Source code for sknano.core.structures.graphene

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Graphene structure class (:mod:`sknano.core.structures.graphene`)

.. currentmodule:: sknano.core.structures.graphene

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

# import itertools
import numbers

import numpy as np

# from sknano.core.atoms import Atom
from sknano.core.crystallography import Crystal3DLattice, UnitCell
from sknano.core.math import Vector, vector as vec
from sknano.core.refdata import aCC  # , grams_per_Da
from .base import NanoStructureBase, r_CC_vdw

__all__ = ['GraphenePrimitiveCell', 'GrapheneConventionalCell',
           'GrapheneMixin', 'Graphene', 'GrapheneBase',
           'PrimitiveCellGraphene', 'HexagonalGraphene',
           'HexagonalCellGraphene', 'ConventionalCellGraphene',
           'RectangularGraphene', 'RectangularCellGraphene',

[docs]class GraphenePrimitiveCell(UnitCell): """Primitive graphene unit cell with 2 atom basis. Parameters ---------- bond : :class:`~python:float`, optional a : :class:`~python:float`, optional gamma : {60, 120}, optional basis : {:class:`~python:list`, :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.BasisAtoms`}, \ optional coords : {:class:`~python:list`}, optional cartesian : {:class:`~python:bool`}, optional """ def __init__(self, bond=aCC, a=np.sqrt(3) * aCC, c=2 * r_CC_vdw, gamma=60, basis=['C', 'C'], coords=[[0, 0, r_CC_vdw], [aCC, 0, r_CC_vdw]], cartesian=True): lattice = Crystal3DLattice(a=a, b=a, c=c, alpha=90., beta=90., gamma=gamma) lattice.rotate(angle=-np.pi / 6, axis='z') super().__init__(lattice, basis, coords, cartesian)
[docs]class GrapheneConventionalCell(UnitCell): """Conventional (rectangular) graphene unit cell with 4 atom basis. Parameters ---------- bond : :class:`~python:float`, optional a, b : :class:`~python:float`, optional basis : {:class:`~python:list`, :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.BasisAtoms`}, \ optional coords : {:class:`~python:list`}, optional cartesian : {:class:`~python:bool`}, optional """ def __init__(self, bond=aCC, a=3 * aCC, b=np.sqrt(3) * aCC, c=2 * r_CC_vdw, basis=4 * ['C'], coords=[[0, 0, r_CC_vdw], [aCC, 0, r_CC_vdw], [3 / 2 * aCC, np.sqrt(3) / 2 * aCC, r_CC_vdw], [5 / 2 * aCC, np.sqrt(3) / 2 * aCC, r_CC_vdw]], cartesian=True): lattice = Crystal3DLattice.orthorhombic(a, b, c) super().__init__(lattice, basis, coords, cartesian)
[docs]class GrapheneMixin: """Mixin class for graphene structure classes.""" @property def n1(self): """Number of unit cells along :attr:`Crystal3DLattice.a1`.""" try: return self._n1 except AttributeError: return int(np.ceil(self.l1 / self.unit_cell.a1.length)) @n1.setter def n1(self, value): self._n1 = int(value) @property def n2(self): """Number of unit cells along :attr:`Crystal3DLattice.a2`.""" try: return self._n2 except AttributeError: return int(np.ceil(self.l2 / self.unit_cell.a2.length)) @n2.setter def n2(self, value): self._n2 = int(value) @property def r1(self): """Vector :attr:`GrapheneMixin.n1` :math:`\\times` \ :attr:`Crystal3DLattice.a1`.""" return self.n1 * self.unit_cell.a1 @property def r2(self): """Vector :attr:`GrapheneMixin.n2` :math:`\\times` \ :attr:`Crystal3DLattice.a2`.""" return self.n2 * self.unit_cell.a2 @property def area(self): """Total area of graphene supercell.""" r1 = self.r1 r2 = self.r2 a = r1.norm * r2.norm * np.sin(vec.angle(r1, r2)) return a @property def N(self): """Number of graphene unit cells. .. math:: N = \\frac{A_{\\mathrm{sheet}}}{A_{\\mathrm{cell}}} """ unit_cell = self.unit_cell a1 = unit_cell.a1 a2 = unit_cell.a2 unit_cell_area = a1.norm * a2.norm * np.sin(vec.angle(a1, a2)) return int(self.area / unit_cell_area) @property def Natoms(self): """Total number of atoms.""" return self.nlayers * self.Natoms_per_layer @property def Natoms_per_layer(self): """Number of atoms per layer.""" return self.N * self.Natoms_per_unit_cell @property def Natoms_per_unit_cell(self): """Number of atoms per unit cell.""" return self.unit_cell.basis.Natoms
[docs]class GrapheneBase(GrapheneMixin, NanoStructureBase): """Graphene base structure class. .. versionadded:: 0.3.11 Parameters ---------- basis : {:class:`python:list`}, optional List of :class:`python:str`\ s of element symbols or atomic number of the two atom basis (default: ['C', 'C']) bond : float, optional :math:`\\mathrm{a}_{\\mathrm{CC}} =` distance between nearest neighbor atoms. Must be in units of **Angstroms**. nlayers : int, optional Number of graphene layers (default: 1) layer_spacing : float, optional Distance between layers in **Angstroms** (default: 3.4). stacking_order : {'AA', 'AB'}, optional Stacking order of graphene layers. layer_rotation_angles : list, optional list of rotation angles for each layer in **degrees** if `degrees` is `True` (default), otherwise in radians. The list length must equal the number of layers. layer_rotation_increment : float, optional incremental layer rotation angle in **degrees** if `degrees` is `True` (default), otherwise in radians. Each subsequent layer will be rotated by `layer_rotation_increment` relative to the layer below it. verbose : bool, optional verbose output """ def __init__(self, nlayers=1, layer_spacing=2 * r_CC_vdw, layer_rotation_angles=None, layer_rotation_increment=None, stacking_order='AB', degrees=True, **kwargs): degrees = kwargs.pop('deg2rad', degrees) layer_rotation_angles = kwargs.pop('layer_rotation_angle', layer_rotation_angles) super().__init__(**kwargs) self.layers = [] self.nlayers = nlayers self.layer_spacing = layer_spacing if layer_rotation_increment is not None and \ layer_rotation_angles is None: layer_rotation_angles = layer_rotation_increment * \ np.arange(self.nlayers) elif isinstance(layer_rotation_angles, numbers.Number): layer_rotation_angles = layer_rotation_angles * \ np.ones(self.nlayers) elif layer_rotation_angles is None or \ isinstance(layer_rotation_angles, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)) \ and len(layer_rotation_angles) != self.nlayers: layer_rotation_angles = np.zeros(self.nlayers) degrees = False if degrees: layer_rotation_angles = \ np.radians(np.asarray(layer_rotation_angles)).tolist() self.layer_rotation_angles = \ np.asarray(layer_rotation_angles).tolist() self.layer_shift = Vector() self.stacking_order = stacking_order if nlayers > 1 and stacking_order == 'AB': self.layer_shift.x = self.fmtstr = \ ", ".join((super().fmtstr, 'nlayers={nlayers!r}', 'layer_spacing={layer_spacing!r}', 'layer_rotation_angles={layer_rotation_angles!r}', 'stacking_order={stacking_order!r}')) def __str__(self): strrep = super().__str__() strrep += '\n' strrep += 'area: {:.2f} \u212b^2\n'.format(self.area) strrep += 'N atoms/unit cell: {:d}\n'.format(self.Natoms_per_unit_cell) strrep += 'N unit cells: {:d}\n'.format(self.N) strrep += 'N atoms/layer: {:d}\n'.format(self.Natoms_per_layer) strrep += 'N layers: {:d}\n'.format(self.nlayers) return strrep
[docs] def todict(self): """Return :class:`~python:dict` of constructor parameters.""" attr_dict = super().todict() attr_dict.update(dict(nlayers=self.nlayers, layer_spacing=self.layer_spacing, layer_rotation_angles=self.layer_rotation_angles, stacking_order=self.stacking_order)) return attr_dict
[docs]class PrimitiveCellGraphene(GrapheneBase): """Graphene structure class built from a primitive unit cell. .. versionadded:: 0.3.11 Parameters ---------- edge_length : float, optional length of graphene edges in **Angstroms**. .. versionchanged:: 0.4.0 Changed units from nanometers to **Angstroms** basis : {:class:`python:list`}, optional List of :class:`python:str`\ s of element symbols or atomic number of the two atom basis (default: ['C', 'C']) bond : float, optional :math:`\\mathrm{a}_{\\mathrm{CC}} =` distance between nearest neighbor atoms. Must be in units of **Angstroms**. nlayers : int, optional Number of graphene layers (default: 1) layer_spacing : float, optional Distance between layers in **Angstroms** (default: 3.4). stacking_order : {'AA', 'AB'}, optional Stacking order of graphene layers. layer_rotation_angles : list, optional list of rotation angles for each layer in **degrees** if `degrees` is `True` (default), otherwise in radians. The list length must equal the number of layers. layer_rotation_increment : float, optional incremental layer rotation angle in **degrees** if `degrees` is `True` (default), otherwise in radians. Each subsequent layer will be rotated by `layer_rotation_increment` relative to the layer below it. verbose : bool, optional verbose output """ def __init__(self, edge_length=None, ncells=None, **kwargs): self.l1 = self.l2 = self.edge_length = edge_length super().__init__(**kwargs) self.unit_cell = \ GraphenePrimitiveCell(, basis=self.basis) self.scaling_matrix = [self.n1, self.n2, self.nlayers] self.fmtstr = ', '.join((super().fmtstr, 'edge_length={edge_length!r}'))
[docs] def todict(self): """Return :class:`~python:dict` of constructor parameters.""" attr_dict = super().todict() attr_dict.update(dict(edge_length=self.edge_length)) return attr_dict
HexagonalGraphene = HexagonalCellGraphene = PrimitiveCellGraphene
[docs]class ConventionalCellGraphene(GrapheneBase): """Graphene structure class built from a conventional unit cell. .. versionadded:: 0.3.11 Parameters ---------- armchair_edge_length : float, optional Length of armchair edge in **Angstroms** .. versionchanged:: 0.4.0 Changed units from nanometers to **Angstroms** zigzag_edge_length : float, optional Length of zigzag edge in **Angstroms** .. versionchanged:: 0.4.0 Changed units from nanometers to **Angstroms** basis : {:class:`python:list`}, optional List of :class:`python:str`\ s of element symbols or atomic number of the two atom basis (default: ['C', 'C']) bond : float, optional :math:`\\mathrm{a}_{\\mathrm{CC}} =` distance between nearest neighbor atoms. Must be in units of **Angstroms**. nlayers : int, optional Number of graphene layers (default: 1) layer_spacing : float, optional Distance between layers in **Angstroms** (default: 3.4). stacking_order : {'AA', 'AB'}, optional Stacking order of graphene layers. layer_rotation_angles : list, optional list of rotation angles for each layer in **degrees** if `degrees` is `True` (default), otherwise in radians. The list length must equal the number of layers. layer_rotation_increment : float, optional incremental layer rotation angle in **degrees** if `degrees` is `True` (default), otherwise in radians. Each subsequent layer will be rotated by `layer_rotation_increment` relative to the layer below it. verbose : bool, optional verbose output """ def __init__(self, l1=None, l2=None, n1=None, n2=None, **kwargs): self.l1 = self.armchair_edge_length = \ kwargs.pop('armchair_edge_length', kwargs.pop('length', l1)) self.l2 = self.zigzag_edge_length = \ kwargs.pop('zigzag_edge_length', kwargs.pop('width', l2)) super().__init__(**kwargs) self.unit_cell = GrapheneConventionalCell(, basis=2 * self.basis) self.scaling_matrix = [self.n1, self.n2, self.nlayers] self.fmtstr = ', '.join((super().fmtstr, 'l1={l1!r}', 'l2={l2!r}', 'n1={n1!r}', 'n2={n2!r}'))
[docs] def todict(self): """Return :class:`~python:dict` of constructor parameters.""" attr_dict = super().todict() attr_dict.update(dict(l1=self.l1, l2=self.l2, n1=self.n1, n2=self.n2)) return attr_dict
RectangularGraphene = RectangularCellGraphene = ConventionalCellGraphene
[docs]class GrapheneNanoribbon(ConventionalCellGraphene): """Graphene nanoribbon structure class. .. versionadded:: 0.3.11 """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(nlayers=1, **kwargs)
[docs]class Graphene(ConventionalCellGraphene): """Graphene structure class. .. versionchanged:: 0.3.11 `Graphene` is now a sub-class of the `ConventionalCellGraphene` class to maintain backwards compatibility and also includes 2 new classmethods: :meth:`~Graphene.from_primitive_cell` and :meth:`~Graphene.from_conventional_cell`. Parameters ---------- armchair_edge_length : float, optional Length of armchair edge in **Angstroms** .. versionadded:: 0.3.10 .. versionchanged:: 0.4.0 Changed units from nanometers to **Angstroms** zigzag_edge_length : float, optional Length of zigzag edge in **Angstroms** .. versionadded:: 0.3.10 .. versionchanged:: 0.4.0 Changed units from nanometers to **Angstroms** length : float, optional Length of armchair edge in **Angstroms** .. deprecated:: 0.3.10 Use `armchair_edge_length` instead width : float, optional Width of graphene sheet in **Angstroms** .. deprecated:: 0.3.10 Use `zigzag_edge_length` instead edge : {'AC', 'armchair', 'ZZ', 'zigzag'}, optional **A**\ rm\ **C**\ hair or **Z**\ ig\ **Z**\ ag edge along the `length` of the sheet. .. deprecated:: 0.3.10 No longer used! basis : {:class:`python:list`}, optional List of :class:`python:str`\ s of element symbols or atomic number of the two atom basis (default: ['C', 'C']) .. versionadded:: 0.3.10 element1, element2 : {str, int}, optional Element symbol or atomic number of basis :class:`~sknano.core.Atom` 1 and 2 .. deprecated:: 0.3.10 Use `basis` instead bond : float, optional :math:`\\mathrm{a}_{\\mathrm{CC}} =` distance between nearest neighbor atoms. Must be in units of **Angstroms**. nlayers : int, optional Number of graphene layers (default: 1) layer_spacing : float, optional Distance between layers in **Angstroms** (default: 3.4). stacking_order : {'AA', 'AB'}, optional Stacking order of graphene layers. layer_rotation_angles : list, optional list of rotation angles for each layer in **degrees** if `degrees` is `True` (default), otherwise in radians. The list length must equal the number of layers. layer_rotation_increment : float, optional incremental layer rotation angle in **degrees** if `degrees` is `True` (default), otherwise in radians. Each subsequent layer will be rotated by `layer_rotation_increment` relative to the layer below it. verbose : bool, optional verbose output """ @classmethod
[docs] def from_primitive_cell(cls, **kwargs): """See the `PrimitiveCellGraphene` structure class documentation.""" return PrimitiveCellGraphene(**kwargs)
[docs] def from_conventional_cell(cls, **kwargs): """See the `ConventionalCellGraphene` structure class documentation.""" return ConventionalCellGraphene(**kwargs)