Source code for sknano.core.crystallography.xtal_cells

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Crystal cell classes (:mod:`sknano.core.crystallography.xtal_cells`)

.. currentmodule:: sknano.core.crystallography.xtal_cells

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, \
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

from functools import total_ordering
# import copy
import numbers

import numpy as np

from sknano.core import BaseClass, TabulateMixin
from sknano.core.atoms import BasisAtom, BasisAtoms
from .extras import supercell_lattice_points

__all__ = ['CrystalCell', 'UnitCell', 'SuperCell']

[docs]class UnitCell(BaseClass, TabulateMixin): """Base class for abstract representations of crystallographic unit cells. Parameters ---------- lattice : :class:`~sknano.core.crystallography.LatticeBase` sub-class basis : {:class:`~python:list`, :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.BasisAtoms`} coords : {:class:`~python:list`}, optional cartesian : {:class:`~python:bool`}, optional wrap_coords : {:class:`~python:bool`}, optional """ def __init__(self, lattice=None, basis=None, coords=None, cartesian=False, wrap_coords=False): super().__init__() if basis is None: basis = BasisAtoms() else: basis = BasisAtoms(basis) if lattice is not None: basis.lattice = lattice if coords is not None and len(basis) == len(coords): for atom, pos in zip(basis, coords): atom.lattice = lattice if not cartesian: = pos else: = lattice.cartesian_to_fractional(pos) self.lattice = lattice self.basis = basis self.wrap_coords = wrap_coords self.fmtstr = "{lattice!r}, {basis!r}, {coords!r}, " + \ "cartesian=False, wrap_coords={wrap_coords!r}" def __str__(self): strrep = self._table_title_str() objstr = self._obj_mro_str() lattice = self.lattice if lattice is not None: title = '.'.join((objstr, lattice.__class__.__qualname__)) strrep = '\n'.join((strrep, title, str(lattice))) basis = self.basis if title = '.'.join((objstr, basis.__class__.__qualname__)) strrep = '\n'.join((strrep, title, str(basis))) return strrep def __dir__(self): return ['lattice', 'basis'] def __eq__(self, other): return self is other or \ all([(getattr(self, attr) == getattr(other, attr)) for attr in dir(self)]) def __lt__(self, other): return (self.lattice < other.lattice and self.basis <= other.basis) \ or (self.lattice <= other.lattice and self.basis < other.basis) def __getattr__(self, name): try: return getattr(self.lattice, name) except AttributeError: try: return getattr(self.basis, name) except AttributeError: return super().__getattr__(name) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.basis) # @property # def basis(self): # return self._basis # @basis.setter # def basis(self, value): # lattice = self.lattice # coords = self.coords # if value is None: # value = BasisAtoms() # elif value is not None: # value = BasisAtoms(value, lattice=lattice) # if coords is not None: # for atom, pos in zip(basis, coords): # atom.lattice = lattice # if not cartesian: # = pos # else: # = lattice.cartesian_to_fractional(pos)
[docs] def rotate(self, **kwargs): """Rotate unit cell lattice vectors and basis.""" if kwargs.get('anchor_point', None) is None: kwargs['anchor_point'] = self.lattice.offset self.lattice.rotate(**kwargs) self.basis.rotate(**kwargs)
[docs] def translate(self, t, fix_anchor_points=True): """Translate unit cell basis.""" self.lattice.translate(t) self.basis.translate(t, fix_anchor_points=fix_anchor_points)
[docs] def todict(self): """Return `dict` of :class:`UnitCell` parameters.""" return dict(lattice=self.lattice, basis=self.basis.symbols.tolist(),, wrap_coords=self.wrap_coords)
[docs]class CrystalCell(BaseClass, TabulateMixin): """Class representation of crystal structure cell. Parameters ---------- lattice : :class:`~sknano.core.crystallography.LatticeBase` sub-class basis : {:class:`~python:list`, :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.BasisAtoms`} coords : {:class:`~python:list`}, optional cartesian : {:class:`~python:bool`}, optional wrap_coords : {:class:`~python:bool`}, optional unit_cell : :class:`~sknano.core.crystallography.UnitCell` scaling_matrix : {:class:`~python:int`, :class:`~python:list`} """ def __init__(self, lattice=None, basis=None, coords=None, cartesian=False, wrap_coords=False, unit_cell=None, scaling_matrix=None): super().__init__() if unit_cell is None and basis is not None: basis = BasisAtoms(basis) if lattice is not None: basis.lattice = lattice if coords is not None and len(basis) == len(coords): for atom, pos in zip(basis, coords): atom.lattice = lattice if not cartesian: = pos else: = lattice.cartesian_to_fractional(pos) # if basis is None: # basis = BasisAtoms() # These attributes may be reset in the `@scaling_matrix.setter` # method and so they need to be initialized *before* setting # `self.scaling_matrix`. self.basis = basis self.lattice = lattice self.unit_cell = unit_cell self.wrap_coords = wrap_coords self.scaling_matrix = scaling_matrix self.fmtstr = \ "lattice={lattice!r}, basis={basis!r}, coords={coords!r}, " + \ "cartesian=False, wrap_coords={wrap_coords!r}, " + \ "unit_cell={unit_cell!r}, scaling_matrix={scaling_matrix!r}" def __dir__(self): return ['lattice', 'basis', 'unit_cell', 'scaling_matrix'] def __str__(self): strrep = self._table_title_str() objstr = self._obj_mro_str() lattice = self.lattice unit_cell = self.unit_cell if lattice is not None: title = '.'.join((objstr, lattice.__class__.__qualname__)) strrep = '\n'.join((strrep, title, str(lattice))) if unit_cell is not None: title = '.'.join((objstr, unit_cell.__class__.__qualname__)) strrep = '\n'.join((strrep, title, str(unit_cell))) basis = self.basis if isinstance(basis, BasisAtoms) and title = '.'.join((objstr, basis.__class__.__qualname__)) strrep = '\n'.join((strrep, title, str(basis))) return strrep def __eq__(self, other): if all([attr is not None for attr in (self.scaling_matrix, self.unit_cell, other.scaling_matrix, other.unit_cell)]) and \ self.scaling_matrix.shape == other.scaling_matrix.shape: return self is other or \ (self.unit_cell == other.unit_cell and np.allclose(self.scaling_matrix, other.scaling_matrix)) elif all([cell is not None for cell in (self.unit_cell, other.unit_cell)]): return self is other or \ (self.unit_cell == other.unit_cell and all([mat is None for mat in (self.scaling_matrix, other.scaling_matrix)])) def __lt__(self, other): return (self.unit_cell < other.unit_cell and self.scaling_matrix <= other.scaling_matrix) \ or (self.unit_cell <= other.unit_cell and self.scaling_matrix < other.scaling_matrix) def __iter__(self): """Return iterator over the :attr:`CrystalCell.basis`.""" return iter(self.basis) def __getattr__(self, name): if name != 'lattice' and self.lattice is not None: try: return getattr(self.lattice, name) except AttributeError: pass if name != 'basis' and self.basis is not None and len(self.basis) != 0: try: return getattr(self.basis, name) except AttributeError: pass try: return getattr(self.unit_cell, name) except AttributeError: return super().__getattr__(name) @property def basis(self): """:class:`~sknano.core.atoms.BasisAtoms`.""" return self._basis @basis.setter def basis(self, value): self._basis = value # if self.unit_cell is not None: # self.unit_cell.basis[:] = \ # self.basis[:self.unit_cell.basis.Natoms] @property def lattice(self): """:class:`~sknano.core.crystallography.CrystalLattice`.""" return self._lattice @lattice.setter def lattice(self, value): self._lattice = value if self.basis is not None: self.basis.lattice = self.lattice @property def unit_cell(self): """:class:`UnitCell`.""" return self._unit_cell @unit_cell.setter def unit_cell(self, value): if value is not None and not isinstance(value, UnitCell): raise ValueError('Expected a `UnitCell` object') self._unit_cell = value if value is not None: if self.lattice is None: self._lattice = self.unit_cell.lattice if self.basis is None or self.basis.Natoms == 0: self._basis = self.unit_cell.basis @property def scaling_matrix(self): """Scaling matrix.""" return self._scaling_matrix @scaling_matrix.setter def scaling_matrix(self, value): if value is None: self._scaling_matrix = np.asmatrix(np.ones(3, dtype=int)) return if not isinstance(value, (int, float, tuple, list, np.ndarray)): return if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and \ ((value.shape == np.ones(3).shape and np.allclose(value, np.ones(3))) or (value.shape == np.eye(3).shape and np.allclose(value, np.eye(3)))): self._scaling_matrix = np.asmatrix(value) return if isinstance(value, numbers.Number): value = self.lattice.nd * [int(value)] scaling_matrix = np.asmatrix(value, dtype=int) # scaling_matrix = np.asmatrix(value) if scaling_matrix.shape != self.lattice.matrix.shape: scaling_matrix = np.diagflat(scaling_matrix) self._scaling_matrix = scaling_matrix self.lattice = self.lattice.__class__( cell_matrix=self.scaling_matrix * self.lattice.matrix) tvecs = \ np.asarray( np.asmatrix(supercell_lattice_points(self.scaling_matrix)) * self.lattice.matrix) basis = self.basis[:] self.basis = BasisAtoms() for atom in basis: for tvec in tvecs: xs, ys, zs = \ self.lattice.cartesian_to_fractional(atom.r + tvec) if self.wrap_coords: xs, ys, zs = \ self.lattice.wrap_fractional_coordinate( [xs, ys, zs]) self.basis.append(BasisAtom(atom.element, lattice=self.lattice, xs=xs, ys=ys, zs=zs))
[docs] def rotate(self, **kwargs): """Rotate crystal cell lattice, basis, and unit cell.""" if kwargs.get('anchor_point', None) is None: kwargs['anchor_point'] = self.lattice.offset if self.lattice is not None: self.lattice.rotate(**kwargs) if self.basis is not None: self.basis.rotate(**kwargs) self.unit_cell.rotate(**kwargs)
[docs] def translate(self, t, fix_anchor_points=True): """Translate crystal cell basis.""" if self.lattice is not None: self.lattice.translate(t) if self.basis is not None: self.basis.translate(t, fix_anchor_points=fix_anchor_points) self.unit_cell.translate(t, fix_anchor_points=fix_anchor_points)
[docs] def update_basis(self, element, index=None, step=None): """Update a crystal cell basis element.""" if index is None: [self.unit_cell.basis.__setitem__(i, element) for i in range(len(self.unit_cell.basis))] [self.basis.__setitem__(i, element) for i in range(len(self.basis))] elif isinstance(index, int): if step is None: step = self.unit_cell.basis.Natoms [self.unit_cell.basis.__setitem__(i, element) for i in range(index, len(self.unit_cell.basis), step)] [self.basis.__setitem__(i, element) for i in range(index, len(self.basis), step)] elif isinstance(index, (list, np.ndarray)): [self.unit_cell.basis.__setitem__(i, element) for i in index] [self.basis.__setitem__(i, element) for i in index]
[docs] def todict(self): """:class:`~python:dict` of :class:`CrystalCell` parameters.""" try: return dict(lattice=self.lattice, basis=self.basis.symbols.tolist(),, wrap_coords=self.wrap_coords, unit_cell=self.unit_cell, scaling_matrix=self.scaling_matrix.tolist()) except AttributeError: return dict(lattice=self.lattice, basis=None, coords=None, wrap_coords=self.wrap_coords, unit_cell=self.unit_cell, scaling_matrix=self.scaling_matrix.tolist())
[docs]class SuperCell(CrystalCell): """Class representation of crystal structure supercell. Parameters ---------- unit_cell : :class:`~sknano.core.crystallography.UnitCell` scaling_matrix : {:class:`~python:int`, :class:`~python:list`} """ def __init__(self, unit_cell, scaling_matrix, wrap_coords=False): if not isinstance(unit_cell, UnitCell): raise ValueError('Expected a `UnitCell` for `unit_cell`.') if not isinstance(scaling_matrix, (int, float, tuple, list, np.ndarray)): raise ValueError('Expected an `int` or `array_like` object of\n' 'integers for `scaling_matrix`') super().__init__(unit_cell=unit_cell, scaling_matrix=scaling_matrix, wrap_coords=wrap_coords)