] for i in range(Natoms): nn_adjacency_list.append( [nn_idx[si] for si in range(nn_seed[i], nn_seed[i+1])]) self._nn_adjacency_list = nn_adjacency_list def _update_nn_vectors(self): # from sknano.core.crystallography import pbc_diff idx = self.idx nn_idx = self.nn_idx nn_vectors = Vectors() try: lattice = self.lattice pbc = np.any(self.pbc) if not pbc or lattice is None: raise AttributeError except AttributeError: for i, ni in zip(idx, nn_idx): r = self[ni].r - self[i].r nn_vectors.append(r) else: for i, ni in zip(idx, nn_idx): fdiff = lattice.fractional_diff(self[ni].rs, self[i].rs) dr = Vector(lattice.fractional_to_cartesian(fdiff)) nn_vectors.append(dr) self._nn_vectors = nn_vectors def count_neighbors_in_self(self, r, p=2.0): """Count number of neighbor pairs for each atom in self. Parameters ---------- r : float or one-dimensional array of floats p : float, 1<=p<=infinity, optional Returns ------- result : 1-D array of ints """ r = np.asarray(r) ids = self.ids # if np.any(self.pbc): # boxsize = np.asarray(self.lattice.lengths) # return PeriodicKDTree(np.asarray(self.coords), boxsize=boxsize, # lattice=self.lattice) return np.asarray([KDTree([atom.r]).count_neighbors( self.filtered(ids !=, r, p=p) for atom in self])