Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
LAMMPS data format (:mod:``)

.. currentmodule::

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

from collections import OrderedDict
import os

import numpy as np

from import zopen
from sknano.core import get_fpath, minmax
from sknano.core.atoms import Atoms, MDAtoms, MDAtom as Atom
from sknano.core.crystallography import Domain
from .base import StructureData, StructureDataError, StructureDataFormatter, \
    StructureDataConverter, default_comment_line

__all__ = ['DATA', 'DATAData', 'DATAReader', 'DATAWriter', 'DATAFormatter',
           'DATAError', 'DATAIO', 'DATAIOReader', 'DATAIOWriter',
           'DATAIOError', 'DATAIOFormatter', 'DATAFormatSpec',
           'DATAConverter', 'DATA2XYZConverter', 'LAMMPSDATA',
           'LAMMPSDATAReader', 'LAMMPSDATAWriter', 'LAMMPSDATAFormatter',
           'LAMMPSDATAFormatSpec', 'LAMMPSDATAIOError',
           'LAMMPSDATA2XYZConverter', 'atom_styles', 'lammps_atom_styles']

[docs]class DATAReader(StructureData): """`StructureData` class for reading `LAMMPS data` file format. Parameters ---------- fpath : str `LAMMPS data` file path atom_style : {'full', 'atomic'}, optional bond_style : {None, 'class2', 'fene', 'fene/expand', 'harmonic', 'morse', \ 'nonlinear', 'quartic'} angle_style : str, optional dihedral_style : str, optional improper_style : str, optional pair_style : str, optional Attributes ---------- domain : :class:`sknano.core.crystallography.Domain` """ def __init__(self, fpath, atom_style='full', bond_style=None, angle_style=None, dihedral_style=None, improper_style=None, pair_style=None, formatter=None, **kwargs): if formatter is None or not isinstance(formatter, DATAFormatter): formatter = DATAFormatter(atom_style=atom_style, bond_style=bond_style, angle_style=angle_style, dihedral_style=dihedral_style, improper_style=improper_style, pair_style=pair_style) super().__init__(fpath=fpath, formatter=formatter, **kwargs) self.header_data = OrderedDict() self.section_data = OrderedDict() self.domain = Domain() self.section_attrs = self.formatter.section_attrs self.section_attrs_specs = self.formatter.section_attrs_specs if self.fpath is not None: @property def headers(self): """Alias for :attr:`~DATAReader.header_data`. Returns ------- :class:`python:dict` :class:`python:dict` of dump file header values """ return self.header_data @property def sections(self): """Alias for :attr:`~DATAReader.section_data`. Returns ------- :class:`python:dict` :class:`python:dict` of dump file section data """ return self.section_data
[docs] def read(self): """Read data file.""" self.structure.clear() try: with zopen(self.fpath) as f: self.comment_line = f.readline().strip() while True: line = f.readline().strip() if len(line) == 0: continue found = False for header in list(header_specs.keys()): if header in line: found = True self.header_data[header] = \ [header_specs[header]['dtype'](float(s)) for s in [[ss for ss in line.split()][i] for i in range(header_specs[ header]['items'])]] if len(self.header_data[header]) == 1: # if the list contains only one element, # replace list with the first element self.header_data[header] = \ self.header_data[header][0] if not found: break while True: found = False for section, header in list(section_header_map.items()): if section in line: found = True f.readline() n = 0 data = [] while n < self.header_data[header]: tmp = [] line = f.readline().strip().split() for i, attrs in enumerate( self.section_attrs_specs[ section].values()): try: tmp.append( attrs['dtype'](float(line[i]))) except IndexError: break data.append(tmp) n += 1 self.section_data[section] = data[:] f.readline() line = f.readline().strip() if len(line) == 0: break self._parse_domain() self._parse_atoms() self._parse_atom_types() # self._parse_bonds() # self._parse_dihedrals() # self._parse_impropers() # self._parse_ellipsoids() # self._parse_lines() # self._parse_triangles() # self._parse_bodies() except (IOError, OSError) as e: print(e)
def _parse_atoms(self): """Populate `Atoms` object with `Atom` objects""" try: atoms_section = self.section_data['Atoms'] atoms_section_attrs = self.section_attrs['Atoms'] except KeyError: atoms_section = [] atoms_section_attrs = [] try: masses_section = self.section_data['Masses'] masses_section_attrs = self.section_attrs['Masses'] except KeyError: masses_section = [] masses_section_attrs = [] try: velocities_section = self.section_data['Velocities'] velocities_section_attrs = self.section_attrs['Velocities'] except KeyError: velocities_section = [] velocities_section_attrs = [] for line in atoms_section: atom_kwargs = {} for kw in dir(Atom()): if kw in atoms_section_attrs: try: atom_kwargs[kw] = \ line[ self.section_attrs_specs['Atoms'][kw]['index']] except IndexError: pass elif kw in masses_section_attrs: type = \ line[self.section_attrs_specs[ 'Atoms']['type']['index']] atom_kwargs[kw] = \ masses_section[type - 1][ self.section_attrs_specs['Masses'][kw]['index']] elif kw in velocities_section_attrs and \ len(velocities_section) == len(atoms_section): id = line[self.section_attrs_specs['Atoms']['id']['index']] for velocity in velocities_section: atom_id = \ velocity[self.section_attrs_specs[ 'Velocities']['id']['index']] if atom_id == id: atom_kwargs[kw] = \ velocity[self.section_attrs_specs[ 'Velocities'][kw]['index']] # else: # print('unknown atom keyword: {}'.format(kw)) atom = Atom(**atom_kwargs) self.atoms.append(atom) def _parse_atom_types(self): Ntypes = self.atoms.Ntypes typemap = self.atoms.typemap if Ntypes != self.header_data['atom types']: for atomtype in range(1, self.header_data['atom types'] + 1): if atomtype not in typemap: try: mass = self.section_data['Masses'][atomtype - 1][ self.section_attrs_specs['Masses']['mass']['index'] ] self.atoms.add_type(Atom(type=atomtype, mass=mass)) except KeyError: self.atoms.add_type(Atom(type=atomtype)) def _parse_domain(self): domain = self.domain bounding_box = domain.bounding_box for dim in ('x', 'y', 'z'): bounds = \ self.header_data[' '.join([dim + lim for lim in ('lo', 'hi')])] [setattr(bounding_box, dim + lim, value) for lim, value in zip(('min', 'max'), bounds)] domain.bounding_box = bounding_box tilt_factors = 'xy xz yz' if tilt_factors in self.headers: domain.triclinic = True [setattr(domain, tilt_factor, value) for tilt_factor, value in zip(tilt_factors.split(), self.headers[tilt_factors])] def _update_headers(self, from_atoms=None, from_bonds=None, from_angles=None, from_dihedrals=None, from_impropers=None): headers = OrderedDict() if from_atoms is not None: atoms = from_atoms headers['atoms'] = atoms.Natoms headers['atom types'] = atoms.Ntypes if from_bonds is not None: bonds = from_bonds headers['bonds'] = bonds.Nbonds headers['bond types'] = bonds.Ntypes if from_angles is not None: angles = from_angles headers['angles'] = angles.Nangles headers['angle types'] = angles.Ntypes if from_dihedrals is not None: dihedrals = from_dihedrals headers['dihedrals'] = dihedrals.Ndihedrals headers['dihedral types'] = dihedrals.Ntypes if from_impropers is not None: impropers = from_impropers headers['impropers'] = impropers.Nimpropers headers['improper types'] = impropers.Ntypes # TODO: adding bounding_box limits to headers self.header_data = headers def _update_sections(self, from_atoms=None): sections = OrderedDict() if from_atoms is not None: atoms = from_atoms typemap = OrderedDict(sorted(atoms.typemap.items())) sections['Masses'] = [[type, attrmap['mass']] for type, attrmap in typemap.items()] atoms_section_attrs = self.section_attrs['Atoms'] sections['Atoms'] = \ [[getattr(atom, attr) for attr in atoms_section_attrs] for atom in atoms] velocities_section_attrs = self.section_attrs['Velocities'] sections['Velocities'] = \ [[getattr(atom, attr) for attr in velocities_section_attrs] for atom in atoms] self.section_data = sections
[docs] def get(self, section, colnum=None, colname=None, colindex=None): """Return section with `section`. Parameters ---------- section : str colnum : int, optional colname : str, optional colindex : int, optional Returns ------- sequence """ section_data = None try: section_data = self.section_data[section] section_attrs = self.section_attrs[section] except KeyError as e: print(e) else: try: colidx = None if colnum is not None: colidx = int(colnum - 1) elif colname is not None: colidx = \ self.section_attrs_specs[section][colname]['index'] elif colindex is not None: colidx = int(colindex) except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError) as e: print(e) else: try: colname = section_attrs[colidx] coltype = \ self.section_attrs_specs[section][colname]['dtype'] section_data = \ np.asarray( section_data, dtype=coltype)[:, colidx].tolist() except TypeError: pass finally: return section_data
[docs] def todict(self): """Return :class:`~python:dict` of constructor parameters.""" attr_dict = super().todict() attr_dict.update(self.formatter.todict()) return attr_dict
[docs]class DATAWriter: """`StructureWriter` class for writing `LAMMPS data` file format.""" @classmethod
[docs] def write(cls, fname=None, outpath=None, fpath=None, structure=None, atoms=None, bounding_box=None, allow_triclinic_box=False, atom_style='full', bond_style=None, angle_style=None, dihedral_style=None, improper_style=None, pair_style=None, **kwargs): """Write structure data to file. Parameters ---------- fname : :class:`~python:str`, optional Output file name. outpath : :class:`~python:str`, optional Output file path. fpath : :class:`~python:str`, optional Full path (directory path + file name) to output data file. structure : :class:`~sknano.core.structures.StructureBase`, optional atoms : :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atoms`, optional An :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atoms` instance. bounding_box : :class:`~python:dict`, optional If `None`, determined automatically from the `atoms` coordinates. allow_triclinic_box : :class:`~python:bool`, optional verbose : :class:`~python:bool`, optional verbose output """ if structure is None and atoms is None: raise ValueError('Expected either `structure` or `atoms` object.') if structure is not None and atoms is None: atoms = structure.atoms if fpath is None: if 'datafile' in kwargs and fname is None: fname = kwargs.pop('datafile') fpath = get_fpath(fname=fname, ext='data', outpath=outpath, overwrite=True, add_fnum=False) if not isinstance(atoms, MDAtoms): atoms = MDAtoms(atoms) formatter = DATAFormatter(atom_style=atom_style, bond_style=bond_style, angle_style=angle_style, dihedral_style=dihedral_style, improper_style=improper_style, pair_style=pair_style) data = DATAData(formatter=formatter) domain = data.domain if bounding_box is not None: domain.update(from_region=bounding_box, allow_triclinic_box=allow_triclinic_box, **kwargs) else: lattice = None if structure is not None and structure.lattice is not None: lattice = structure.lattice elif atoms.lattice is not None: lattice = atoms.lattice if lattice is not None: domain.update(from_lattice=lattice, allow_triclinic_box=allow_triclinic_box, **kwargs) else: domain.update(from_array=atoms.coords, allow_triclinic_box=allow_triclinic_box, **kwargs) data._update_headers(from_atoms=atoms) data._update_sections(from_atoms=atoms) data.write(datafile=fpath, atoms=atoms, **kwargs)
[docs]class DATAData(DATAReader): """Class for reading and writing `StructureData` in `LAMMPS data` format. Parameters ---------- fpath : str, optional """ def __init__(self, fpath=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(fpath, **kwargs)
[docs] def delete(self, key): try: del self.header_data[key] except KeyError: try: del self.section_data[key] except KeyError as e: print(e)
[docs] def map(self, *pairs): pass
[docs] def maxbox(self): pass
[docs] def maxtype(self): pass
[docs] def newxyz(self): pass
[docs] def reorder(self, colname, *order): pass
[docs] def replace(self, section, new_data, colnum=None, colname=None, colindex=None): """Replace section data. Parameters ---------- section : str new_data : sequence colnum : int, optional colname : str, optional colindex : int, optional """ colidx = None # for backwards compatibility with the data module, # first check positional arguments to see if this method was called # using the data module signature which expects positional # arguments of the following type: # data.replace(str, int, list) if isinstance(new_data, (int, float)) and \ isinstance(colnum, (np.ndarray, list)): colidx = int(new_data) - 1 new_data = np.asarray(colnum) else: try: colidx = None if colnum is not None: colidx = int(colnum - 1) elif colname is not None: colidx = \ self.section_attrs_specs[section][colname]['index'] elif colindex is not None: colidx = int(colindex) except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError) as e: raise StructureDataError(e) attr_name = self.section_attrs[section][colidx] attr_dtype = self.section_attrs_specs[section][attr_name]['dtype'] new_data = np.asarray(new_data, dtype=attr_dtype) for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms): self.section_data[section][i][colidx] = \ attr_dtype(float(new_data[i])) setattr(atom, attr_name, attr_dtype(float(new_data[i])))
[docs] def viz(self, isnap): pass
[docs] def write(self, datafile=None, atoms=None, comment_line=None, **kwargs): """Write data file. Parameters ---------- datafile : :class:`~python:str`, optional atoms : :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atoms`, optional comment_line : :class:`~python:str`, optional A string written to the first line of `data` file. If `None`, then it is the current version string of scikit-nano. """ try: kwargs.update(self.kwargs) if not datafile: if self.fpath is None: error_msg = 'Invalid `datafile` {}'.format(datafile) raise ValueError(error_msg) else: datafile = self.fpath elif self.fpath is None: self.fpath = datafile if comment_line is None: comment_line = default_comment_line if atoms is not None and isinstance(atoms, Atoms): if not isinstance(atoms, MDAtoms): atoms = MDAtoms(atoms) self._atoms = atoms super()._update_atoms(**kwargs) atoms = self._atoms atoms.assign_unique_ids() atoms.assign_unique_types() self._update_attr_fmtstr_widths() try: with zopen(datafile, 'wt') as stream: self._write_header(stream, comment_line) self._write_domain(stream) [getattr(self, '_write_' + section.lower())(stream) for section in self.sections.keys()] except OSError as e: print(e) self._atoms = self._atoms_copy except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: print(e)
def _update_attr_fmtstr_widths(self): atoms = self.atoms attr_fmtstr_width['id'] = len(str(atoms.Natoms)) + 1 attr_fmtstr_width['type'] = len(str(atoms.Ntypes)) + 1 attr_fmtstr_width['mol'] = len(str(np.max(atoms.mols))) + 1 attr_fmtstr_width['q'] = \ len('{:f}'.format(np.max(np.abs(minmax(atoms.charges))))) + 2 attr_fmtstr_width['mass'] = \ len('{:f}'.format(np.max(atoms.masses))) + 4 attr_fmtstr_width['x'] = \ len('{:f}'.format(np.max(np.abs(minmax(atoms.x))))) + 2 attr_fmtstr_width['y'] = \ len('{:f}'.format(np.max(np.abs(minmax(atoms.y))))) + 2 attr_fmtstr_width['z'] = \ len('{:f}'.format(np.max(np.abs(minmax(atoms.z))))) + 2 attr_fmtstr_width['ix'] = \ len(str(np.max(np.abs(minmax(atoms.ix))))) + 2 attr_fmtstr_width['iy'] = \ len(str(np.max(np.abs(minmax(atoms.iy))))) + 2 attr_fmtstr_width['iz'] = \ len(str(np.max(np.abs(minmax(atoms.iz))))) + 2 attr_fmtstr_width['vx'] = \ len('{:f}'.format(np.max(np.abs(minmax(atoms.vx))))) + 2 attr_fmtstr_width['vy'] = \ len('{:f}'.format(np.max(np.abs(minmax(atoms.vy))))) + 2 attr_fmtstr_width['vz'] = \ len('{:f}'.format(np.max(np.abs(minmax(atoms.vz))))) + 2 # attr_fmtstr_width['lx'] = \ # len('{:f}'.format(np.max(atoms.lx))) + 2 # attr_fmtstr_width['ly'] = \ # len('{:f}'.format(np.max( + 2 # attr_fmtstr_width['lz'] = \ # len('{:f}'.format(np.max(atoms.lz))) + 2 # attr_fmtstr_width['wx'] = \ # len('{:f}'.format(np.max(atoms.wx))) + 2 # attr_fmtstr_width['wy'] = \ # len('{:f}'.format(np.max(atoms.wy))) + 2 # attr_fmtstr_width['wz'] = \ # len('{:f}'.format(np.max(atoms.wz))) + 2 # attr_fmtstr_width['ervel'] = \ # len('{:f}'.format(np.max(atoms.ervel))) + 2 # attr_fmtstr_width['shapex'] = \ # len('{:f}'.format(np.max(atoms.shapex))) + 2 # attr_fmtstr_width['shapey'] = \ # len('{:f}'.format(np.max(atoms.shapey))) + 2 # attr_fmtstr_width['shapez'] = \ # len('{:f}'.format(np.max(atoms.shapez))) + 2 # attr_fmtstr_width['quatw'] = \ # len('{:f}'.format(np.max(atoms.quatw))) + 2 # attr_fmtstr_width['quati'] = \ # len('{:f}'.format(np.max(atoms.quati))) + 2 # attr_fmtstr_width['quatj'] = \ # len('{:f}'.format(np.max(atoms.quatj))) + 2 # attr_fmtstr_width['quatk'] = \ # len('{:f}'.format(np.max(atoms.quatk))) + 2 attr_fmtstr_width['atom1'] = attr_fmtstr_width['atom2'] = \ attr_fmtstr_width['atom3'] = attr_fmtstr_width['atom4'] = \ attr_fmtstr_width['id'] for attr_specs in self.section_attrs_specs.values(): for attr, specs in attr_specs.items(): specs['width'] = attr_fmtstr_width[attr] def _write_header(self, stream, comment_line): stream.write('# {}\n\n'.format(comment_line.lstrip('#').strip())) for header, value in self.headers.items(): if header in list(header_specs.keys())[-4:]: continue try: s = ' '.join(map(str, value[:] + list((header,)))) except TypeError: s = ' '.join(map(str, list((value, header)))) finally: stream.write('{}\n'.format(s)) stream.write('\n') def _write_domain(self, stream): domain = self.domain bounding_box = domain.bounding_box lohi_width = 0 lohi_fmtstr = '{:.10f} {:.10f}' for dim in ('x', 'y', 'z'): lohi_width = \ max(lohi_width, len(lohi_fmtstr.format( getattr(bounding_box, dim + 'min'), getattr(bounding_box, dim + 'max'))) + 4) for dim in ('x', 'y', 'z'): stream.write('{}{dim}lo {dim}hi\n'.format( lohi_fmtstr.format( getattr(bounding_box, dim + 'min'), getattr(bounding_box, dim + 'max')).ljust(lohi_width), dim=dim)) if domain.triclinic: stream.write('{xy:.10f} {xz:.10f} {yz:.10f} xy xz yz\n'.format( xy=domain.xy, xz=domain.xz, yz=domain.yz)) def _write_masses(self, stream): type_width = self.section_attrs_specs['Masses']['type']['width'] stream.write('\nMasses\n\n') for type, mass in self.sections['Masses']: stream.write('{}{:.4f}\n'.format( '{:d}'.format(type).ljust(type_width), mass)) def _write_atoms(self, stream): section_attrs_specs_items = self.section_attrs_specs['Atoms'].items() stream.write('\nAtoms # {}\n\n'.format(self.formatter.atom_style)) for atom in self.atoms: line = '' for attr, specs in section_attrs_specs_items: line += "{:>{}}".format(specs['fmtstr'].format( getattr(atom, attr)), specs['width']) line += '\n' stream.write(line) def _write_velocities(self, stream): section_attrs_specs_items = \ self.section_attrs_specs['Velocities'].items() stream.write('\nVelocities\n\n') for atom in self.atoms: line = '' for attr, specs in section_attrs_specs_items: line += "{:>{}}".format(specs['fmtstr'].format( getattr(atom, attr)), specs['width']) line += '\n' stream.write(line) def _write_force_fields(self, stream): pass def _write_bonds(self, stream): pass def _write_angles(self, stream): pass def _write_dihedrals(self, stream): pass def _write_impropers(self, stream): pass @classmethod
[docs] def formatter(cls, atom_style='full', **kwargs): """Return :class:`DATAFormatter` object.""" return DATAFormatter(atom_style=atom_style, **kwargs)
[docs]class DATAConverter(StructureDataConverter): """:class:`StructureDataConverter` class for converting `LAMMPS data`. Parameters ---------- datafile : str """ @property def datafile(self): """`LAMMPS data` file.""" return self.infile
[docs]class DATA2XYZConverter(DATAConverter): """:class:`DATAConverter` class for converting to `xyz` format. .. versionadded:: 0.2.9 Parameters ---------- datafile : str """ def __init__(self, datafile, **kwargs): xyzfile = os.path.splitext(datafile)[0] + '.xyz' super().__init__(infile=datafile, outfile=xyzfile, **kwargs) @property def xyzfile(self): """`xyz` file name.""" return self.outfile
[docs] def convert(self, return_reader=False, **kwargs): """Convert `LAMMPS data` to `xyz` chemical file format. Parameters ---------- return_reader : bool, optional Return an instance of `XYZReader` Returns ------- `XYZReader` (only if `return_reader` is True) """ from .xyz import XYZReader, XYZWriter kwargs.update(self.kwargs) datareader = DATAReader(self.infile, **kwargs) XYZWriter.write(fpath=self.outfile, atoms=datareader.atoms, comment_line=datareader.comment_line, **kwargs) if return_reader: return XYZReader(self.outfile, **kwargs)
[docs]class DATAError(StructureDataError): """Exception class for :class:`DATAData` IO Errors.""" pass
[docs]class DATAFormatter(StructureDataFormatter): """`StructureDataFormatter` class the `LAMMPS data` format spec. Parameters ---------- atom_style : str LAMMPS atom style. bond_style : str angle_style : str dihedral_style : str improper_style : str pair_style : str """ def __init__(self, atom_style='full', bond_style=None, angle_style=None, dihedral_style=None, improper_style=None, pair_style=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.atom_style = atom_style self.bond_style = bond_style self.angle_style = angle_style self.dihedral_style = dihedral_style self.improper_style = improper_style self.pair_style = pair_style self.section_attrs = OrderedDict() self.section_attrs['Masses'] = masses_section_attrs self.section_attrs['Atoms'] = atoms_section_attrs[atom_style] self.section_attrs['Velocities'] = velocities_section_attrs[atom_style] self.section_attrs['Bonds'] = bonds_section_attrs self.section_attrs['Angles'] = angles_section_attrs self.section_attrs['Dihedrals'] = dihedrals_section_attrs self.section_attrs['Impropers'] = impropers_section_attrs self.section_attrs['Pair Coeffs'] = \ pair_coeffs_section_attrs[pair_style] self.section_attrs['Bond Coeffs'] = \ bond_coeffs_section_attrs[bond_style] self.section_attrs['Angle Coeffs'] = \ angle_coeffs_section_attrs[angle_style] self.section_attrs['Dihedral Coeffs'] = \ dihedral_coeffs_section_attrs[dihedral_style] self.section_attrs['Improper Coeffs'] = \ improper_coeffs_section_attrs[improper_style] # self.section_attrs['BondBond Coeffs'] = ['M', 'r1', 'r2'] # self.section_attrs['BondAngle Coeffs'] = ['N1', 'N2', 'r1', 'r2'] # self.section_attrs['MiddleBondTorsion Coeffs'] = \ # ['A1', 'A2', 'A3', 'r2'] # self.section_attrs['EndBondTorsion Coeffs'] = \ # ['B1', 'B2', 'B3', 'C1', 'C2', 'C3', 'r1', 'r3'] # self.section_attrs['AngleTorsion Coeffs'] = \ # ['D1', 'D2', 'D3', 'E1', 'E2', 'E3', 'theta1', 'theta2'] # self.section_attrs['AngleAngleTorsion Coeffs'] = \ # ['M', 'theta1', 'theta2'] # self.section_attrs['BondBond13 Coeffs'] = ['N', 'r1', 'r3'] # self.section_attrs['AngleAngle Coeffs'] = \ # ['M1', 'M2', 'M3', 'theta1', 'theta2', 'theta3'] self.section_attrs_specs = OrderedDict() for section, attrs in list(self.section_attrs.items()): self.section_attrs_specs[section] = OrderedDict() for i, attr in enumerate(attrs): self.section_attrs_specs[section][attr] = \ {'dtype': attr_dtypes[attr] if attr in attr_dtypes else float, 'colnum': i + 1, 'index': i, 'fmtstr': attr_fmtstr[attr] if attr in attr_fmtstr else '{:f}', 'width': attr_fmtstr_width[attr] if attr in attr_fmtstr_width else 14} self.fmtstr = "atom_style={atom_style!r}, " + \ "bond_style={bond_style!r}, " + \ "angle_style={angle_style!r}, " + \ "dihedral_style={dihedral_style!r}, " + \ "improper_style={improper_style!r}, " + \ "pair_style={pair_style!r}" def __str__(self): strrep = super().__str__() items = ['atom_style', 'bond_style', 'dihedral_style', 'improper_style', 'pair_style'] values = [self.atom_style, self.bond_style, self.dihedral_style, self.improper_style, self.pair_style] table = self._tabulate(list(zip(items, values))) strrep = '\n'.join((strrep, table)) return strrep @property def atom_style(self): """LAMMPS data atom_style.""" return self._atom_style @atom_style.setter def atom_style(self, value): if value not in atom_styles: error_msg = "Unknown `atom_style`: {}\n".format(value) + \ "Expected one of: {}".format(atom_styles) raise ValueError(error_msg) self._atom_style = value @property def angle_style(self): """LAMMPS data `angle_style`.""" return self._angle_style @angle_style.setter def angle_style(self, value): if value not in angle_styles: error_msg = "Unknown `angle_style`: {}\n".format(value) + \ "Expected one of: {}".format(angle_styles) raise ValueError(error_msg) self._angle_style = value @property def bond_style(self): """LAMMPS data bond_style.""" return self._bond_style @bond_style.setter def bond_style(self, value): if value not in bond_styles: error_msg = "Unknown `bond_style`: {}\n".format(value) + \ "Expected one of: {}".format(bond_styles) raise ValueError(error_msg) self._bond_style = value @property def dihedral_style(self): """LAMMPS data `dihedral_style`.""" return self._dihedral_style @dihedral_style.setter def dihedral_style(self, value): if value not in dihedral_styles: error_msg = "Unknown `dihedral_style`: {}\n".format(value) + \ "Expected one of: {}".format(dihedral_styles) raise ValueError(error_msg) self._dihedral_style = value @property def improper_style(self): """LAMMPS data `improper_style`.""" return self._improper_style @improper_style.setter def improper_style(self, value): if value not in improper_styles: error_msg = "Unknown `improper_style`: {}\n".format(value) + \ "Expected one of: {}".format(improper_styles) raise ValueError(error_msg) self._improper_style = value @property def pair_style(self): """LAMMPS data `pair_style`.""" return self._pair_style @pair_style.setter def pair_style(self, value): if value not in pair_styles: error_msg = "Unknown `pair_style`: {}\n".format(value) + \ "Expected one of: {}".format(pair_styles) raise ValueError(error_msg) self._pair_style = value
[docs] def format(self): """Return :class:`~python:str` of dump attributes formatted for an \ output stream. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def todict(self): """Return :class:`~python:dict` of constructor parameters.""" attr_dict = super().todict() attr_dict.update(dict(atom_style=self.atom_style, angle_style=self.angle_style, bond_style=self.bond_style, dihedral_style=self.dihedral_style, improper_style=self.improper_style, pair_style=self.pair_style)) return attr_dict
DATAFormatSpec = LAMMPSDATAFormatSpec = LAMMPSDATAFormatter = \ DATAIOFormatter = DATAFormatter header_specs = OrderedDict() [header_specs.update({key: {'dtype': int, 'items': 1} for key in ['atoms', 'atom types', 'bonds', 'bond types', 'angles', 'angle types', 'dihedrals', 'dihedral types', 'impropers', 'improper types', 'ellipsoids', 'lines', 'triangles', 'bodies', 'extra bond per atom', 'extra angle per atom', 'extra dihedral per atom', 'extra improper per atom', 'extra special per atom']})] header_specs.update(dict.fromkeys(['xlo xhi', 'ylo yhi', 'zlo zhi'], {'dtype': float, 'items': 2})) header_specs.update(dict.fromkeys(['xy xz yz'], {'dtype': float, 'items': 3})) # A LAMMPS data file is partitioned into sections identified # by a keyword string. The header data are used by one or # more sections. The `sections` dictionary maps each # section keyword to a specific header key. section_header_map = OrderedDict() section_header_map.update(dict.fromkeys(['Atoms', 'Velocities', 'Molecules'], 'atoms')) section_header_map.update(dict.fromkeys(['Bonds'], 'bonds')) section_header_map.update(dict.fromkeys(['Lines'], 'lines')) section_header_map.update(dict.fromkeys(['Ellipsoids'], 'ellipsoids')) section_header_map.update(dict.fromkeys(['Triangles'], 'triangles')) section_header_map.update(dict.fromkeys(['Bodies'], 'bodies')) section_header_map.update(dict.fromkeys(['Angles'], 'angles')) section_header_map.update(dict.fromkeys(['Dihedrals'], 'dihedrals')) section_header_map.update(dict.fromkeys(['Impropers'], 'impropers')) section_header_map.update(dict.fromkeys(['Masses', 'Pair Coeffs'], 'atom types')) section_header_map.update(dict.fromkeys(['Bond Coeffs'], 'bond types')) section_header_map.update(dict.fromkeys(['Angle Coeffs', 'BondBond Coeffs', 'BondAngle Coeffs'], 'angle types')) section_header_map.update(dict.fromkeys(['AngleAngle Coeffs', 'Improper Coeffs'], 'improper types')) section_header_map.update(dict.fromkeys(['Dihedral Coeffs', 'MiddleBondTorsion Coeffs', 'EndBondTorsion Coeffs', 'AngleTorsion Coeffs', 'AngleAngleTorsion Coeffs', 'BondBond13 Coeffs'], 'dihedral types')) attr_dtypes = {'id': int, 'type': int, 'mol': int, 'q': float, 'mass': float, 'x': float, 'y': float, 'z': float, 'ix': int, 'iy': int, 'iz': int, 'vx': float, 'vy': float, 'vz': float, 'lx': float, 'ly': float, 'lz': float, 'wx': float, 'wy': float, 'wz': float, 'ervel': float, 'shapex': float, 'shapey': float, 'shapez': float, 'quatw': float, 'quati': float, 'quatj': float, 'quatk': float, 'atom1': int, 'atom2': int, 'atom3': int, 'atom4': int} attr_fmtstr = {key: '{:d}' if dtype == int else '{:f}' for key, dtype in attr_dtypes.items()} attr_fmtstr_width = {key: 5 if dtype == int else 16 for key, dtype in attr_dtypes.items()} masses_section_attrs = ['type', 'mass'] atoms_section_attrs = OrderedDict() atoms_section_attrs['angle'] = ['id', 'mol', 'type', 'x', 'y', 'z'] atoms_section_attrs['atomic'] = ['id', 'type', 'x', 'y', 'z'] atoms_section_attrs['body'] = ['id', 'type', 'bodyflag', 'mass', 'x', 'y', 'z'] atoms_section_attrs['bond'] = ['id', 'mol', 'type', 'x', 'y', 'z'] atoms_section_attrs['charge'] = ['id', 'type', 'q', 'x', 'y', 'z'] atoms_section_attrs['dipole'] = \ ['id', 'type', 'q', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'mux', 'muy', 'muz'] atoms_section_attrs['electron'] = \ ['id', 'type', 'q', 'spin', 'eradius', 'x', 'y', 'z'] atoms_section_attrs['ellipsoid'] = \ ['id', 'type', 'ellipsoidflag', 'density', 'x', 'y', 'z'] atoms_section_attrs['full'] = ['id', 'mol', 'type', 'q', 'x', 'y', 'z'] atoms_section_attrs['line'] = \ ['id', 'mol', 'type', 'lineflag', 'density', 'x', 'y', 'z'] atoms_section_attrs['meso'] = ['id', 'type', 'rho', 'e', 'cv', 'x', 'y', 'z'] atoms_section_attrs['molecular'] = ['id', 'mol', 'type', 'x', 'y', 'z'] atoms_section_attrs['peri'] = \ ['id', 'type', 'volume', 'density', 'x', 'y', 'z'] atoms_section_attrs['sphere'] = \ ['id', 'type', 'diameter', 'density', 'x', 'y', 'z'] atoms_section_attrs['template'] = \ ['id', 'mol', 'template-index', 'template-atom', 'type', 'x', 'y', 'z'] atoms_section_attrs['tri'] = \ ['id', 'mol', 'type', 'triangleflag', 'density', 'x', 'y', 'z'] atoms_section_attrs['wavepacket'] = \ ['id', 'type', 'charge', 'spin', 'eradius', 'etag', 'cs_re', 'cs_im', 'x', 'y', 'z'] # atoms_section_attrs['hybrid'] = ['id', 'type', 'x', 'y', 'z', '...'] atom_styles = list(atoms_section_attrs.keys()) lammps_atom_styles = atom_styles [attrs.extend(['ix', 'iy', 'iz']) for attrs in atoms_section_attrs.values()] velocities_section_attrs = OrderedDict() [velocities_section_attrs.update({atom_style: ['id', 'vx', 'vy', 'vz']}) for atom_style in atom_styles] velocities_section_attrs['electron'].append('ervel') velocities_section_attrs['ellipsoid'].extend(['lx', 'ly', 'lz']) velocities_section_attrs['sphere'].extend(['wx', 'wy', 'wz']) # velocities_section_attrs['hybrid'].append('...') bonds_section_attrs = ['id', 'type', 'atom1', 'atom2'] angles_section_attrs = ['id', 'type', 'atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3'] dihedrals_section_attrs = ['id', 'type', 'atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4'] impropers_section_attrs = ['id', 'type', 'atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4'] ellipsoids_section_attrs = ['id', 'shapex', 'shapey', 'shapez', 'quatw', 'quati', 'quatj', 'quatk'] pair_coeffs_section_attrs = OrderedDict() pair_coeffs_section_attrs[None] = [] pair_styles = list(pair_coeffs_section_attrs.keys()) angle_coeffs_section_attrs = OrderedDict() angle_coeffs_section_attrs[None] = [] angle_styles = list(angle_coeffs_section_attrs.keys()) bond_coeffs_section_attrs = OrderedDict() bond_coeffs_section_attrs[None] = [] bond_coeffs_section_attrs['class2'] = ['type', 'R0', 'K2', 'K3', 'K4'] bond_coeffs_section_attrs['fene'] = \ ['type', 'K', 'R0', 'epsilon', 'sigma'] bond_coeffs_section_attrs['fene/expand'] = \ ['type', 'K', 'R0', 'epsilon', 'sigma', 'delta'] bond_coeffs_section_attrs['harmonic'] = ['type', 'K', 'r0'] bond_coeffs_section_attrs['morse'] = ['type', 'D', 'alpha', 'r0'] bond_coeffs_section_attrs['nonlinear'] = \ ['type', 'epsilon', 'r0', 'lambda'] bond_coeffs_section_attrs['quartic'] = \ ['type', 'K', 'B1', 'B2', 'Rc', 'U0'] bond_coeffs_section_attrs['table'] = ['type', 'filename', 'keyword'] bond_styles = list(bond_coeffs_section_attrs.keys()) bond_style_args = OrderedDict() bond_style_args['table'] = ['style', 'N'] dihedral_coeffs_section_attrs = OrderedDict() dihedral_coeffs_section_attrs[None] = [] dihedral_coeffs_section_attrs['charmm'] = \ ['type', 'K', 'n', 'd', 'weight'] dihedral_coeffs_section_attrs['class2'] = [] dihedral_coeffs_section_attrs['harmonic'] = [] dihedral_coeffs_section_attrs['helix'] = [] dihedral_coeffs_section_attrs['multi/harmonic'] = [] dihedral_coeffs_section_attrs['opls'] = [] dihedral_styles = list(dihedral_coeffs_section_attrs.keys()) improper_coeffs_section_attrs = OrderedDict() improper_coeffs_section_attrs[None] = [] improper_coeffs_section_attrs['class2'] = [] improper_coeffs_section_attrs['cvff'] = [] improper_coeffs_section_attrs['harmonic'] = [] improper_coeffs_section_attrs['umbrella'] = [] improper_styles = list(improper_coeffs_section_attrs.keys())