Source code for sknano.core.structures.xtal_structures

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Crystal structure classes (:mod:`sknano.core.structures.xtal_structures`)

.. currentmodule:: sknano.core.structures.xtal_structures

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, \
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

import numpy as np

from sknano.core.atoms import BasisAtom, BasisAtoms
from sknano.core.crystallography import Crystal2DLattice, Crystal3DLattice
from sknano.core.math import Vector
from sknano.core.refdata import lattice_parameters
from .base import CrystalStructureBase
from .extras import pymatgen_structure  # , supercell_lattice_points

__all__ = ['Crystal2DStructure', 'Crystal3DStructure',
           'CaesiumChlorideStructure', 'CsClStructure',
           'RocksaltStructure', 'RockSaltStructure', 'NaClStructure',
           'SphaleriteStructure', 'ZincblendeStructure', 'ZincBlendeStructure',
           'CubicStructure', 'BCCStructure', 'FCCStructure',
           'Iron', 'Copper', 'Gold',
           'CubicClosePackedStructure', 'CCPStructure',
           'HexagonalClosePackedStructure', 'HCPStructure',
           'HexagonalStructure', 'AlphaQuartz', 'BetaQuartz', 'MoS2']

cubic_lattice_parameters = lattice_parameters['cubic']

[docs]class Crystal2DStructure(CrystalStructureBase): """Base class for 2D crystal structures. .. warning:: The implementation of this class is not complete. Parameters ---------- lattice : :class:`~sknano.core.crystallography.LatticeBase` sub-class basis : {:class:`~python:list`, :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.BasisAtoms`} coords : {:class:`~python:list`}, optional cartesian : {:class:`~python:bool`}, optional scaling_matrix : {:class:`~python:int`, :class:`~python:list`}, optional structure : `Crystal2DStructure`, optional """ def __init__(self, lattice=None, basis=None, coords=None, cartesian=False, scaling_matrix=None, structure=None, **kwargs): if structure is not None: lattice = structure.lattice basis = structure.basis if not isinstance(lattice, Crystal2DLattice): lattice = Crystal2DLattice(cell_matrix=lattice) super().__init__(lattice=lattice, basis=basis, coords=coords, cartesian=cartesian, scaling_matrix=scaling_matrix, **kwargs) @classmethod
[docs] def from_pymatgen_structure(cls, structure): """Classmethod to generate structure using pymatgen.""" atoms = BasisAtoms() for site in structure.sites: atoms.append(BasisAtom(element=site.specie.symbol, x=site.x, y=site.y, z=site.z)) return cls(lattice=Crystal2DLattice( cell_matrix=structure.lattice.matrix), basis=atoms)
[docs] def from_spacegroup(cls, sg, lattice=None, basis=None, coords=None, **kwargs): """Return a `Crystal2DStructure` from a spacegroup number/symbol. Parameters ---------- sg : :class:`~python:int` or :class:`~python:str` lattice : :class:`Crystal2DLattice` basis : :class:`~python:list` of :class:`~python:str`\ s coords : :class:`~python:list` of :class:`~python:float`\ s Returns ------- :class:`Crystal2DStructure` Notes ----- Under the hood this method first creates a pymatgen :class:`~pymatgen:Structure` See Also -------- pymatgen_structure """ if not isinstance(basis, list): basis = [basis] if len(basis) != len(coords): if isinstance(coords, list) and len(coords) != 0 and \ isinstance(coords[0], (int, float)): coords = [coords] cls.from_spacegroup(sg, lattice, basis, coords) structure = \ pymatgen_structure(sg, lattice.cell_matrix, basis, coords, classmethod='from_spacegroup') return cls.from_pymatgen_structure(structure)
[docs]class Crystal3DStructure(CrystalStructureBase): """Base class for 3D crystal structures. Parameters ---------- lattice : :class:`~sknano.core.crystallography.LatticeBase` sub-class basis : {:class:`~python:list`, :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.BasisAtoms`} coords : {:class:`~python:list`}, optional cartesian : {:class:`~python:bool`}, optional scaling_matrix : {:class:`~python:int`, :class:`~python:list`}, optional structure : `Crystal3DStructure`, optional """ def __init__(self, lattice=None, basis=None, coords=None, cartesian=False, scaling_matrix=None, structure=None, **kwargs): if structure is not None: lattice = structure.lattice basis = structure.basis if not isinstance(lattice, Crystal3DLattice): lattice = Crystal3DLattice(cell_matrix=lattice) super().__init__(lattice=lattice, basis=basis, coords=coords, cartesian=cartesian, scaling_matrix=scaling_matrix, **kwargs) @classmethod
[docs] def from_pymatgen_structure(cls, structure): """Return a `Crystal3DStructure` from a \ :class:`pymatgen:pymatgen.core.Structure`. Parameters ---------- structure : :class:`pymatgen:pymatgen.core.Structure` Returns ------- :class:`Crystal3DStructure` """ atoms = BasisAtoms() for site in structure.sites: atoms.append(BasisAtom(site.specie.symbol, x=site.x, y=site.y, z=site.z)) return cls(lattice=Crystal3DLattice( cell_matrix=structure.lattice.matrix), basis=atoms)
[docs] def from_spacegroup(cls, sg, lattice=None, basis=None, coords=None, structure=None, **kwargs): """Return a `Crystal3DStructure` from a spacegroup number/symbol. Parameters ---------- sg : :class:`~python:int` or :class:`~python:str` lattice : :class:`Crystal3DLattice` basis : :class:`~python:list` of :class:`~python:str`\ s coords : :class:`~python:list` of :class:`~python:float`\ s Returns ------- :class:`Crystal3DStructure` Notes ----- Under the hood, this method generates a :class:`Crystal3DStructure` from a :class:`~pymatgen:pymatgen.core.Structure`. See Also -------- pymatgen_structure """ if structure is not None and coords is not None: basis = structure.basis.copy() lattice = basis.lattice basis_elements = list(set(basis.elements)) if len(basis_elements) != len(coords): raise ValueError('You must specify coordinates of structure ' 'basis') xtal_basis = BasisAtoms() xtal_structure = cls.from_spacegroup(sg, lattice=lattice, basis=basis_elements, coords=coords) basis.center_centroid() for tvec in xtal_structure.basis.r: basis_copy = basis.copy() basis_copy.rotate(axis=Vector(np.random.rand(3)).unit_vector, angle=2*np.pi*np.random.rand(1)) basis_copy.translate(tvec) xtal_basis.extend(basis_copy) # for atom in basis: # for tvec in xtal_structure.basis.r: # xs, ys, zs = \ # lattice.cartesian_to_fractional(atom.r + tvec) # xtal_basis.append(BasisAtom(atom.element, # lattice=lattice, # xs=xs, ys=ys, zs=zs)) xtal_structure.basis = xtal_basis return xtal_structure if not isinstance(basis, list): basis = [basis] if len(basis) != len(coords): if isinstance(coords, list) and len(coords) != 0 and \ isinstance(coords[0], (int, float)): coords = [coords] cls.from_spacegroup(sg, lattice=lattice, basis=basis, coords=coords, **kwargs) structure = \ pymatgen_structure(sg, lattice.cell_matrix, basis, coords, classmethod='from_spacegroup') return cls.from_pymatgen_structure(structure, **kwargs)
[docs]class CubicStructure(Crystal3DStructure): """Base class for a cubic `Crystal3DStructure`. Parameters ---------- centering : :class:`~python:str` lattice : :class:`Crystal3DLattice`, optional a : float, optional basis : :class:`~python:list`, optional coords : :class:`~python:list`, optional scaling_matrix : :class:`~python:int` or :class:`~python:list`, optional structure : :class:`Crystal3DStructure`, optional """ def __init__(self, *args, centering=None, lattice=None, basis=None, coords=None, scaling_matrix=None, structure=None, **kwargs): if len(args) == 1 and basis is None: basis = args[0] if lattice is None and structure is None: lattice = CubicStructure.get_lattice(basis=basis, centering=centering, **kwargs) super().__init__(lattice=lattice, basis=basis, coords=coords, scaling_matrix=scaling_matrix, structure=structure, **kwargs) @classmethod
[docs] def get_lattice(cls, name=None, centering=None, basis=None, **kwargs): """Return cubic lattice.""" if centering is None or not isinstance(centering, str): raise TypeError('Expected str for `centering` parameter') elif centering not in cubic_lattice_parameters: raise ValueError('Unrecognized `centering` value') a = kwargs.pop('a', cubic_lattice_parameters[centering].get(name, None)) if a is None: if basis is None: raise ValueError('`basis` cannot be None') elif isinstance(basis, (tuple, list)): if len(basis) != 1: raise ValueError('Expected a single element basis') else: basis = basis[0] if not isinstance(basis, str): raise ValueError('Expected `str` object for basis') if basis not in cubic_lattice_parameters[centering]: raise ValueError('No lattice parameters for given basis ' '{}'.format(basis)) a = cubic_lattice_parameters[centering][basis] lattice = Crystal3DLattice.cubic(a) return lattice
[docs] def from_spacegroup(cls, *args, lattice=None, basis=None, coords=None, structure=None, centering=None, **kwargs): """Return :class:`CubicStructure` from spacegroup.""" if len(args) == 2 and basis is None: sg, basis = args if len(args) == 1: sg = args[0] if lattice is None and structure is None: lattice = CubicStructure.get_lattice(basis=basis, centering=centering, **kwargs) if coords is None: coords = [[0, 0, 0]] return super().from_spacegroup(sg, lattice=lattice, basis=basis, coords=coords, structure=structure)
[docs]class CaesiumChlorideStructure(CubicStructure): """Abstract representation of caesium chloride structure.""" def __init__(self, lattice=None, basis=['Cs', 'Cl'], **kwargs): if lattice is None: lattice = self.get_lattice(name='caesium_chloride', centering='cP', **kwargs) caesium_chloride = \ pymatgen_structure(221, lattice.cell_matrix, basis, [[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]], classmethod='from_spacegroup') caesium_chloride = \ Crystal3DStructure.from_pymatgen_structure(caesium_chloride) super().__init__(structure=caesium_chloride, **kwargs)
CsClStructure = CaesiumChlorideStructure
[docs]class DiamondStructure(CubicStructure): """Abstract representation of diamond structure.""" def __init__(self, lattice=None, basis=['C'], **kwargs): if lattice is None: lattice = self.get_lattice(name='diamond', centering='FCC', **kwargs) diamond = \ pymatgen_structure(227, lattice.cell_matrix, basis, [[0, 0, 0]], classmethod='from_spacegroup') diamond = \ Crystal3DStructure.from_pymatgen_structure(diamond) super().__init__(structure=diamond, **kwargs)
[docs]class RocksaltStructure(CubicStructure): """Abstract representation of rock salt structure.""" def __init__(self, lattice=None, basis=['Na', 'Cl'], **kwargs): if lattice is None: lattice = self.get_lattice(name='rocksalt', centering='FCC', **kwargs) rock_salt = \ pymatgen_structure(225, lattice.cell_matrix, basis, [[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]], classmethod='from_spacegroup') rock_salt = \ Crystal3DStructure.from_pymatgen_structure(rock_salt) super().__init__(structure=rock_salt, **kwargs)
NaClStructure = RockSaltStructure = RocksaltStructure
[docs]class ZincblendeStructure(CubicStructure): """Abstract representation of zinc blende structure.""" def __init__(self, lattice=None, basis=['Zn', 'S'], **kwargs): if lattice is None: lattice = self.get_lattice(name='zincblende', centering='FCC', **kwargs) zincblende = \ pymatgen_structure(216, lattice.cell_matrix, basis, [[0, 0, 0], [0.25, 0.25, 0.25]], classmethod='from_spacegroup') zincblende = \ Crystal3DStructure.from_pymatgen_structure(zincblende) super().__init__(structure=zincblende, **kwargs)
SphaleriteStructure = ZincBlendeStructure = ZincblendeStructure
[docs]class BCCStructure(CubicStructure): """BCC structure class.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['centering'] = 'bcc' kwargs['structure'] = \ CubicStructure.from_spacegroup(229, *args, **kwargs) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class FCCStructure(CubicStructure): """FCC structure class.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['centering'] = 'fcc' kwargs['structure'] = \ CubicStructure.from_spacegroup(225, *args, **kwargs) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Iron(BCCStructure): """Iron structure.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs['basis'] = 'Fe' super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class Gold(FCCStructure): """Gold structure.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs['basis'] = 'Au' super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class Copper(FCCStructure): """Copper structure.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs['basis'] = 'Cu' super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class HexagonalClosePackedStructure(Crystal3DStructure): """Abstract representation of hexagonal close-packed structure.""" pass
HCPStructure = HexagonalClosePackedStructure
[docs]class CubicClosePackedStructure(Crystal3DStructure): """Abstract representation of cubic close-packed structure.""" pass
CCPStructure = CubicClosePackedStructure
[docs]class HexagonalStructure(Crystal3DStructure): """Base :class:`Crystal3DStructure` for a hexagonal crystal system. Parameters ---------- centering : :class:`~python:str` lattice : :class:`Crystal3DLattice`, optional a, c : :class:`~python:float`, optional basis : :class:`~python:list`, optional coords : :class:`~python:list`, optional scaling_matrix : :class:`~python:int` or :class:`~python:list`, optional structure : :class:`Crystal3DStructure`, optional """ def __init__(self, *args, lattice=None, basis=None, coords=None, scaling_matrix=None, structure=None, **kwargs): if len(args) == 1 and basis is None: basis = args[0] if lattice is None and structure is None: lattice = self.get_lattice(basis=basis, **kwargs) super().__init__(lattice=lattice, basis=basis, coords=coords, scaling_matrix=scaling_matrix, structure=structure, **kwargs) @classmethod
[docs] def get_lattice(cls, name=None, basis=None, **kwargs): """Return hexagonal :class:`Crystal3DLattice`.""" a, c = [kwargs.pop(k, default) for k, default in zip(('a', 'c'), lattice_parameters['hexagonal'].get(name, (None, None)))] if a is None or c is None: if basis is None: raise ValueError('`basis` cannot be None.') elif isinstance(basis, (tuple, list)): if len(basis) != 1: raise ValueError('Expected a single element basis') else: basis = basis[0] if not isinstance(basis, str): raise ValueError('Expected `str` object for basis') if basis not in lattice_parameters['hexagonal']: raise ValueError('No lattice constants for ' 'given basis {}'.format(basis)) a, c = lattice_parameters['hexagonal'][basis] lattice = Crystal3DLattice.hexagonal(a, c) return lattice
[docs] def from_spacegroup(cls, *args, lattice=None, basis=None, coords=None, structure=None, **kwargs): """Return :class:`HexagonalStructure` from space group.""" if len(args) == 2 and basis is None: sg, basis = args if len(args) == 1: sg = args[0] if lattice is None and structure is None: lattice = HexagonalStructure.get_lattice(basis=basis, **kwargs) if coords is None: coords = [[0, 0, 0]] return super().from_spacegroup(sg, lattice=lattice, basis=basis, coords=coords, structure=structure)
[docs]class MoS2(HexagonalStructure): """Molybdenum disulphide structure class.""" def __init__(self, lattice=None, **kwargs): if lattice is None: lattice = self.get_lattice(name='MoS2', **kwargs) basis = ['Mo', 'S'] molybdenum_disulphide = \ pymatgen_structure(194, lattice.cell_matrix, basis, [[1/3, 2/3, 1/4], [1/3, 2/3, 0.621]], classmethod='from_spacegroup') molybdenum_disulphide = \ Crystal3DStructure.from_pymatgen_structure(molybdenum_disulphide) super().__init__(structure=molybdenum_disulphide, **kwargs)
[docs]class AlphaQuartz(HexagonalStructure): """Alpha quartz structure class.""" def __init__(self, lattice=None, **kwargs): if lattice is None: lattice = self.get_lattice(name='alpha_quartz', **kwargs) # basis = BasisAtoms(3 * ["Si"] + 6 * ["O"]) basis = 3 * ['Si'] + 6 * ['O'] coords = [[0.4697, 0.0000, 0.0000], [0.0000, 0.4697, 0.6667], [0.5305, 0.5303, 0.3333], [0.4133, 0.2672, 0.1188], [0.2672, 0.4133, 0.5479], [0.7328, 0.1461, 0.7855], [0.5867, 0.8539, 0.2145], [0.8539, 0.5867, 0.4521], [0.1461, 0.7328, 0.8812]] alpha_quartz = pymatgen_structure(lattice.cell_matrix, basis, coords) alpha_quartz = \ Crystal3DStructure.from_pymatgen_structure(alpha_quartz) # alpha_quartz = \ # HexagonalStructure.from_spacegroup(154, lattice, ["Si", "O"], # [[0.4697, 0.0000, 0.0000], # [0.4135, 0.2669, 0.1191]]) super().__init__(structure=alpha_quartz, **kwargs)
[docs]class BetaQuartz(HexagonalStructure): """Beta quartz structure class.""" def __init__(self, lattice=None, **kwargs): if lattice is None: lattice = self.get_lattice(name='beta_quartz', **kwargs) basis = ["Si", "O"] # basis = 3 * ['Si'] + 6 * ['O'] # basis = BasisAtoms(3 * ["Si"] + 6 * ["O"]) # coords = [[0.4697, 0.0000, 0.0000], # [0.0000, 0.4697, 0.6667], # [0.5305, 0.5303, 0.3333], # [0.4133, 0.2672, 0.1188], # [0.2672, 0.4133, 0.5479], # [0.7328, 0.1461, 0.7855], # [0.5867, 0.8539, 0.2145], # [0.8539, 0.5867, 0.4521], # [0.1461, 0.7328, 0.8812]] # beta_quartz = pymatgen_structure(lattice.cell_matrix, # basis.symbols, coords) # alpha_quartz = \ # Crystal3DStructure.from_pymatgen_structure(alpha_quartz) beta_quartz = pymatgen_structure(180, lattice.cell_matrix, basis, [[0.5000, 0.0000, 0.0000], [0.4147, 0.2078, 0.1667]], classmethod='from_spacegroup') beta_quartz = Crystal3DStructure.from_pymatgen_structure(beta_quartz) super().__init__(structure=beta_quartz, **kwargs)