Source code for sknano.core.atoms.mixins.topology_base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Base topology classes (:mod:`sknano.core.atoms.mixins.topology_base`)

.. currentmodule:: sknano.core.atoms.mixins.topology_base

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

import numbers
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import Iterable, namedtuple
from functools import total_ordering
from operator import attrgetter

import numpy as np
# np.set_printoptions(edgeitems=20)
# np.set_printoptions(threshold=10000)
# import scipy as sp
from scipy import stats
# import pandas as pd

from sknano.core import BaseClass, UserList, TabulateMixin, rezero_array
from sknano.core.atoms import Atom, Atoms
# from sknano.core.math import vector as vec

__all__ = ['Topology', 'TopologyCollection', 'TopologyStats', 'check_operands',
           'AngularTopology', 'AngularTopologyCollection']

operand_error_msg = 'Expected an `iterable` object containing {}'
atoms_operand_error_msg = operand_error_msg.format('`Atom` objects')
ids_operand_error_msg = operand_error_msg.format('`ints`')
TopologyStats = namedtuple('TopologyStats', ('nobs', 'min', 'max', 'minmax',
                                             'mean', 'median', 'mode',
                                             'variance', 'std',
                                             'skewness', 'kurtosis'))

[docs]def check_operands(*atoms, size=None): """Check atom operands. Parameters ---------- *atoms : {:class:`~python:list`, :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atoms`} :class:`~python:list` of :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atom`\ s or an :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atoms` object. size : :class:`~python:int` Returns ------- :class:`~python:tuple` Raises ------ :class:`~python:TypeError` if `atoms` is not a list of :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atom` objects or an :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atoms` object. :class:`~python:ValueError` if len(atoms) != `size`. """ if size is None: raise ValueError('Expected `int` for size') if not isinstance(atoms, Iterable): raise TypeError(atoms_operand_error_msg) if len(atoms) == 1: if isinstance(atoms[0], Iterable): return check_operands(*atoms[0], size=size) else: atoms = atoms[0] if not isinstance(atoms, (Iterable, Atoms)) or not \ all([isinstance(atom, Atom) for atom in atoms]): raise TypeError(atoms_operand_error_msg) if len(atoms) != size: raise ValueError('Expected {} atoms'.format(size)) return atoms
[docs]class Topology(BaseClass, TabulateMixin, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atom` topology class. Parameters ---------- *atoms : {:class:`~python:list`, :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atoms`} :class:`~python:list` of :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atom`\ s or an :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atoms` object. size : :class:`~python:int` parent : Parent :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Molecule`, if any. id : :class:`~python:int` type : :class:`~python:int` check_operands : :class:`~python:bool`, optional Raises ------ :class:`~python:TypeError` if `atoms` is not a list of :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atom` objects or an :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atoms` object. :class:`~python:ValueError` if len(atoms) != `size`. """ def __init__(self, *atoms, size, id=0, type=0, parent=None, check_operands=True): if check_operands: if not isinstance(atoms, Iterable): raise TypeError(atoms_operand_error_msg) if len(atoms) == 1: atoms = atoms[0] if not isinstance(atoms, (Iterable, Atoms)) or not \ all([isinstance(atom, Atom) for atom in atoms]): raise TypeError(atoms_operand_error_msg) if len(atoms) != size: raise ValueError('Expected {} atoms'.format(size)) super().__init__() from .. import StructureAtoms self.atoms = StructureAtoms() self.atoms.extend(list(atoms)) self.check_operands = check_operands = id self.type = type self.parent = parent self.fmtstr = "id={id!r}, type={type!r}, parent={parent!r}" def _is_valid_operand(self, other): return isinstance(other, (numbers.Number, self.__class__)) def __eq__(self, other): if not self._is_valid_operand(other): return NotImplemented if np.isscalar(other): return np.allclose(self.measure, other) return self is other or self.atoms == other.atoms def __lt__(self, other): if not self._is_valid_operand(other): return NotImplemented if np.isscalar(other): return self.measure < other return self.atoms < other.atoms def __dir__(self): return ['atoms', 'measure', 'id', 'type', 'parent'] # def __iter__(self): # return iter(self.atoms) @property def atoms(self): """:class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atoms` in `TopologyCollection`.""" return self._atoms @atoms.setter def atoms(self, value): # TODO: This should perform some sort of type check as well as update # other attributes. self._atoms = value @property def atom_ids(self): """:attr:`Topology.atoms` :attr:`~sknano.core.atoms.IDAtoms.ids`.""" return tuple(self.atoms.ids) @property def centroid(self): """:attr:`~sknano.core.atoms.XYZAtoms.centroid` of \ :attr:`Topology.atoms`.""" return self.atoms.centroid @property def measure(self): """Measure of topology.""" try: return self._measure except AttributeError: self._update_measure() return self._measure @property def strain(self): """Strain in measure.""" try: return self._strain except AttributeError: return 0.0 @abstractmethod
[docs] def compute_measure(self): """Compute topological measure from :attr:`Topology.atoms`.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def compute_strain(self, m0): """Compute topological strain in :attr:`Topology.measure`. Parameters ---------- m0 : :class:`~python:float` Returns ------- :class:`~python:float` """ m = self.measure self._strain = (m0 - m) / m return self._strain
[docs] def rotate(self, **kwargs): """Rotate the `Topology` by rotating the \ :attr:`~Topology.atoms`.""" [atom.rotate(fix_anchor_point=True, **kwargs) for atom in self.atoms]
def _update_measure(self): self._measure = self.compute_measure()
[docs] def todict(self): """Return :class:`~python:dict` of constructor parameters.""" return dict(, type=self.type, parent=self.parent)
[docs]class TopologyCollection(TabulateMixin, UserList): """Base :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atoms` topology class. Parameters ---------- topolist : {None, sequence, `Topology`}, optional if not `None`, then a list of `Topology` objects parent : Parent :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Molecule`, if any. """ def __init__(self, topolist=None, parent=None): super().__init__(initlist=topolist) self.parent = parent self.fmtstr = super().fmtstr + ", parent={parent!r}" @property def __item_class__(self): return Topology def sort(self, key=attrgetter('measure'), reverse=False): super().sort(key=key, reverse=reverse) @property def Ntypes(self): """Number of unique :attr:`Topology.type`\ s.""" return len(set(self.types)) @property def parent(self): """Parent :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Molecule`, if any.""" return self._parent @parent.setter def parent(self, value): self._parent = self.kwargs['parent'] = value # @property # def atoms(self): # """`Atoms` :class:`python:set` in `TopologyCollection`.""" # atoms = [] # [atoms.extend(topology.atoms) for topology in self] # atoms = \ # list(dedupe(list(flatten([topology.atoms for topology in self])), # key=attrgetter('id'))) # return StructureAtoms(atoms) @property def measures(self): """:class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` of \ :attr:`~Topology.measure`\ s.""" try: return self._measures except AttributeError: self._update_measures() return self._measures @property def strains(self): """:class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` of \ :attr:`~Topology.strain`\ s.""" try: return self._strains except AttributeError: return np.zeros(len(self), dtype=float) @property def mean_measure(self): """Mean measure.""" if np.all(self.measures == np.inf): return np.inf if np.any(self.measures == np.inf): return, mask=self.measures == np.inf)) return np.mean(self.measures) @property def mean(self): """An alias for :attr:`TopologyCollection.mean_measure`.""" return self.mean_measure @property def atom_ids(self): """:class:`~python:list` of :attr:`~Topology.atom_ids`.""" # return np.asarray([topology.atom_ids for topology in self]) return [topology.atom_ids for topology in self] @property def ids(self): """:class:`~python:list` of :attr:``\ s.""" # return np.asarray([ for topology in self]) return [ for topology in self] @property def types(self): """:class:`~python:list` of :attr:`~Topology.type`\ s.""" # return np.asarray([topology.type for topology in self]) return [topology.type for topology in self] @property def unique(self): """Return new `TopologyCollection` object containing the set of \ unique `Topology`\ s.""" seen = set() unique = [] for topology in self: atom_ids = tuple(topology.atom_ids) ratom_ids = tuple(reversed(atom_ids)) if atom_ids not in seen and ratom_ids not in seen: unique.append(topology) seen.add(atom_ids) seen.add(ratom_ids) return self.__class__(topolist=unique, **self.kwargs) @property def statistics(self): """:class:`TopologyStats` of :attr:`TopologyCollection.measures` \ statistics.""" # measures = self.unique.measures measures = self.measures topostats = stats.describe(measures)._asdict() topostats['min'] = np.min(measures) topostats['max'] = np.max(measures) topostats['median'] = np.median(measures) topostats['mode'] = stats.mode(measures).mode[0] topostats['std'] = np.std(measures) return TopologyStats(**topostats) def compute_strains(self, reference): """Return :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` of topology measure strains. Parameters ---------- reference : :class:`~python:float` or array_like Reference/starting measure. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` """ if not (np.isscalar(reference) or isinstance(reference, (list, np.ndarray))): raise TypeError('Expected a `float` or `array_like` object.') if np.isscalar(reference): self._strains = \ np.asarray([topology.compute_strain(reference) for topology in self]) else: if len(reference) != len(self): raise ValueError('`reference` must be same length as ' 'topology list') self._strains = \ np.asarray([topology.compute_strain(ref) for topology, ref in zip(self, reference)]) return self._strains def _update_measures(self): [topology._update_measure() for topology in self] self._measures = \ rezero_array(np.asarray([topology.measure for topology in self])) def todict(self): """Return :class:`~python:dict` of constructor parameters.""" super_dict = super().todict() super_dict.update(dict(parent=self.parent)) return super_dict
[docs]class AngularTopology(Topology): """`Topology` sub-class for topology with angular measure. Parameters ---------- *atoms : {:class:`~python:list`, :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atoms`} :class:`~python:list` of :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atom`\ s or an :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atoms` object. check_operands : :class:`~python:bool`, optional parent : Parent :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Molecule`, if any. id : :class:`~python:int` degrees : :class:`~python:bool`, optional Raises ------ :class:`~python:TypeError` if `atoms` is not a list of :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atom` objects or an :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atoms` object. """ def __init__(self, *args, degrees=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.degrees = degrees self.fmtstr = super().fmtstr + ", degrees={degrees!r}" @property def angle(self): """An alias for :attr:`Topology.measure`.""" return self.measure
[docs] def todict(self): """Return :class:`~python:dict` of constructor parameters.""" super_dict = super().todict() super_dict.update(dict(degrees=self.degrees)) return super_dict
[docs]class AngularTopologyCollection(TopologyCollection): """`TopologyCollection` sub-class for collection of angular topologies. Parameters ---------- topolist : {None, sequence, `AngularTopology`}, optional if not `None`, then a list of `AngularTopology` objects parent : Parent :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Molecule`, if any. degrees : :class:`~python:bool`, optional """ def __init__(self, *args, degrees=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.degrees = degrees self.fmtstr = super().fmtstr + ", degrees={degrees!r}" @property def __item_class__(self): return AngularTopology @property def degrees(self): """:class:`~python:bool` setting for returning angles in degrees.""" return self._degrees @degrees.setter def degrees(self, value): if not isinstance(value, bool): raise ValueError('Expected a boolean value.') self._degrees = self.kwargs['degrees'] = value [setattr(topoobj, 'degrees', value) for topoobj in self] super()._update_measures() @property def angles(self): """:class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` of \ :attr:`~AngularTopology.angle`\ s.""" return self.measures @property def mean_angle(self): """Mean angle.""" return self.mean_measure def todict(self): """Return :class:`~python:dict` of constructor parameters.""" super_dict = super().todict() super_dict.update(dict(degrees=self.degrees)) return super_dict