Source code for sknano.core.atoms.atoms

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Base Atom classes (:mod:`sknano.core.atoms.atoms`)

.. currentmodule:: sknano.core.atoms.atoms

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

from import Iterable
from operator import attrgetter
import numbers
import re
# import warnings

import numpy as np

from sknano.core import BaseClass, UserList, TabulateMixin, dedupe
from sknano.core.math import convert_condition_str
from sknano.core.refdata import atomic_masses, atomic_mass_symbol_map, \
    atomic_numbers, atomic_number_symbol_map, element_symbols, element_names

__all__ = ['Atom', 'Atoms']

[docs]class Atom(BaseClass): """Base class for abstract representation of structure atom. Parameters ---------- element : {str, int}, optional A string representation of the element symbol or an integer specifying an element atomic number :math:`\\boldsymbol{Z}`. """ _fields = ['element', 'Z', 'mass'] def __init__(self, *args, element=None, mass=None, Z=None, parent=None, **kwargs): args = list(args) if 'm' in kwargs and mass is None: mass = kwargs['m'] del kwargs['m'] if element is None: if mass is not None or Z is not None: if Z is not None: args.append(Z) else: args.append(mass) if len(args) > 0: element = args.pop() super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.mass = mass self.element = element self.parent = parent self.fmtstr = "{element!r}, Z={Z!r}, mass={mass!r}" def _is_valid_operand(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) def __eq__(self, other): """Test equality of two `Atom` object instances.""" if not self._is_valid_operand(other): return NotImplemented return (self is other or (np.allclose([self.Z, self.mass], [other.Z, other.mass]) and self.element == other.element)) def __le__(self, other): if not self._is_valid_operand(other): return NotImplemented for attr in Atom._fields: if getattr(self, attr) > getattr(other, attr): return False return True def __lt__(self, other): """Test if `self` is *less than* `other`.""" if not self._is_valid_operand(other): return NotImplemented # if self.element == other.element == 'X' and \ # self.Z == other.Z == 0: # test = self.mass < other.mass # else: # test = self.Z < other.Z # return test and self.__le__(other) for attr in Atom._fields: if getattr(self, attr) >= getattr(other, attr): return False return True def __ge__(self, other): if not self._is_valid_operand(other): return NotImplemented for attr in Atom._fields: if getattr(self, attr) < getattr(other, attr): return False return True def __gt__(self, other): if not self._is_valid_operand(other): return NotImplemented # if self.element == other.element == 'X' and \ # self.Z == other.Z == 0: # test = self.mass > other.mass # else: # test = self.Z > other.Z # return test and self.__ge__(other) for attr in Atom._fields: if getattr(self, attr) <= getattr(other, attr): return False return True def __dir__(self): return ['element', 'Z', 'mass', 'parent'] @property def Z(self): """Atomic number :math:`Z`. Returns ------- int Atomic number :math:`Z`. """ return self._Z @Z.setter def Z(self, value): """Set atomic number :math:`Z`. Parameters ---------- value : int Atomic number :math:`Z`. """ if not (isinstance(value, numbers.Real) and int(value) > 0): raise ValueError('Expected a real, positive integer.') try: Z = int(value) idx = Z - 1 symbol = element_symbols[idx] mass = atomic_masses[symbol] except KeyError: print('unrecognized element number: {}'.format(value)) else: self._Z = atomic_numbers[symbol] self._mass = mass self._symbol = symbol @property def element(self): """Element symbol. Returns ------- str Symbol of chemical element. """ return self._symbol @element.setter def element(self, value): """Set element symbol.""" element_error_msg = 'unrecognized element value: {}'.format(value) symbol = None if isinstance(value, str) and re.match(r"[\W]+", value): raise ValueError(element_error_msg) if isinstance(value, numbers.Integral): try: Z = int(value) idx = Z - 1 symbol = element_symbols[idx] except IndexError: print(element_error_msg) if symbol is None: if isinstance(value, str): if value in element_symbols: symbol = value elif value.capitalize() in element_names: symbol = element_symbols[element_names.index(value)] elif isinstance(value, numbers.Number): if value in atomic_mass_symbol_map: symbol = atomic_mass_symbol_map[value] elif int(value / 2) in atomic_number_symbol_map: symbol = atomic_number_symbol_map[int(value / 2)] if symbol is None: symbol = 'X' try: self._Z = atomic_numbers[symbol] self._mass = atomic_masses[symbol] except KeyError: self._Z = 0 if self.mass is None: self._mass = 0 self._symbol = symbol @property def symbol(self): """Element symbol. Returns ------- str Element symbol. """ return self._symbol @property def mass(self): """Atomic mass :math:`m_a` in atomic mass units. Returns ------- float Atomic mass :math:`m_a` in atomic mass units. """ return self._mass @mass.setter def mass(self, value): self._mass = value @property def m(self): """An alias for :attr:`~Atom.mass`.""" return self.mass @m.setter def m(self, value): self.mass = value
[docs] def getattr(self, attr, default=None, recursive=False): """Get atom attribute named `attr`. Parameters ---------- attr : str Name of attribute default : :class:`~python:object`, optional recursive : :class:`~python:bool`, optional Returns ------- val : :class:`~python:object` """ if recursive: attr_list = attr.split('.') obj = self for attr in attr_list: obj = getattr(obj, attr, default) return obj else: return getattr(self, attr, default)
[docs] def rezero(self, *args, **kwargs): assert not hasattr(super(), 'rezero')
[docs] def reset_attrs(self, **kwargs): """Reset atom attributes.""" assert not hasattr(super(), 'reset_attrs')
[docs] def update_attrs(self, **kwargs): """Update atom attributes.""" assert not hasattr(super(), 'update_attrs')
[docs] def todict(self): """Return :class:`~python:dict` of `Atom` constructor parameters.""" return dict(element=self.element, mass=self.mass, Z=self.Z, parent=self.parent)
[docs]class Atoms(TabulateMixin, UserList): """Base class for collection of `Atom` objects. Parameters ---------- atoms : {None, sequence, `Atoms`}, optional if not `None`, then a list of `Atom` instance objects or an existing `Atoms` instance object. """ def __init__(self, atoms=None, update_item_class=True, **kwargs): verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False) if atoms is not None and \ (isinstance(atoms, str) or isinstance(atoms, Atom)): atoms = [atoms] # if update_item_class and not isinstance(atoms, type(self)) and \ # isinstance(atoms, list): if update_item_class and isinstance(atoms, Iterable) and \ len(atoms) > 0 and not \ isinstance(atoms[0], self.__atom_class__): atoms = atoms[:] for i, atom in enumerate(atoms): try: # atoms[i] = self.__atom_class__(**atom.todict()) atomdict = atom.todict() if verbose and i in list(range(len(atoms), 100)): print(type(atom)) print(atomdict) filtered_atomdict = \ {k: atomdict[k] for k in set(dir(atom)) & set(dir(self.__atom_class__()))} print('filtered_atomdict: {}'.format( filtered_atomdict)) atoms[i] = self.__atom_class__( **{k: atomdict[k] for k in set(dir(atom)) & set(dir(self.__atom_class__()))}) except AttributeError: atoms[i] = self.__atom_class__(atom) super().__init__(initlist=atoms, **kwargs) @property def __atom_class__(self): return Atom @property def __item_class__(self): return self.__atom_class__ def __str__(self): strrep = self._table_title_str() objstr = self._obj_mro_str() if items = ('Natoms', 'centroid', 'center_of_mass') values = [self.Natoms, self.centroid, self.center_of_mass] table = self._tabulate(list(zip(items, values))) strrep = '\n'.join((strrep, objstr, table)) return strrep def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented return (self is other or == def __lt__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented return < def __le__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented return <= def __ne__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented return != def __gt__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented return > def __ge__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented return >= def sort(self, key=attrgetter('element', 'Z', 'mass'), reverse=False): super().sort(key=key, reverse=reverse) @classmethod def _from_iterable(cls, it, **kwargs): return cls(atoms=it, update_item_class=False, **kwargs) def _is_valid_operand(self, other): return isinstance(other, (self.__class__, self.__atom_class__)) def __cast(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): if not isinstance(other, Iterable): other = [self.__cast_item(other)] other = self._from_iterable(other, **self.kwargs) return other def __cast_item(self, item): if not isinstance(item, self.__item_class__): try: itemdict = item.todict() item = self.__item_class__( **{k: itemdict[k] for k in set(dir(item)) & set(dir(self.__item_class__()))}) except AttributeError: item = self.__item_class__(item) return item def __setitem__(self, index, item): if not self._is_valid_operand(item): if isinstance(index, slice): item = self.__cast(item) else: # try: # # atomdict = item.todict() # # atomdict = super().__getitem__(index).todict() # if isinstance(item, str): # atomdict['element'] = item # elif isinstance(item, int): # atomdict['Z'] = item # elif isinstance(item, float): # atomdict['mass'] = item # else: # raise ValueError # item = self.__atom_class__(**atomdict) # except (IndexError, AttributeError, ValueError): # item = self.__atom_class__(item) item = self.__cast_item(item) super().__setitem__(index, item) def append(self, atom): if not self._is_valid_operand(atom): atom = self.__cast_item(atom) super().append(atom) def insert(self, i, atom): if not self._is_valid_operand(atom): atom = self.__cast_item(atom) super().insert(i, atom) def __add__(self, other): if not self._is_valid_operand(other): return NotImplemented atoms = + \ list(atom for atom in self.__cast(other) if atom not in self) return self._from_iterable(atoms, **self.kwargs) def __radd__(self, other): if not self._is_valid_operand(other): return NotImplemented other = self.__cast(other) atoms = + list(atom for atom in self if atom not in other) return self._from_iterable(atoms, **self.kwargs) def __iadd__(self, other): if not self._is_valid_operand(other): return NotImplemented += list(atom for atom in self.__cast(other) if atom not in self) return self def __sub__(self, other): if not self._is_valid_operand(other): return NotImplemented return self._from_iterable((atom for atom in self if atom not in self.__cast(other)), **self.kwargs) def __rsub__(self, other): if not self._is_valid_operand(other): return NotImplemented return self._from_iterable((atom for atom in self.__cast(other) if atom not in self), **self.kwargs) def __isub__(self, other): if not self._is_valid_operand(other): return NotImplemented -= list(atom for atom in self.__cast(other) if atom in self) return self def __and__(self, other): if not self._is_valid_operand(other): return NotImplemented return self._from_iterable((atom for atom in self.__cast(other) if atom in self), **self.kwargs) __rand__ = __and__ def __iand__(self, other): if not self._is_valid_operand(other): return NotImplemented -= list(atom for atom in self.__cast(other) if atom not in self) return self def __or__(self, other): if not self._is_valid_operand(other): return NotImplemented # atoms = + list(atom for atom in other if atom not in self) atoms = dedupe((atom for atoms in (self, self.__cast(other)) for atom in atoms), key=attrgetter('id')) return self._from_iterable(atoms, **self.kwargs) __ror__ = __or__ def __ior__(self, other): if not self._is_valid_operand(other): return NotImplemented += \ list(atom for atom in self.__cast(other) if atom not in self) return self def __xor__(self, other): if not self._is_valid_operand(other): return NotImplemented other = self.__cast(other) return (self - other) | (other - self) __rxor__ = __xor__ def __ixor__(self, other): if not self._is_valid_operand(other): return NotImplemented if other is self: self.clear() else: other = self.__cast(other) for atom in other: if atom in self: self.remove(atom) else: self.append(atom) return self @property def Natoms(self): """Number of atoms in `Atoms`.""" return len(self) @property def M(self): """Total mass of `Atoms`.""" # return math.fsum(self.masses) return self.masses.sum() @property def elements(self): """:class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` of :attr:`Atom.element`\ s.""" return np.asarray([atom.element for atom in self]) @property def masses(self): """:class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` of :attr:`Atom.mass`\ s.""" return np.asarray([atom.mass for atom in self]) @property def symbols(self): """:class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` of :attr:`Atom.symbol`\ s.""" return np.asarray([atom.symbol for atom in self]) def filter(self, condition, invert=False): """Filter `Atoms` by `condition`. .. versionchanged:: 0.3.11 Filters the list of `Atoms` **in-place**. Use :meth:`~Atoms.filtered` to generate a new filtered list of `Atoms`. Parameters ---------- condition : :class:`~python:str` or boolean array Boolean index array having same shape as the initial dimensions of the list of `Atoms` being indexed. invert : bool, optional If `True`, the boolean array `condition` is inverted element-wise. """ if isinstance(condition, str): condition = convert_condition_str(self, condition) if invert: condition = ~condition try: = np.asarray(self)[condition].tolist() except AttributeError: = np.asarray(self)[condition] def filtered(self, condition, invert=False): """Return new list of `Atoms` filtered by `condition`. .. versionadded:: 0.3.11 Parameters ---------- condition : array_like, bool Boolean index array having same shape as the initial dimensions of the list of `Atoms` being indexed. invert : bool, optional If `True`, the boolean array `condition` is inverted element-wise. Returns ------- filtered_atoms : `Atoms` If `invert` is `False`, return the elements where `condition` is `True`. If `invert` is `True`, return the elements where `~condition` (i.e., numpy.invert(condition)) is `True`. Examples -------- An example using the structure data of a 10 nm `(10, 0)` `SWCNT`: >>> from sknano.generators import SWNTGenerator >>> swnt = SWNTGenerator(10, 0, Lz=10, fix_Lz=True).atoms >>> # select 'left', 'middle', 'right' atoms >>> latoms = swnt.filtered(swnt.z <= 25) >>> matoms = swnt.filtered((swnt.z < 75) & (swnt.z > 25)) >>> ratoms = swnt.filtered(swnt.z >= 75) >>> from pprint import pprint >>> pprint([getattr(atoms, 'bounds') for atoms in ... (latoms, matoms, ratoms)]) [Cuboid(pmin=Point([-3.914435, -3.914435, 0.0]), \ pmax=Point([3.914435, 3.914435, 24.85])), Cuboid(pmin=Point([-3.914435, -3.914435, 25.56]), \ pmax=Point([3.914435, 3.914435, 74.55])), Cuboid(pmin=Point([-3.914435, -3.914435, 75.97]), \ pmax=Point([3.914435, 3.914435, 100.11]))] >>> latoms.Natoms + matoms.Natoms + ratoms.Natoms == swnt.Natoms True """ if isinstance(condition, str): condition = convert_condition_str(self, condition) if invert: condition = ~condition try: return self.__class__(atoms=np.asarray(self)[condition].tolist(), **self.kwargs) except AttributeError: return self.__class__(atoms=np.asarray(self)[condition], **self.kwargs) def select(self, selstr=None, selstrlist=None, verbose=False): """Return `Atom` or `Atoms` from selection command. Parameters ---------- selstr : :class:`~python:str`, optional optional if `selstrlist` is not `None` selstrlist : {`None`, :class:`~python:list`}, optional :class:`~python:list` of selection strings. Returns ------- :class:`~python:list` of `Atom` or `Atoms` objects if `selstrlist` is not `None` :class:`Atom` or :class:`Atoms` if `selstr` is not `None` """ from .selections import SelectionParser, SelectionException if selstrlist is not None: selections = [] for selstr in selstrlist: try: selections.append(, verbose=verbose)) except SelectionException as e: print(e) return selections elif selstr is not None: try: return SelectionParser(self, verbose=verbose).parse(selstr) except SelectionException as e: print(e) return None else: return self.__class__() def get_atoms(self, asarray=False, aslist=True): """Return `Atoms` either as list (default) or numpy array or self. Parameters ---------- asarray, aslist : :class:`~python:bool`, optional Default values: `asarray=False`, `aslist=True` Returns ------- :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` if `asarray` is `True` :class:`~python:list` if `asarray` is `False` and `aslist` is `True` :class:`Atoms` object if `asarray` and `aslist` are `False` """ if asarray: return np.asarray( elif aslist: return else: return self def getattr(self, attr, default=None, recursive=False): """Get :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` of atom attributes `attr`. Parameters ---------- attr : str Name of attribute to pass to `getattr` from each `Atom` in `Atoms`. default : :class:`~python:object`, optional recursive : :class:`~python:bool`, optional Returns ------- :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` """ if recursive: attr_values = [] attr_list = attr.split('.') for atom in self: obj = atom for attr in attr_list: obj = getattr(obj, attr, default) attr_values.append(obj) return np.asarray(attr_values) else: return np.asarray([getattr(atom, attr, default) for atom in self]) def mapatomattr(self, from_attr=None, to_attr=None, attrmap=None): """Set/update atom attribute from another atom attribute with dict. .. versionchanged:: 0.3.11 Made all arguments required keyword arguments and reversed the order of the former positional arguments `from_attr` and `to_attr` to be more natural and consistent with the key, value pairs in the `attrmap` dictionary. Parameters ---------- from_attr, to_attr : :class:`python:str` attrmap : :class:`python:dict` Examples -------- Suppose you have an `Atoms` instance named ``atoms`` that contains `Atom` instances of two atom types `1` and `2` and we want to set all `Atom`\ s with `type=1` to Nitrogen and all `Atom`\ s with `type=2` to Argon. In other words, we want to use the :attr:`~sknano.core.atoms.TypeAtom.type` attribute to set the :attr:`~Atom.element` attribute, which we do by passing a :class:`~python:dict` mapping each `type` to the respective element symbol. For example:: >>> atoms.mapatomattr('type', 'element', {1: 'N', 2: 'Ar'}) """ try: [setattr(atom, to_attr, attrmap[getattr(atom, from_attr)]) for atom in self if getattr(atom, from_attr) is not None] except (KeyError, TypeError) as e: print(e) def rezero(self, epsilon=1.0e-10): """Set values with absolute value less than `epsilon` to zero. Calls the `rezero` method on each `atom` in `self`. Parameters ---------- epsilon : :class:`~python:float` values with absolute value less than `epsilon` are set to zero. """ [atom.rezero(epsilon=epsilon) for atom in self] def reset_attrs(self, **kwargs): """Call corresponding `reset_attrs` method on each atom""" # [atom.reset_attrs(**kwargs) for atom in self] assert not hasattr(super(), 'reset_attrs') def update_attrs(self, **kwargs): """Call `update_attrs` method on each atom.""" # [atom.update_attrs() for atom in self] # if len(kwargs) != 0: # warnings.warn('`Atoms.update_attrs` received unused kwargs: \n' # '{}'.format(kwargs)) assert not hasattr(super(), 'update_attrs')