
class sknano.core.BaseClass(*args, verbose=False, debug=False, **kwargs)[source] [edit on github][source]

Bases: object

ABC defining a common set of attributes/methods for other base classes.



fmtstr Format string.


todict() Return dict of constructor parameters.

Attributes Summary

fmtstr Format string.

Methods Summary

todict() Return dict of constructor parameters.

Attributes Documentation


Format string.

User defined format string that should be set by all BaseClass sub-classes. The format string should contain replacement fields that are the named keyword arguments contained in the dict returned by the sub-class implementation of the todict method, which is required to be overridden by any callable sub-class of BaseClass.

Methods Documentation

todict()[source] [edit on github][source]

Return dict of constructor parameters.

The dict should contain the same named keyword arguments defined in the replacement fields of the fmtstr defined by any subclass of BaseClass.