Source code for sknano.core.atoms.trajectory

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Trajectory class for MD simulations (:mod:`sknano.core.atoms.trajectory`)

Classes for analyzing the atom trajectories of molecular dynamics simulations.

.. currentmodule:: sknano.core.atoms.trajectory

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

from operator import attrgetter

import numpy as np

from sknano.core import BaseClass, UserList, TabulateMixin
from sknano.core.crystallography import Domain
from .md_atoms import MDAtom as Atom, MDAtoms as Atoms

__all__ = ['Snapshot', 'Trajectory']

class AtomSelection:
    """:class:`Trajectory` atom selection class.

    traj : :class:`Trajectory`

    def __init__(self, traj):
        self.traj = traj

    def all(self, ts=None):
        """Select all atoms for all snapshots or snapshot at given timestep.

        ts : {None, int}, optional

        if ts is None:
            for snapshot in self.traj:
                if not snapshot.selected:
                for i in range(snapshot.Natoms):
                    snapshot.atom_selection[i] = True
                # snapshot.nselected = snapshot.Natoms
            snapshot = self.traj.get_snapshot(ts)
            for i in range(snapshot.Natoms):
                snapshot.atom_selection[i] = True
            # snapshot.nselected = snapshot.Natoms

    def update(self, atoms, ts=None):
        atom_ids = atoms.ids
        if ts is None:
            for ss in self.traj:
                if not ss.selected:
                aselection = ss.atom_selection
                id_idx = ss.atomattrs.index('id')
                for i, atom in enumerate(ss.get_atoms(asarray=True)):
                    if int(atom[id_idx]) in atom_ids:
                        aselection[i] = True
                        aselection[i] = False
            ss = self.traj.get_snapshot(ts)
            aselection = ss.atom_selection
            id_idx = ss.atomattrs.index('id')
            for i, atom in enumerate(ss.get_atoms(asarray=True)):
                if int(atom[id_idx]) in atom_ids:
                    aselection[i] = True
                    aselection[i] = False

class TimeSelection:
    """:class:`Trajectory` time selection class.

    traj : :class:`Trajectory`

    def __init__(self, traj):
        self.traj = traj

    def all(self, ts=None):
        """Select all trajectory snapshots/timesteps."""
        [setattr(snapshot, 'selected', True) for snapshot in self.traj]

    def one(self, ts):
        """Select only timestep `ts`."""
        [setattr(snapshot, 'selected', False) for snapshot in self.traj]
            self.traj.get_snapshot(ts).selected = True
        except AttributeError:

    def none(self):
        """Deselect all timesteps."""
        [setattr(snapshot, 'selected', False) for snapshot in self.traj]

    def skip(self, n):
        """Select every `n`\ th timestep from currently selected timesteps."""
        count = n - 1
        for ss in self.traj:
            if not ss.selected:
            count += 1
            if count == n:
                count = 0
            ss.selected = False

    def print_fraction_selected(self):
        print('{}/{} snapshots selected'.format(
            self.traj.nselected, self.traj.Nsnaps))

[docs]class Snapshot(TabulateMixin, BaseClass): """Container class for :class:`Trajectory` data at single timestep Parameters ---------- trajectory : :class:`Trajectory`, optional """ def __init__(self, trajectory=None): super().__init__() self.trajectory = trajectory self.timestep = None self.domain = Domain() self._atoms = None self._atoms_array = None self._formatter = None self.fmtstr = "trajectory={trajectory!r}" def __getattr__(self, name): try: return getattr(self.trajectory, name) except AttributeError: try: return getattr(self.formatter, name) except AttributeError: return super().__getattr__(name) def __str__(self): strrep = self._table_title_str() objstr = self._obj_mro_str() if self.trajectory is not None: items = ['timestep', 'Natoms'] values = [getattr(self, item) for item in items] table = self._tabulate(list(zip(items, values))) strrep = '\n'.join((strrep, objstr, table)) return strrep @property def formatter(self): """An instance of :class:``.""" return self._formatter @formatter.setter def formatter(self, value): self._formatter = value self.atomattrs = value.atomattrs self.atomattrmap = value.atomattrmap self.attr_dtypes = value.attr_dtypes @property def atoms(self): """Snapshot atoms.""" if self._atoms is None: self._update_atoms() return self.atoms else: return self._atoms.filtered(self.atom_selection) @atoms.setter def atoms(self, value): if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): self._atoms_array = value @property def atom_selection(self): """:class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` boolean array.""" return self._atom_selection @atom_selection.setter def atom_selection(self, value): if not isinstance(value, (list, np.ndarray)): raise ValueError('Expected an array_like object.') self._atom_selection = np.asarray(value, dtype=bool) @property def aselect(self): """Alias for :attr:`Snapshot.atom_selection`.""" return self.atom_selection @aselect.setter def aselect(self, value): self.atom_selection = value @property def selected(self): """True/False if this snapshot is selected.""" return self._selected @selected.setter def selected(self, value): self._selected = bool(value) @property def tselect(self): """Alias for :attr:`Snapshot.selected`.""" return self.selected @tselect.setter def tselect(self, value): self.selected = value @property def nselected(self): """Number of selected atoms in this snapshot.""" aselection = self.atom_selection return len(aselection[aselection]) @property def nselect(self): """Alias for :attr:`Snapshot.nselected`.""" return self.nselected
[docs] def get_atoms(self, asarray=False): """Get atoms. Parameters ---------- asarray : :class:`~python:bool` Returns ------- :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` or :class:`MDAtoms` if `asarray` is `True`, the atoms are returned as an :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray`, otherwise an :class:`MDAtoms` instance is returned. """ if asarray: return self._atoms_array return self.atoms
def _update_atoms(self): atoms = Atoms() traj = self.trajectory atomattrs = self.atomattrs atomattrmap = self.atomattrmap attr_dtypes = self.attr_dtypes id_idx = atomattrs.index('id') for atom in self._atoms_array: try: reference_atom = \ traj.reference_atoms.get_atom(int(atom[id_idx])) except AttributeError: reference_atom = None attrs = {attr: attr_dtypes[idx](atom[idx]) for idx, attr in enumerate(atomattrs)} atoms.append(Atom(reference_atom=reference_atom, **attrs)) if atomattrmap is not None: for (from_attr, to_attr), attrmap in atomattrmap.items(): atoms.mapatomattr(from_attr=from_attr, to_attr=to_attr, attrmap=attrmap) self._atoms = atoms
[docs] def todict(self): """Return :class:`~python:dict` of constructor parameters.""" return dict(trajectory=self.trajectory)
[docs]class Trajectory(TabulateMixin, UserList): """Base class for trajectory analysis. Parameters ---------- snapshots : :class:`~python:list`, optional """ def __init__(self, snapshots=None): super().__init__(initlist=snapshots) self.fmtstr = "snapshots={snapshots!r}" self.time_selection = TimeSelection(self) self.atom_selection = AtomSelection(self) self.reference_atoms = None self._reference_snapshot = None @property def __item_class__(self): return Snapshot def __str__(self): strrep = self._table_title_str() objstr = self._obj_mro_str() if items = ['Nsnaps', 'nselected', 'timesteps'] values = [self.Nsnaps, self.nselected, self.timesteps] table = self._tabulate(list(zip(items, values))) strrep = '\n'.join((strrep, objstr, table)) if self._reference_snapshot is not None: strrep = '\n'.join((strrep, str(self._reference_snapshot))) return strrep @property def Nsnaps(self): """Number of :class:`Snapshot`\ s in `Trajectory`.""" return len( @property def atom_selection(self): """:class:`AtomSelection` class.""" return self._atom_selection @atom_selection.setter def atom_selection(self, value): if not isinstance(value, AtomSelection): raise ValueError('Expected an `AtomSelection` instance.') self._atom_selection = value @property def time_selection(self): """:class:`TimeSelection` class.""" return self._time_selection @time_selection.setter def time_selection(self, value): if not isinstance(value, TimeSelection): raise ValueError('Expected a `TimeSelection instance.') self._time_selection = value @property def aselect(self): """Alias for :attr:`~Trajectory.atom_selection`.""" return self.atom_selection @aselect.setter def aselect(self, value): self.atom_selection = value @property def tselect(self): """Alias for :attr:`~Trajectory.time_selection`.""" return self.time_selection @tselect.setter def tselect(self, value): self.time_selection = value @property def nselected(self): """Number of selected snapshots.""" n = 0 for ss in self: if ss.selected: n += 1 return n @property def nselect(self): """Alias for :attr:`~Trajectory.nselected`.""" return self.nselected @property def snapshots(self): """Returns the list of :class:`Trajectory` :class:`Snapshot`\ s.""" return def sort(self, key=attrgetter('timestep'), reverse=False): """Sort the trajectory :class:`Snapshot`\ s.""" super().sort(key=key, reverse=reverse) def cull(self): """Remove duplicate timesteps from `Trajectory`.""" i = 1 while i < len( if[i].timestep ==[i-1].timestep: del[i] else: i += 1 def get_snapshot(self, ts): """Return :class:`Snapshot` with timestep `ts`.""" for snapshot in self: if snapshot.timestep == ts: return snapshot print("No snapshot at ts={:d} exists".format(ts)) return None def timestep_index(self, ts): """Return index of :class:`Snapshot` with timestep `ts`.""" try: return self.timesteps.index(ts) except ValueError: print("No timestep {:d} exists".format(ts)) return None @property def reference_snapshot(self): """Reference snapshot for computing changes in atom trajectories.""" return self._reference_snapshot @reference_snapshot.setter def reference_snapshot(self, value): if not isinstance(value, Snapshot): raise TypeError('Expected a `Snapshot` instance.') self._reference_snapshot = value self.reference_atoms = self.reference_snapshot.atoms self.reference_atoms.update_attrs() @property def timesteps(self): """List of selected :class:`Trajectory` :class:`Snapshot` \ :attr:`~Snapshot.timestep`\ s.""" v = np.zeros(self.nselected, dtype=int) for i, snapshot in enumerate( if snapshot.selected: v[i] = snapshot.timestep return v.tolist() def todict(self): """Return :class:`~python:dict` of constructor parameters.""" return dict(