# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
MWNT structure class (:mod:`sknano.core.structures.mwnt`)
.. currentmodule:: sknano.core.structures.mwnt
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, \
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
import numpy as np
from sknano.core.atoms import BasisAtoms
# from sknano.core.crystallography import UnitCell
from sknano.core.refdata import element_data
from .base import NanoStructureBase, r_CC_vdw
from .nanotube_bundle import NanotubeBundleBase
from .swnt import SWNT, NanotubeUnitCell, compute_dt # , compute_T
from .extras import generate_Ch_list, get_chiral_type
__all__ = ['MWNTMixin', 'MWNTBase', 'MWNT']
nz_errmsg = ("Currently, setting `nz` requires specifying a single\n"
"chiral type that is achiral ('armchair' or 'zigzag')\n"
"or providing a list of chiralities that are\n"
"of one achiral type.")
[docs]class MWNTMixin:
"""Mixin class for MWNTs."""
def Ch_list(self):
"""List of chiralities."""
return self._Ch_list
def Ch_list(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, list):
raise TypeError('Expected a list')
self._Ch_list = value[:]
def chiral_types(self):
"""List of chiral types for each `MWNT` wall."""
return [swnt.chiral_type for swnt in self.walls]
def chiral_types(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, list):
raise TypeError('Expected a list')
def chiral_set(self):
"""Set of all chiral types in `MWNT`."""
return set(self.chiral_types)
def dt(self):
"""`MWNT` wall diameters :math:`d_t=\\frac{|\\mathbf{C}_h|}{\\pi}` \
in \u212b."""
return self.walls[-1].dt
def rt(self):
"""`MWNT` wall radii :math:`r_t=\\frac{|\\mathbf{C}_h|}{2\\pi}` \
in \u212b."""
return self.walls[-1].rt
def Natoms(self):
"""Number of atoms in `MWNT`.
**Returns total number of atoms in `MWNT`.**
Use :attr:`~MWNT.Natoms_per_wall` to get a list of the number of
atoms in each `MWNT` wall.
.. math::
N_{\\mathrm{atoms}} = \\sum_{\\mathrm{walls}}
return sum(self.Natoms_list)
def Natoms_per_tube(self):
"""Number of atoms in `MWNT`."""
return self.Natoms
def Nwalls(self):
"""Number of `MWNT` walls."""
return len(self.Ch_list)
def Nwalls(self, value):
def min_wall_diameter(self):
"""Minimum wall diameter."""
return self._min_wall_diameter
def min_wall_diameter(self, value):
self._min_wall_diameter = value
def max_wall_diameter(self):
"""Maximum wall diameter."""
return self._max_wall_diameter
def max_wall_diameter(self, value):
self._max_wall_diameter = value
def max_walls(self):
"""Maximum number of walls."""
return self._max_walls
def max_walls(self, value):
self._max_walls = value
def wall_spacing(self):
"""Wall-to-wall spacing."""
return self._wall_spacing
def wall_spacing(self, value):
self._wall_spacing = value
def mass(self):
"""MWNT mass in **grams**."""
return sum(self.wall_masses)
def tube_mass(self):
"""An alias for :attr:`~MWNTMixin.mass`."""
return self.mass
def Lz(self):
"""MWNT length in Angstroms."""
Lz = self._Lz
if Lz is None:
return self._nz * self.T_list[0]
return Lz
def Lz(self, value):
self._Lz = value
def nz(self):
"""Number of nanotube unit cells along the :math:`z`-axis."""
return self._nz
except AttributeError:
return None
def Natoms_per_wall(self):
"""Alias for :attr:`MWNT.Natoms_list`"""
return self.Natoms_list
def Natoms_list(self):
"""List of `MWNT` `SWNT` wall's number of atoms \
return [swnt.Natoms for swnt in self.walls]
def nz_list(self):
"""Number of nanotube unit cells along the :math:`z`-axis."""
return [swnt.nz for swnt in self.walls]
def Lz_list(self):
"""MWNT length :math:`L_z = L_{\\mathrm{tube}}` in **Angstroms**."""
return [swnt.Lz for swnt in self.walls]
def T_list(self):
"""Length of `MWNT` unit cell :math:`|\\mathbf{T}|` in \u212b."""
return [swnt.T for swnt in self.walls]
def dt_list(self):
"""List of `MWNT` `SWNT` wall diameters :attr:`~SWNT.dt` \
:math:`d_t=\\frac{|\\mathbf{C}_h|}{\\pi}` in \u212b."""
return [swnt.dt for swnt in self.walls]
def rt_list(self):
"""List of `MWNT` `SWNT` wall radii :attr:`~SWNT.rt` \
:math:`r_t=\\frac{|\\mathbf{C}_h|}{2\\pi}` in \u212b."""
return [swnt.rt for swnt in self.walls]
def wall_masses(self):
"""List of `MWNT` `SWNT` wall diameters :attr:`~SWNT.dt` \
:math:`d_t=\\frac{|\\mathbf{C}_h|}{\\pi}` in \u212b."""
return [swnt.tube_mass for swnt in self.walls]
def wall_diameters(self):
"""Alias for :attr:`MWNTMixin.dt_list`."""
return self.dt_list
def wall_radii(self):
"""Alias for :attr:`MWNTMixin.rt_list`."""
return self.rt_list
def walls(self):
"""List of `MWNT` `SWNT` wall structures."""
return [SWNT(Ch, nz=self._nz, Lz=self._Lz, fix_Lz=self.fix_Lz,
basis=self.basis, bond=self.bond) for Ch in self.Ch_list]
[docs] def get_wall(self, Ch):
"""Return the :class:`~sknano.core.structures.SWNT` structure with \
chirality `Ch`.
return SWNT(Ch, nz=self._nz, Lz=self._Lz, fix_Lz=self.fix_Lz,
basis=self.basis, bond=self.bond) if Ch in self.Ch_list \
else None
[docs] def generate_dt_mask(self, dt, max_dt_diff=0.5):
"""Generate boolean mask array.
dt : float
max_dt_diff : float, optional
dt_mask : :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray`
dt_mask = np.abs(self._dt_pool - dt) <= max_dt_diff
while not np.any(dt_mask):
max_dt_diff += max_dt_diff
dt_mask = np.abs(self._dt_pool - dt) <= max_dt_diff
return dt_mask
[docs] def generate_Ch_list(self, Nwalls=None, max_walls=None,
min_wall_diameter=None, max_wall_diameter=None,
chiral_types=None, wall_spacing=None):
"""Generate list of chiralities."""
if Nwalls is not None:
max_walls = Nwalls
if max_walls is None:
max_walls = 5
if max_wall_diameter is None:
max_wall_diameter = np.inf
if min_wall_diameter is None:
min_wall_diameter = 5.0
if wall_spacing is None:
wall_spacing = 2 * element_data['C']['VanDerWaalsRadius']
delta_dt = 2 * wall_spacing
imax = 100
self._Ch_pool = \
self._dt_pool = np.asarray([compute_dt(_Ch, bond=self.bond) for _Ch
in self._Ch_pool])
dt_mask = np.logical_and(self._dt_pool >= min_wall_diameter,
self._dt_pool <= max_wall_diameter)
self._Ch_pool = self._Ch_pool[dt_mask]
self._dt_pool = self._dt_pool[dt_mask]
if max_wall_diameter < np.inf:
dt_list = []
dt = self._dt_pool.min()
while dt <= max_wall_diameter and len(dt_list) < max_walls:
dt += delta_dt
dt_list = [self._dt_pool.min() + i * delta_dt
for i in range(max_walls)]
dt_masks = [self.generate_dt_mask(_dt) for _dt in dt_list]
return [tuple(self._Ch_pool[_mask][np.random.choice(
for _mask in dt_masks]
[docs] def update_Ch_list(self, Nwalls=None, min_wall_diameter=None,
max_wall_diameter=None, wall_spacing=None,
"""Update :attr:`MWNTMixin.Ch_list`."""
if Nwalls is None:
Nwalls = self.Nwalls
if min_wall_diameter is None:
min_wall_diameter = self.min_wall_diameter
if max_wall_diameter is None:
max_wall_diameter = self.max_wall_diameter
if wall_spacing is None:
wall_spacing = self.wall_spacing
self.Ch_list = \
[docs]class MWNTBase(MWNTMixin, NanoStructureBase):
"""MWNT structure class.
Ch_list : :class:`python:list`, optional
(:attr:`~SWNT.n`, :attr:`~SWNT.m`) for each `SWNT` wall in `MWNT`.
Nwalls : int, optional
Number of `SWNT` walls in `MWNT`.
Lz : float, optional
`MWNT` length in **Angstroms**.
min_wall_diameter : float, optional
Minimum `MWNT` wall diameter, in units of **Angstroms**.
max_wall_diameter : float, optional
Maximum `MWNT` wall diameter, in units of **Angstroms**.
max_walls : int, optional
Maximum number of `MWNT` walls.
chiral_types : {None, 'armchair', 'zigzag', 'achiral', 'chiral'}, optional
If `None`, the :attr:`~SWNT.chiral_type` of each `MWNT` walls
will be random and determined by the set of randomly selected
chiral indices (:attr:`~SWNT.n`, :attr:`~SWNT.m`).
wall_spacing : float, optional
Inter-wall spacing in units of **Angstroms**.
Default value is the van der Waals interaction distance of 3.35
basis : {:class:`python:list`}, optional
List of :class:`python:str`\ s of element symbols or atomic number
of the two atom basis (default: ['C', 'C'])
.. versionadded:: 0.3.10
element1, element2 : {str, int}, optional
Element symbol or atomic number of basis
:class:`~sknano.core.Atom` 1 and 2
.. deprecated:: 0.3.10
Use `basis` instead
bond : float, optional
:math:`\\mathrm{a}_{\\mathrm{CC}} =` distance between
nearest neighbor atoms, in units of **Angstroms**.
verbose : bool, optional
if `True`, show verbose output
def __init__(self, Ch_list=None, Nwalls=None, Lz=None, nz=None,
min_wall_diameter=None, max_wall_diameter=None,
max_walls=None, chiral_types=None, wall_spacing=2 * r_CC_vdw,
Ch_list = kwargs.pop('Ch', Ch_list)
self._nz = nz
if nz is not None:
if Ch_list is not None:
chiral_set = set(get_chiral_type(Ch) for Ch in Ch_list)
if chiral_types is not None:
chiral_set = set(chiral_types)
if Ch_list is None and chiral_set is None or \
(len(chiral_set) > 1 or 'chiral' in chiral_set):
raise ValueError(nz_errmsg)
self.fix_Lz = False
self.fix_Lz = True
if Ch_list is None or not isinstance(Ch_list, list):
Ch_list = \
self.generate_Ch_list(Nwalls=Nwalls, max_walls=max_walls,
Ch_list = [tuple(Ch) for Ch in Ch_list]
self.Ch_list = Ch_list[:]
self._min_wall_diameter = min_wall_diameter
self._max_wall_diameter = max_wall_diameter
self._max_walls = max_walls
self._wall_spacing = wall_spacing
if nz is None and Lz is None:
Lz = 10.0
self._Lz = Lz
if self.verbose:
fmtstr = ", ".join((super().fmtstr, "Ch_list={Ch_list!r}"))
if self.fix_Lz:
fmtstr = ", ".join((fmtstr, "Lz={Lz!r}"))
fmtstr = ", ".join((fmtstr, "nz={nz!r}"))
self.fmtstr = ', '.join((fmtstr,
[docs] def generate_unit_cell(self):
"""Generate Nanotube unit cell."""
outside_unit_cell = self.get_wall(self.Ch_list[-1]).unit_cell
basis = BasisAtoms()
[basis.extend(swnt.unit_cell.basis) for swnt in self.walls]
self.unit_cell = NanotubeUnitCell(lattice=outside_unit_cell.lattice,
[docs] def todict(self):
"""Return :class:`~python:dict` of `MWNT` attributes."""
attr_dict = super().todict()
attr_dict.update(dict(Ch_list=self.Ch_list, nz=self._nz, Lz=self._Lz,
return attr_dict
[docs]class MWNT(NanotubeBundleBase, MWNTBase):
"""MWNT structure class.
Ch_list : :class:`python:list`, optional
(:attr:`~SWNT.n`, :attr:`~SWNT.m`) for each `SWNT` wall in `MWNT`.
Nwalls : int, optional
Number of `SWNT` walls in `MWNT`.
Lz : float, optional
`MWNT` length in **Angstroms**.
.. versionchanged:: 0.4.0
Changed units from nanometers to **Angstroms**
min_wall_diameter : float, optional
Minimum `MWNT` wall diameter, in units of **Angstroms**.
max_wall_diameter : float, optional
Maximum `MWNT` wall diameter, in units of **Angstroms**.
max_walls : int, optional
Maximum number of `MWNT` walls.
chiral_types : {None, 'armchair', 'zigzag', 'achiral', 'chiral'}, optional
If `None`, the :attr:`~SWNT.chiral_type` of each `MWNT` walls
will be random and determined by the set of randomly selected
chiral indices (:attr:`~SWNT.n`, :attr:`~SWNT.m`).
wall_spacing : float, optional
Inter-wall spacing in units of **Angstroms**.
Default value is the van der Waals interaction distance of 3.35
basis : {:class:`python:list`}, optional
List of :class:`python:str`\ s of element symbols or atomic number
of the two atom basis (default: ['C', 'C'])
.. versionadded:: 0.3.10
element1, element2 : {str, int}, optional
Element symbol or atomic number of basis
:class:`~sknano.core.Atom` 1 and 2
.. deprecated:: 0.3.10
Use `basis` instead
bond : float, optional
:math:`\\mathrm{a}_{\\mathrm{CC}} =` distance between
nearest neighbor atoms, in units of **Angstroms**.
nx, ny : int, optional
Number of repeat unit cells in the :math:`x, y` dimensions.
vdw_radius : float, optional
van der Waals radius of nanotube atoms
bundle_packing : {'hcp', 'ccp'}, optional
Packing arrangement of MWNT bundles. If `bundle_packing` is `None`,
then it will be determined by the `bundle_geometry` parameter if
`bundle_geometry` is not `None`. If both `bundle_packing` and
`bundle_geometry` are `None`, then `bundle_packing` defaults to `hcp`.
bundle_geometry : {'triangle', 'hexagon', 'square', 'rectangle'}, optional
verbose : bool, optional
if `True`, show verbose output
>>> from sknano.generators import MWNT