Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
LAMMPS dump format (:mod:``)

.. currentmodule::

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

from glob import glob
from operator import attrgetter
# import re
import sys

import numpy as np

from import zopen
from sknano.core import deprecate_kwarg, get_fpath, flatten, grouper
from sknano.core.atoms import Trajectory, Snapshot, Atoms, MDAtoms, \
    MDAtom as Atom
# from sknano.core.crystallography import Crystal3DLattice
from .base import StructureData, StructureDataError, StructureDataFormatter

__all__ = ['DUMP', 'DUMPData', 'DUMPReader', 'DUMPWriter', 'DUMPError',
           'DUMPFormatter', 'DUMPIO', 'DUMPIOReader', 'DUMPIOWriter',
           'DUMPIOError', 'DUMPIOFormatter']

[docs]class DUMPReader(StructureData): """Class for reading `LAMMPS dump` file format. Parameters ---------- *args : :class:`~python:list` :class:`~python:list` of one or more LAMMPS dump files. autoread : :class:`~python:bool`, optional Automatically read dump files. Default is `True` .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 reference_timestep : :class:`~python:int`, optional The `timestep` corresponding to the :attr:`~sknano.core.atoms.Snapshot.timestep` of the :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Trajectory`\ s :attr:`~sknano.core.atoms.Trajectory.reference_snapshot`. Default is `None`. .. note:: **Overrides** `reference_index` if not `None` .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 reference_index : :class:`~python:int`, optional The :class:`~python:list` index corresponding to the :attr:`~sknano.core.atoms.Snapshot.timestep` of the :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Trajectory`\ s :attr:`~sknano.core.atoms.Trajectory.reference_snapshot`. Default is `None`. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 dumpattrmap : class:`~python:dict` Python :class:`~python:dict` mapping custom dump attributes to :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atom` attributes. atomattrmap : :class:`~python:dict` :class:`~python:dict` mapping atom type to atom element Attributes ---------- trajectory Examples -------- Using LAMMPS, one often saves molecular dynamics atom trajectories to one or more custom dump files containing per-atom attributes of of each atom at a given timestep. Often the per-atom attributes are calculated from custom LAMMPS compute commands that one may want to map to a specific :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atom` attribute. For example, consider a dump file containing per-atom dump attributes *id*, *mol*, *type*, *x*, *y*, *z*, *vx*, *vy*, *vz*, *c_atom_ke*, and *c_atom_pe*, where *c_atom_ke* and *c_atom_pe* are the LAMMPS *compute-IDs* from custom compute commands defined in a LAMMPS input script, which calculate per-atom values for kinetic energy and potential energy, respectively. To map these compute-IDs and their per-atom values to their respective :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atom` attributes :attr:`` and :attr:``, one would use the following :class:`~python:dict` mapping:: >>> dumpattrmap = {'c_atom_pe': 'pe', 'c_atom_ke': 'ke'} >>> from import DUMPReader >>> dumps = DUMPReader('dump.*', dumpattrmap=dumpattrmap) >>> print(repr(dumps.dumpattrs2str())) 'id mol type x y z vx vy vz c_atom_ke c_atom_pe c_atom_CN' >>> print(repr(dumps.atomattrs2str())) 'id mol type x y z vx vy vz ke pe' Futhermore, atom attributes such as mass or element symbol are not typically included in a LAMMPS dump. The LAMMPS attribute usually associated with a specic atom element/mass is the `type` attribute. The `atomattrmap` parameter takes a :class:`~python:dict`, mapping keys of 2-tuples of strings of the form (`from_attr`, `to_attr`) to :class:`~python:dict` values of the form {`from_attr_value_1`: `to_attr_value_1`, ..., `from_attr_value_N`: `to_attr_value_N`}, where `(from_attr|to_attr)_value_(i...N)` are the explicit key, value pairs for the (`from_attr`, `to_attr`) attribute names. For example, suppose that we want to use the dump attribute `type` values to set the :attr:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atom.element` values, where we have knowledge of the fact that atoms with `type=1` correspond to Carbon atoms (i.e. `element='C'`), while atoms with `type=2` correspond to Nitrogen atoms (i.e., `element='N'). We would like to pass this metadata to the `DUMPReader` constructor so that the :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atoms` object returned by the :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Trajectory` :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Snapshot`\ s :attr:`~sknano.core.atoms.Snapshot.atoms` attribute will have the correct :attr:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atoms.elements` corresponding to the atom :attr:`~sknano.core.atoms.TypeAtoms.types`. To achieve this, we would call :class:`DUMPReader` with the `atomattrmap` keyword argument set as follow:: >>> dumps = DUMPReader('dump.*', dumpattrmap=dumpattrmap, ... atomattrmap={('type', 'element'): {1:'C', 2:'Ar'}}) >>> atoms = dumps[0].atoms >>> print(atoms[0]) """ @deprecate_kwarg(kwarg='attrmap', since='0.4.0', alternative='dumpattrmap') def __init__(self, *args, autoread=True, reference_timestep=None, reference_index=None, formatter=None, style=None, dumpattrs=None, dumpattrmap=None, atomattrmap=None, **kwargs): # if 'attrmap' in kwargs: # msg = ("The {!s} keyword argument `attrmap` was deprecated in " # "in version 0.4.0.\nUse `dumpattrmap` instead." # .format(self.__class__.__name__)) # warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) # dumpattrmap = kwargs.pop('attrmap') super().__init__(**kwargs) self.trajectory = Trajectory() self.dumpfiles = tuple(flatten([[glob(f) for f in arg.split()] for arg in args])) self._reference_timestep = reference_timestep self._reference_index = reference_index if formatter is None or not isinstance(formatter, DUMPFormatter): formatter = DUMPFormatter(style=style, dumpattrs=dumpattrs, dumpattrmap=dumpattrmap, atomattrmap=atomattrmap) self.formatter = formatter self.fmtstr = "{dumpfiles!r}, autoread=True, " + \ "reference_timestep={reference_timestep!r}, " + \ "reference_index={reference_index!r}, " + formatter.fmtstr if autoread and len(self.dumpfiles) > 0: def __getattr__(self, name): try: return getattr(self.trajectory, name) except AttributeError: try: return getattr(self.formatter, name) except AttributeError: return super().__getattr__(name) def __getitem__(self, index): return self.trajectory[index] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.trajectory) @property def reference_index(self): """Reference snapshot index.""" return self._reference_index @reference_index.setter def reference_index(self, value): self._reference_index = value self._update_reference_snapshot() def _update_reference_snapshot(self): try: if len(self.trajectory) > 1: if all([value is None for value in (self.reference_timestep, self.reference_index)]): self._reference_index = 0 self._update_reference_snapshot() elif self.reference_timestep is not None and \ self.reference_index is None: index = \ self.trajectory.timestep_index(self.reference_timestep) if index is None: index = 0 self._reference_timestep = None self._reference_index = index self._update_reference_snapshot() elif self.reference_timestep is None and \ self.reference_index is not None: try: self._reference_timestep = \ self.trajectory.timesteps[self.reference_index] except IndexError: self._reference_index = 0 self._update_reference_snapshot() else: self.trajectory.reference_snapshot = \ self.trajectory[self.reference_index] except IndexError: pass @property def reference_timestep(self): """Reference snapshot timestep.""" return self._reference_timestep @reference_timestep.setter def reference_timestep(self, value): self._reference_timestep = value self._update_reference_snapshot()
[docs] def read(self): """Read all snapshots from each dump file.""" trajectory = self.trajectory for dumpfile in self.dumpfiles: with zopen(dumpfile) as f: snapshot = self.read_snapshot(f) while snapshot is not None: trajectory.append(snapshot) print(snapshot.timestep, end=' ') sys.stdout.flush() snapshot = self.read_snapshot(f) print() trajectory.sort(key=attrgetter('timestep')) trajectory.cull() print("read {:d} snapshots".format(self.Nsnaps)) trajectory.time_selection.all() self._update_reference_snapshot() fmt = self.formatter dumpattrs = fmt.dumpattrs if dumpattrs: print('Dumped Atom attributes: {}'.format(fmt.dumpattrs2str())) else: print('No dump column assignments') if 'x' not in dumpattrs or 'y' not in dumpattrs or \ 'z' not in dumpattrs: print('dump scaling status unknown') elif self.Nsnaps > 0: if self.scale_original: self.unscale() elif self.scale_original is None: print('dump scaling status unknown') else: print('dump is already unscaled')
[docs] def read_snapshot(self, f): """Read snapshot from file.""" try: snapshot = Snapshot(self.trajectory) domain = snapshot.domain f.readline() snapshot.timestep = int(f.readline().strip().split()[0]) f.readline() Natoms = snapshot.Natoms = int(f.readline().strip()) snapshot.atom_selection = np.zeros(Natoms, dtype=bool) item = f.readline().strip() try: snapshot.boxstr = item.split('BOUNDS')[1].strip() except IndexError: snapshot.boxstr = '' if 'xy' in snapshot.boxstr: domain.triclinic = True for dim, tilt_factor in zip(('x', 'y', 'z'), ('xy', 'xz', 'yz')): bounds = f.readline().strip().split() setattr(domain, dim + 'lo', float(bounds[0])) setattr(domain, dim + 'hi', float(bounds[1])) if domain.triclinic: setattr(domain, tilt_factor, float(bounds[2])) if domain.triclinic: xlo_bound = domain.xlo xhi_bound = domain.xhi ylo_bound = domain.ylo yhi_bound = domain.yhi xy = domain.xy xz = domain.xz yz = domain.yz domain.xlo = xlo_bound - min((0.0, xy, xz, xy + xz)) domain.xhi = xhi_bound - max((0.0, xy, xz, xy + xz)) domain.ylo = ylo_bound - min((0.0, yz)) domain.yhi = yhi_bound - max((0.0, yz)) formatter = self.formatter if formatter.dumpattrs is None: dumpattrs2index = formatter.dumpattrs2index xflag = yflag = zflag = None attrs = f.readline().strip().split()[2:] for i, attr in enumerate(attrs): if attr in ('x', 'xu', 'xs', 'xsu'): dumpattrs2index['x'] = i if attr in ('x', 'xu'): xflag = False else: xflag = True elif attr in ('y', 'yu', 'ys', 'ysu'): dumpattrs2index['y'] = i if attr in ('y', 'yu'): yflag = False else: yflag = True elif attr in ('z', 'zu', 'zs', 'zsu'): dumpattrs2index['z'] = i if attr in ('z', 'zu'): zflag = False else: zflag = True else: dumpattrs2index[attr] = i self.scale_original = None if all([flag is False for flag in (xflag, yflag, zflag)]): self.scale_original = False if all([flag for flag in (xflag, yflag, zflag)]): self.scale_original = True else: f.readline() atoms_array = \ np.zeros((Natoms, len(formatter.dumpattrs)), dtype=float) for n in range(Natoms): line = [float(value) for col, value in enumerate(f.readline().strip().split())] atoms_array[n] = line snapshot._atoms_array = atoms_array snapshot.formatter = formatter return snapshot except IndexError: return None
[docs] def scale(self): """Scale cartesian coordinates to fractional coordinates.""" dumpattrs2index = self.formatter.dumpattrs2index xi = dumpattrs2index['x'] yi = dumpattrs2index['y'] zi = dumpattrs2index['z'] for snapshot in self.trajectory: atoms = snapshot.get_atoms(asarray=True) if atoms is not None: domain = snapshot.domain lx = domain.lx ly = lz = domain.lz xy = domain.xy xz = domain.xz yz = domain.yz if np.allclose([xy, xz, yz], np.zeros(3)): atoms[:, xi] = (atoms[:, xi] - domain.xlo) / lx atoms[:, yi] = (atoms[:, yi] - domain.ylo) / ly atoms[:, zi] = (atoms[:, zi] - domain.zlo) / lz else: xlo_bound = domain.xlo_bound ylo_bound = domain.ylo_bound zlo_bound = domain.zlo_bound atoms[:, xi] = (atoms[:, xi] - xlo_bound) / lx + \ (atoms[:, yi] - ylo_bound) * xy / (lx * ly) + \ (atoms[:, zi] - zlo_bound) * (yz * xy - ly * xz) / \ (lx * ly * lz) atoms[:, yi] = (atoms[:, yi] - ylo_bound) / ly + \ (atoms[:, zi] - zlo_bound) * yz / (ly * lz) atoms[:, zi] = (atoms[:, zi] - zlo_bound) / lz
[docs] def unscale(self): """Unscale fractional coordinates to cartesian coordinates.""" dumpattrs2index = self.formatter.dumpattrs2index xi = dumpattrs2index['x'] yi = dumpattrs2index['y'] zi = dumpattrs2index['z'] for snapshot in self.trajectory: atoms = snapshot.get_atoms(asarray=True) if atoms is not None: domain = snapshot.domain lx = domain.lx ly = lz = domain.lz xy = domain.xy xz = domain.xz yz = domain.yz if np.allclose([xy, xz, yz], np.zeros(3)): atoms[:, xi] = domain.xlo + atoms[:, xi] * lx atoms[:, yi] = domain.ylo + atoms[:, yi] * ly atoms[:, zi] = domain.zlo + atoms[:, zi] * lz else: xlo_bound = domain.xlo_bound ylo_bound = domain.ylo_bound zlo_bound = domain.zlo_bound atoms[:, xi] = xlo_bound + atoms[:, xi] * lx + \ atoms[:, yi] * xy + atoms[:, zi] * xz atoms[:, yi] = ylo_bound + atoms[:, yi] * ly + \ atoms[:, zi] * yz atoms[:, zi] = zlo_bound + atoms[:, zi] * lz
[docs] def wrap(self): """Wrap coordinates from outside box to inside.""" dumpattrs2index = self.formatter.dumpattrs2index x = dumpattrs2index['x'] y = dumpattrs2index['y'] z = dumpattrs2index['z'] ix = dumpattrs2index.get('ix', None) iy = dumpattrs2index.get('iy', None) iz = dumpattrs2index.get('iz', None) if all([iflag is not None for iflag in (ix, iy, iz)]): for snapshot in self.trajectory: atoms = snapshot.get_atoms(asarray=True) if atoms is not None: domain = snapshot.domain lx = domain.lx ly = lz = domain.lz atoms[:, x] -= atoms[:, ix] * lx atoms[:, y] -= atoms[:, iy] * ly atoms[:, z] -= atoms[:, iz] * lz
[docs] def unwrap(self): """Unwrap coordinates from inside box to outside.""" dumpattrs2index = self.formatter.dumpattrs2index x = dumpattrs2index['x'] y = dumpattrs2index['y'] z = dumpattrs2index['z'] ix = dumpattrs2index.get('ix', None) iy = dumpattrs2index.get('iy', None) iz = dumpattrs2index.get('iz', None) if all([iflag is not None for iflag in (ix, iy, iz)]): for snapshot in self.trajectory: atoms = snapshot.get_atoms(asarray=True) if atoms is not None: domain = snapshot.domain lx = domain.lx ly = lz = domain.lz atoms[:, x] += atoms[:, ix] * lx atoms[:, y] += atoms[:, iy] * ly atoms[:, z] += atoms[:, iz] * lz
[docs] def new_dumpattr(self, attr, values=None): """Add new dump attr to :attr:`~DUMPReader.trajectory.snapshots`. This method adds a new dump attribute to the :attr:`DUMPFormatter.dumpattrs` :class:`~python:list` and adds a new column of data to the :attr:`~DUMPReader.trajectory.snapshots._atoms_array` with values of 0.0 if `values=None`. This method has no effect if `attr` already exists. Parameters ---------- attr : :class:`~python:str` values : {:class:`~python:float`, array_like}, optional """ dumpattrs2index = self.formatter.dumpattrs2index if attr not in dumpattrs2index: attridx = len(dumpattrs2index) dumpattrs2index[attr] = attridx trajectory = self.trajectory Nsnaps = trajectory.Nsnaps if values is None: values = 0.0 elif isinstance(values, str) and values == 'eval': values = {attr: attr} if np.isscalar(values): values = [ss.Natoms * [values] for ss in trajectory] elif isinstance(values, (list, np.ndarray)): values = np.asarray(values) if values.ndim == 1: values = Nsnaps * [values.tolist()] elif isinstance(values, dict): dumpattrmap = self.dumpattrmap if dumpattrmap is not None: dumpattrmap.update(values) values = [[atom.getattr(values[attr], 0.0, recursive=True) for atom in ss.atoms] for ss in trajectory] values = np.asarray(values) for i, ss in enumerate(trajectory): ss._atoms_array = \ np.insert(ss._atoms_array, attridx, values[i])
[docs] def map(self, *pairs): """Update :attr:`~DUMPFormatter.dumpattrs2index` mapping. This method is defined for compatibility with the LAMMPS dump module. Parameters ---------- pairs : :class:`~python:tuple` 2 :class:`~python:tuple`\s of (column number, column name) pairs. Notes ----- This function maps column numbers to dump attribute names, **not** the column index. """ pairs = tuple(flatten(pairs)) if len(pairs) % 2 != 0: raise ValueError('Expected (column number, column name) pairs') self.dumpattrs2index.update({attr: i - 1 for i, attr in list(grouper(pairs, 2))})
[docs] def newcolumn(self, name): """An alias for :meth:`DUMPReader.new_dumpattr` for compatibility \ LAMMPS dump module.""" self.new_dumpattr(name)
[docs] def update_dumpattr(self, attr, values=None): """Add new dump attr to :attr:`~DUMPReader.trajectory.snapshots`. This method adds a new dump attribute to the :attr:`DUMPFormatter.dumpattrs` :class:`~python:list` and adds a new column of data to the :attr:`~DUMPReader.trajectory.snapshots._atoms_array` with values of 0.0 if `values=None`. This method has no effect if `attr` already exists. Parameters ---------- attr : :class:`~python:str` values : {:class:`~python:float`, array_like}, optional """ dumpattrs2index = self.formatter.dumpattrs2index if attr in dumpattrs2index and values is not None: attridx = dumpattrs2index[attr] trajectory = self.trajectory Nsnaps = trajectory.Nsnaps if isinstance(values, str) and values == 'attr': values = {attr: attr} if np.isscalar(values): values = [ss.Natoms * [values] for ss in trajectory] elif isinstance(values, (list, np.ndarray)): values = np.asarray(values) if values.ndim == 1: values = Nsnaps * [values.tolist()] elif isinstance(values, dict): values = [[atom.getattr(values[attr], 0.0, recursive=True) for atom in ss.atoms] for ss in trajectory] values = np.asarray(values) for i, ss in enumerate(trajectory): ss._atoms_array[:, attridx] = values[i]
[docs] def todict(self): """Return :class:`~python:dict` of constructor parameters.""" attr_dict = dict(dumpfiles=self.dumpfiles, reference_timestep=self.reference_timestep, reference_index=self.reference_index) attr_dict.update(self.formatter.todict()) return attr_dict
DUMPIOReader = DUMPReader
[docs]class DUMPWriter: """Class for writing LAMMPS dump chemical file format.""" @classmethod
[docs] def write(cls, fname=None, outpath=None, fpath=None, structure=None, atoms=None, snapshot=None, trajectory=None, timestep=None, boxstr=None, domain=None, bounding_box=None, allow_triclinic_box=False, attr_value_map=None, **kwargs): """Write structure dump to file. Parameters ---------- fname : str, optional Output file name. outpath : str, optional Output file path. fpath : str, optional Full path (directory path + file name) to output data file. atoms : `Atoms` An :py:class:`Atoms` instance. verbose : bool, optional verbose output """ invalid_kwargs = all([obj is None for obj in (atoms, structure, snapshot, trajectory)]) if invalid_kwargs: error_msg = \ ('Expected a `Trajectory` object for kwarg `trajectory`,\n' '`StructureBase` sub-class for kwarg `structure`,\n' 'or an `Atoms` object for kwarg `atoms`.') raise ValueError(error_msg) if structure is not None and atoms is None: atoms = structure.atoms if fpath is None: fpath = get_fpath(fname=fname, ext='dump', outpath=outpath, overwrite=True, add_fnum=False) dump = DUMPIO(**kwargs) formatter = dump.formatter if trajectory is None and snapshot is None: trajectory = dump.trajectory if not isinstance(atoms, MDAtoms): atoms = MDAtoms(atoms) snapshot = Snapshot(trajectory) if timestep is None: timestep = 0 snapshot.timestep = timestep Natoms = snapshot.Natoms = atoms.Natoms snapshot.atom_selection = np.zeros(Natoms, dtype=bool) if boxstr is None: boxstr = 'pp pp pp' snapshot.boxstr = boxstr if domain is None: domain = snapshot.domain if bounding_box is not None: domain.update(from_region=bounding_box, allow_triclinic_box=allow_triclinic_box, **kwargs) else: lattice = None if structure is not None and structure.lattice is not None: lattice = structure.lattice elif atoms.lattice is not None: lattice = atoms.lattice if lattice is not None: domain.update(from_lattice=lattice, allow_triclinic_box=allow_triclinic_box, **kwargs) else: domain.update(from_array=atoms.coords, allow_triclinic_box=allow_triclinic_box, **kwargs) snapshot.domain = domain # scale_original = None # if all([flag is False for flag in (xflag, yflag, zflag)]): # scale_original = False # if all([flag for flag in (xflag, yflag, zflag)]): # scale_original = True dumpattrs = formatter.dumpattrs atomattrs = formatter.atomattrs otherattrs = formatter.otherattrs atoms_array = \ np.zeros((snapshot.Natoms, len(dumpattrs)), dtype=float) for n, atom in enumerate(atoms): atoms_array[n] = [getattr(atom, attr) if attr in atomattrs else atom.getattr(attr, default=0.0, recursive=True) if attr in otherattrs else 0.0 for attr in dumpattrs] snapshot.atoms = atoms_array snapshot.formatter = formatter trajectory.append(snapshot) else: kwargs['atoms'] = atoms kwargs['snapshot'] = snapshot dump.write(dumpfile=fpath, **kwargs)
DUMPIOWriter = DUMPWriter
[docs]class DUMPData(DUMPReader): """Class for reading and writing structure data in LAMMPS dump format. Parameters ---------- *args : one or more dump files **kwargs : dict mapping of keyword arguments """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def write(self, dumpfile=None, atoms=None, snapshot=None, trajectory=None, write_header=True, mode='w', N=None, **kwargs): """Write dump file. Parameters ---------- dumpfile : {None, str}, optional atoms : :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atoms`, optional snapshot : :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Snapshot`, optional trajectory : :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.trajectory`, optional write_header : :class:`~python:bool`, optional mode : {'w', 'a'}, optional N : :class:`~python:int`, optional """ if trajectory is None: trajectory = self.trajectory if len(trajectory) == 0 and snapshot is not None: trajectory.append(snapshot) snapshot = None if trajectory.Nsnaps > 0: try: if not dumpfile: if self.fpath is None: error_msg = 'Invalid `dumpfile` {}'.format(dumpfile) raise ValueError(error_msg) else: dumpfile = self.fpath elif self.fpath is None: self.fpath = dumpfile trajectory.sort(key=attrgetter('timestep')) trajectory.cull() trajectory.time_selection.all() # self._update_attr_fmtstr_widths() if atoms is not None and isinstance(atoms, Atoms): if not isinstance(atoms, MDAtoms): atoms = MDAtoms(atoms) if snapshot is None: trajectory.atom_selection.update(atoms) else: trajectory.atom_selection.update(atoms, ts=snapshot.timestep) mode += 't' with zopen(dumpfile, mode) as stream: if snapshot is not None: ss = trajectory.get_snapshot(snapshot.timestep) if write_header: self._write_header(stream, ss) self._write_domain(stream, ss) self._write_atoms(stream, ss) else: for ss in trajectory: if not ss.selected: continue if write_header: self._write_header(stream, ss) self._write_domain(stream, ss) self._write_atoms(stream, ss) except (OSError, TypeError, ValueError) as e: print(e)
def _update_attr_fmtstr_widths(self): # attr_fmtstr_width = self.attr_fmtstr_width = {} pass def _write_header(self, stream, ss): """Write snapshot header info.""" stream.write('ITEM: TIMESTEP\n') stream.write('{}\n'.format(ss.timestep)) stream.write('ITEM: NUMBER OF ATOMS\n') stream.write('{}\n'.format(ss.nselected)) def _write_domain(self, stream, ss): """Write snapshot bounding box info.""" box_bounds = 'ITEM: BOX BOUNDS' domain = ss.domain if ss.boxstr: box_bounds = ' '.join((box_bounds, '{}'.format(ss.boxstr))) stream.write('{}\n'.format(box_bounds)) for dim, tilt_factor in zip(('x', 'y', 'z'), ('xy', 'xz', 'yz')): lo = dim + 'lo' hi = dim + 'hi' if domain.triclinic: lo = '_'.join((lo, 'bound')) hi = '_'.join((hi, 'bound')) box_bounds = \ ' '.join(('{}'.format(getattr(domain, lo)), '{}'.format(getattr(domain, hi)))) if domain.triclinic: box_bounds = \ ' '.join((box_bounds, '{}'.format(getattr(domain, tilt_factor)))) stream.write('{}\n'.format(box_bounds)) def _write_atoms(self, stream, ss): """Write snapshot atoms.""" atoms_array = ss.get_atoms(asarray=True)[ss.atom_selection] formatter = ss.formatter attr_dtypes = formatter.attr_dtypes sformat = formatter.format stream.write('ITEM: ATOMS {}\n'.format(formatter.dumpattrs2str())) for atom in atoms_array: stream.write(sformat(atom, attr_dtypes))
[docs]class DUMPError(StructureDataError): """Exception class for :class:`DUMPData` I/O errors.""" pass
[docs]class DUMPFormatter(StructureDataFormatter): """Class defining the structure file format for LAMMPS dump. Parameters ---------- style : :class:`~python:str`, optional dumpattrs : :class:`~python:list`, optional dumpattrmap : class:`~python:dict` Python :class:`~python:dict` mapping custom dump attributes to :class:`~sknano.core.atoms.Atom` attributes. atomattrmap : :class:`~python:dict` :class:`~python:dict` mapping atom type to atom element Attributes ---------- style dumpattrs2index """ def __init__(self, style=None, dumpattrs=None, dumpattrmap=None, atomattrmap=None): if style == 'custom' and dumpattrs is None: raise ValueError('Expected list of dump attrs for `dumpattrs`') if style is None: style = 'custom' = style if style.startswith('atom'): dumpattrs = ['id', 'type', 'xs', 'ys', 'zs'] if dumpattrs is None: dumpattrs = [] # self.dumpattrs = dumpattrs self.dumpattrmap = dumpattrmap self.atomattrmap = atomattrmap self.dumpattrs2index = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(dumpattrs)} if dumpattrs: self._update_attrs(dumpattrs) self.fmtstr = "style={style!r}, " + \ "dumpattrs={dumpattrs!r}, " + \ "dumpattrmap={dumpattrmap!r}, " + \ "atomattrmap={atomattrmap!r}" def __str__(self): strrep = super().__str__() style = dumpattrs = self.dumpattrs dumpattrmap = self.dumpattrmap atomattrmap = self.atomattrmap atomattrs = self.atomattrs otherattrs = self.otherattrs items = ['style', 'dumpattrs', 'dumpattrmap', 'atomattrs', 'atomattrmap', 'otherattrs'] values = [style, dumpattrs, dumpattrmap, atomattrs, atomattrmap, otherattrs] table = self._tabulate(list(zip(items, values))) return '\n'.join((strrep, table)) @property def attr_dtypes(self): """List of dump atom attributes.""" try: return self._attr_dtypes except AttributeError: self._update_attr_dtypes() return self._attr_dtypes @property def atomattrs(self): """List of dump atom attributes.""" try: return self._atomattrs except AttributeError: self._update_attrs() return self._atomattrs @property def dumpattrs(self): """List of dump attributes.""" if self.dumpattrs2index: self._update_attrs() return self._dumpattrs else: return None @property def otherattrs(self): """List of other dump atom attributes.""" try: return self._otherattrs except AttributeError: self._update_attrs() return self._otherattrs @property def _dumpattrslist(self): """List of dump attributes.""" dumpattrs2index = self.dumpattrs2index return sorted(dumpattrs2index, key=dumpattrs2index.__getitem__) def _update_attrs(self, dumpattrs=None): """Update :class:`~python:dict` mapping of unknown dump \ attributes->:attr:`~DUMPFormatter.dumpattrs` list index.""" if dumpattrs is None: dumpattrs = self._dumpattrslist dumpattrmap = self.dumpattrmap if dumpattrmap is not None: self.remapdumpattrs(dumpattrs, dumpattrmap) self._dumpattrs = dumpattrs[:] atomattrs = dumpattrs[:] otherattrmap = {attr: dumpattrs.index(attr) for attr in set(dumpattrs) - set(dir(Atom()))} otherattrs = sorted(otherattrmap, key=otherattrmap.__getitem__) [atomattrs.remove(attr) for attr in otherattrs] self._atomattrs = atomattrs self._otherattrs = otherattrs def _update_attr_dtypes(self): self._attr_dtypes = [DUMPATTR_DTYPES[attr] if attr in DUMPATTR_DTYPES else float for attr in self.dumpattrs]
[docs] def atomattrs2str(self): """Return a space-separated string of parsed atom attributes.""" return ' '.join(self.atomattrs)
[docs] def dumpattrs2str(self): """Return a space-separated string of the dumped atom attributes.""" return ' '.join(self.dumpattrs)
[docs] def remapdumpattrs(self, dumpattrs, dumpattrmap): """Rename attributes in the :attr:`DUMPFormatter.dumpattrs` list. Parameters ---------- dumpattrmap : :class:`~python:dict` :class:`~python:dict` mapping atom attribute name to new attribute name. """ for k, v in dumpattrmap.items(): try: dumpattrs[dumpattrs.index(k)] = v except ValueError: pass
[docs] def format(self, attrs, attr_dtypes=None): """Return :class:`~python:str` of dump attributes formatted for an \ output stream. Parameters ---------- attrs : :class:`~python:list` List of dump attribute values. """ if attr_dtypes is None: attr_dtypes = self.attr_dtypes line = ' '.join(('{}'.format(dtype(attr)) for attr, dtype in zip(attrs, attr_dtypes))) line += '\n' return line
[docs] def todict(self): """Return :class:`~python:dict` of constructor parameters.""" attr_dict = super().todict() attr_dict.update(dict(, dumpattrs=self.dumpattrs, dumpattrmap=self.dumpattrmap, atomattrmap=self.atomattrmap)) return attr_dict
DUMPIOFormatter = DUMPFormatter DUMPATTR_DTYPES = \ {'id': int, 'type': int, 'mol': int, 'q': float, 'mass': float, 'x': float, 'y': float, 'z': float, 'ix': int, 'iy': int, 'iz': int, 'vx': float, 'vy': float, 'vz': float, 'fx': float, 'fy': float, 'fz': float, 'lx': float, 'ly': float, 'lz': float, 'wx': float, 'wy': float, 'wz': float, 'shapex': float, 'shapey': float, 'shapez': float, 'quatw': float, 'quati': float, 'quatj': float, 'quatk': float, 'atom1': int, 'atom2': int, 'atom3': int, 'atom4': int}