Source code for sknano.core.math._vector

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Custom NumPy Vector class (:mod:`sknano.core.math._vector`)

.. currentmodule:: sknano.core.math._vector

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

# import copy
import numbers
import warnings

import numpy as np

from sknano.core import Singleton
from ._point import Point
from ._transforms import rotate, transformation_matrix

__all__ = ['Vector', 'angle', 'cross', 'dot', 'scalar_triple_product',
           'vector_triple_product', 'scalar_projection', 'vector_projection',
           'vector_rejection', 'projection', 'rejection',
           'e1', 'e2', 'e3', 'xhat', 'yhat', 'zhat',
           '_check_vector_compatibility', 'NullVector']

def _check_vector_compatibility(v1, v2):
    if len(v1) != len(v2):
        raise ValueError("{!r} and {!r} must have same number "
                         "of components".format(v1, v2))

[docs]class Vector(np.ndarray): """Abstract object representation of a vector in :math:`R^n` Parameters ---------- v : array_like, optional components of vector nd : {None, int}, optional p0 : array_like, optional Origin `Point` of vector in :math:`R^n` space. p : array_like, optional Terminating `Point` of vector. :math:`x, y` coordinates of point in :math:`R^2` space. :math:`x, y, z` coordinates of point in :math:`R^3` space. dtype : data-type, optional copy : bool, optional Notes ----- .. todo:: add new methods for coordinate transformations Examples -------- I began writing my own `Point` and `Vector` classes while trying to teach myself about subclassing :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray`. I still don't completely understand the machinery of it, but I ended up with some code that's been useful for handling math operations involving points and vectors. More testing is in order... Here are some examples of their use. """ __array_priority__ = 15.0 def __new__(cls, v=None, nd=None, p0=None, p=None, dtype=None, copy=True): if isinstance(v, Vector): if nd is not None and isinstance(nd, numbers.Number) and \ len(v) < int(nd): v = np.append(v, np.zeros(int(nd) - len(v))) if dtype is None: intype = v.dtype else: intype = np.dtype(dtype) vec = v.view(cls) if p0 is not None: vec = Vector(np.asarray(vec), nd=nd, p0=Point(p0, nd=nd, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)) if intype != v.dtype: return vec.astype(intype) if copy: return vec.copy() else: return vec dtype = np.dtype(dtype) if isinstance(v, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)): try: for i, coord in enumerate(v[:]): if coord is None: v[i] = 0.0 except TypeError: v = np.zeros(len(v), dtype=dtype) else: v = np.asarray(v, dtype=dtype) if nd is not None and isinstance(nd, numbers.Number) and \ len(v) < int(nd): v = np.append(v, np.zeros(int(nd) - len(v))) nd = len(v) if p0 is None: p0 = Point(nd=nd, dtype=dtype) else: p0 = Point(p0, nd=nd, dtype=dtype, copy=copy) p = p0 + v else: if p is None and p0 is None and \ (nd is None or not isinstance(nd, numbers.Number)): nd = 3 if p is None: p = Point(nd=nd, dtype=dtype) else: p = Point(p, nd=nd, dtype=dtype, copy=copy) if p0 is None: p0 = Point(nd=nd, dtype=dtype) else: p0 = Point(p0, nd=nd, dtype=dtype, copy=copy) v = p - p0 arr = np.array(v, dtype=dtype, copy=copy).view(cls) vec = np.ndarray.__new__(cls, arr.shape, arr.dtype, buffer=arr) vec.nd = len(vec) vec._p = p vec._p0 = p0 return vec def __array_finalize__(self, obj): if obj is None: return None self.nd = len(obj) self._p0 = getattr(obj, 'p0', None) self._p = getattr(obj, 'p', None) if self._p0 is not None and self._p is None: try: self._p = self._p0 + self.__array__() except TypeError: try: self._p = self._p0 + np.asarray(obj) except TypeError: pass # def __array_prepare__(self, obj, context=None): # if self.__array_priority__ >= Vector.__array_priority__: # res = obj if isinstance(obj, type(self)) \ # else obj.view(type(self)) # else: # res = obj.view(Vector) # if context is None: # return res # return super(Vector, self).__array_prepare__(obj, context) def __array_wrap__(self, obj, context=None): res = np.ndarray.__array_wrap__(self, obj, context) return self.__class__(res.__array__(), p0=self.p0) def __str__(self): return repr(self) def __repr__(self): try: if np.allclose(self.p0, np.zeros_like(self.p0)): return "Vector({!r})".format(self.tolist()) else: return "Vector({!r}, p0={!r}, p={!r})".format( self.tolist(), self.p0.tolist(), self.p.tolist()) except AttributeError: return "Vector({!r})".format(self.tolist())
[docs] def tolist(self): """List of `Vector` coordinates with values formatted for *pretty* \ output.""" return np.around(self.__array__(), decimals=10).tolist()
def __getattr__(self, name): try: nd = len(self) if nd == 2 and name in ('x', 'y'): if name == 'x': return self[0] else: return self[1] elif nd == 3 and name in ('x', 'y', 'z'): if name == 'x': return self[0] elif name == 'y': return self[1] else: return self[2] except TypeError: pass return np.ndarray.__getattribute__(self, name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): # nd = len(self) nd = getattr(self, 'nd', None) if nd is not None and nd == 2 and name in ('x', 'y'): if name == 'x': self[0] = value try: self._p.x = self._p0.x + value except AttributeError: pass else: self[1] = value try: self._p.y = self._p0.y + value except AttributeError: pass elif nd is not None and nd == 3 and name in ('x', 'y', 'z'): if name == 'x': self[0] = value try: self._p.x = self._p0.x + value except AttributeError: pass elif name == 'y': self[1] = value try: self._p.y = self._p0.y + value except AttributeError: pass else: self[2] = value try: self._p.z = self._p0.z + value except AttributeError: pass else: np.ndarray.__setattr__(self, name, value) # if name is not None and name.endswith('p'): # try: # self[:] = self._p.__array__() - self._p0.__array__() # except (AttributeError, TypeError): # pass def __getitem__(self, index): data = np.ndarray.__getitem__(np.ndarray.view(self, np.ndarray), index) p0 = np.ndarray.__getitem__(np.ndarray.view( np.ndarray.__getattribute__(self, 'p0'), np.ndarray), index) p = np.ndarray.__getitem__(np.ndarray.view( np.ndarray.__getattribute__(self, 'p'), np.ndarray), index) try: data = data.view(type(self)) data._p0 = np.ndarray.view(p0, Point) data._p = np.ndarray.view(p, Point) data._nd = len(data) except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass return data def __setitem__(self, index, value): data = np.ndarray.view(self, np.ndarray) p0 = np.ndarray.view(np.ndarray.__getattribute__(self, 'p0'), np.ndarray) p = np.ndarray.view(np.ndarray.__getattribute__(self, 'p'), np.ndarray) np.ndarray.__setitem__(data, index, value) np.ndarray.__setitem__(p, index, np.ndarray.__getitem__(p0, index) + np.ndarray.__getitem__(data, index)) data = data.view(type(self)) data._p0 = np.ndarray.view(p0, Point) data._p = np.ndarray.view(p, Point) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Vector): other = Vector(other) return self is other or (np.allclose(self.__array__(), other.__array__()) and np.allclose(self.p0, other.p0) and np.allclose(self.p, other.p)) def __lt__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Vector): other = Vector(other) return self.norm < other.norm def __le__(self, other): return self < other or self == other def __gt__(self, other): return not (self < other or self == other) def __ge__(self, other): return not (self < other) def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) def __mul__(self, other): if np.isscalar(other): return self.__class__(self.__array__() * other, p0=self.p0) elif isinstance(other, Vector) and other.nd == self.nd: print("Computing *scalar product* of Vector's:\n" "{!r}\n{!r}".format(self, other)) return # elif isinstance(other, np.matrix): # res = self.row_matrix * other # if len(self) == res.shape[1]: # return self.__class__(res.A.flatten(), p0=self.p0) # elif res.shape == (1, 1): # return res.A.flatten()[0] return NotImplemented def __rmul__(self, other): if np.isscalar(other): return self.__class__(other * self.__array__(), p0=self.p0) # elif isinstance(other, np.matrix): # res = other * self.column_matrix # if len(self) == res.shape[0]: # return self.__class__(res.A.flatten(), p0=self.p0) # elif res.shape == (1, 1): # return res.A.flatten()[0] return NotImplemented def __truediv__(self, other): if np.isscalar(other): return Vector(self.__array__() / other, p0=self.p0) return NotImplemented __div__ = __truediv__ def __floordiv__(self, other): if np.isscalar(other): return Vector(self.__array__() // other, p0=self.p0) return NotImplemented def __pow__(self, other, *modulo): if isinstance(other, numbers.Number): return Vector(self.__array__() ** other, p0=self.p0) return NotImplemented def __iadd__(self, other): """Add other to self in-place.""" super().__iadd__(other) self._update_p() return self def __isub__(self, other): """Subtract other from self in-place.""" super().__isub__(other) self._update_p() return self def __imul__(self, other): """Multiply self by other in-place.""" if np.isscalar(other): super().__imul__(other) self._update_p() return self return NotImplemented def __itruediv__(self, other): if np.isscalar(other): super().__itruediv__(other) self._update_p() return self return NotImplemented __idiv__ = __itruediv__ def __ifloordiv__(self, other): if np.isscalar(other): super().__ifloordiv__(other) self._update_p() return self return NotImplemented def __ipow__(self, other): if np.isscalar(other): super().__ipow__(other) self._update_p() return self return NotImplemented
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the `Vector`.""" return self.__copy__()
def __copy__(self): try: return self.__class__(self.__array__(), p0=self.p0.__array__()) except AttributeError: return self.__class__(self.__array__()) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return self.__copy__() def _update_p(self): self._p[:] = self._p0[:] + self.__array__() @property def length(self): """Alias for :attr:`Vector.norm`.""" return self.norm @property def magnitude(self): """Alias for :attr:`Vector.norm`.""" return self.norm @property def mag(self): """Alias for :attr:`Vector.norm`.""" return self.norm @property def norm(self): """Return the vector norm.""" return np.sqrt((self.__array__() ** 2).sum()) @property def unit_vector(self): """Return unit vector.""" with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') return self / self.norm @property def p(self): """:class:`Point` of `Vector` *head*.""" return self._p @p.setter def p(self, value=np.ndarray): """Set new terminating :class:`Point` of `Vector`.""" self._p[:] = value self[:] = self._p - self._p0 @property def p0(self): """:class:`Point` of `Vector` *tail*.""" return self._p0 @p0.setter def p0(self, value=np.ndarray): """Set new origin :class:`Point` of vector.""" self._p0[:] = value self[:] = self._p - self._p0 def _translate_p0(self, t, fix_components=False): if fix_components: self.translate(t) else: self.p0.translate(t) def _translate_p(self, t, fix_components=False): if fix_components: self.translate(t) else: self.p.translate(t) @property def column_matrix(self): """Return column matrix representation of `Vector` coordinates.""" return np.matrix(self.__array__().reshape(self.shape[0], 1)) @property def row_matrix(self): """Return row matrix representation of `Vector` coordinates.""" return np.matrix(self.__array__())
[docs] def angle(self, other): """Angle between two `Vector`\ s.""" _check_vector_compatibility(self, other) return np.arccos(, other.__array__()) / (self.norm * other.norm))
[docs] def cross(self, other): """Cross product of two `Vector`\ s.""" _check_vector_compatibility(self, other) val = np.cross(self.__array__(), other.__array__()) if val.shape == (): return val[()] return Vector(val, p0=self.p0)
[docs] def dot(self, other, out=None): """Dot product of two `Vector`\ s.""" _check_vector_compatibility(self, other) return self.__array__().dot(other.__array__())
[docs] def normalize(self): """Normalize the `Vector` to a :attr:`~Vector.unit_vector`.""" self[:] = self.unit_vector
[docs] def projection(self, v): """Vector projection onto `Vector` `v`.""" u = self return dot(u, v) / dot(v, v) * v
[docs] def rejection(self, v): """Vector rejection onto `Vector` `v`.""" u = self return u - self.projection(v)
[docs] def rezero_components(self, epsilon=1.0e-10): """Alias for :meth:`Vector.rezero`""" self.rezero(epsilon=epsilon)
[docs] def rezero(self, epsilon=1.0e-10): """Re-zero `Vector` coordinates near zero. Set `Vector` coordinates with absolute value less than `epsilon` to zero. Parameters ---------- epsilon : float, optional Smallest allowed absolute value of any :math:`x,y,z` coordinate. """ self[np.where(np.abs(self.__array__()) <= epsilon)] = 0.0
[docs] def rotate(self, angle=None, axis=None, anchor_point=None, rot_point=None, from_vector=None, to_vector=None, degrees=False, transform_matrix=None, fix_anchor_point=False, verbose=False, **kwargs): """Rotate `Vector` coordinates. Parameters ---------- angle : float Rotation angle in radians, unless `degrees` is `True`. axis : :class:`~sknano.core.math.Vector`, optional anchor_point : :class:`~sknano.core.math.Point`, optional rot_point : :class:`~sknano.core.math.Point`, optional from_vector, to_vector : :class:`~sknano.core.math.Vector`, optional degrees : :class:`~python:bool`, optional If `True`, you are saying that the `angle` is in degrees. transform_matrix : :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` fix_anchor_point : :class:`~python:bool`, optional If `True`, leave the *tail* of the vector (:attr:`Vector.p0`) fixed (default: `False`). See Also -------- core.math.rotate """ if transform_matrix is None: transform_matrix = \ transformation_matrix(angle=angle, axis=axis, anchor_point=anchor_point, rot_point=rot_point, from_vector=from_vector, to_vector=to_vector, degrees=degrees, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) self.p = rotate(self.p, transform_matrix=transform_matrix) if not fix_anchor_point: self.p0 = rotate(self.p0, transform_matrix=transform_matrix)
[docs] def scale(self): return NotImplemented
[docs] def translate(self, t, fix_anchor_point=False): """Translate `Vector` coordinates by :class:`Vector` `t`. Parameters ---------- t : :class:`Vector` fix_anchor_point : bool, optional See Also -------- core.math.translate """ self.p += t if not fix_anchor_point: self.p0 += t
def angle(u, v): """Compute the angle between two Cartesian `Vector`\ s. Parameters ---------- u, v : `Vector` Returns ------- :class:`~numpy:numpy.number` """ return np.arccos(dot(u, v) / (u.norm * v.norm)) def cross(u, v, p0=None): """Vector cross product of two `Vector`\ s. Parameters ---------- u, v : `Vector` p0 : `Point`, optional Returns ------- :class:`~numpy:numpy.number` or :class:`Vector` """ val = np.cross(np.asarray(u), np.asarray(v)) if p0 is None: p0 = u.p0 if val.shape == (): return val[()] else: return Vector(val, p0=p0) def dot(u, v): """Dot product of two `Vector`\ s. Parameters ---------- u, v : `Vector` Returns ------- :class:`~numpy:numpy.number` """ return, np.asarray(v)) def scalar_triple_product(u, v, w): """Compute scalar triple product of three `Vector`\ s. Parameters ---------- u, v, w : `Vector` Returns ------- :class:`~numpy:numpy.number` """ return dot(u, cross(v, w)) def vector_triple_product(u, v, w): """Compute vector triple product of three `Vector`\ s. Parameters ---------- u, v, w : `Vector` Returns ------- :class:`Vector` """ return cross(u, cross(v, w)) def scalar_projection(a, b): """Compute the scalar projection of :math:`\\mathbf{a}` onto \ :math:`\\mathbf{b}`. Parameters ---------- a, b : `Vector` Returns ------- :class:`~numpy:numpy.number` """ return dot(a, b) / b.norm def vector_projection(a, b): """Compute the vector projection of :math:`\\mathbf{a}` onto \ :math:`\\mathbf{b}`. Parameters ---------- a, b : `Vector` Returns ------- :class:`Vector` """ return dot(a, b) / dot(b, b) * b projection = vector_projection def vector_rejection(a, b): """Compute the vector rejection of :math:`\\mathbf{a}` onto \ :math:`\\mathbf{b}`. Parameters ---------- a, b : `Vector` Returns ------- :class:`Vector` """ a1 = vector_projection(a, b) return a - a1 rejection = vector_rejection e1 = xhat = Vector([1, 0, 0]) e2 = yhat = Vector([0, 1, 0]) e3 = zhat = Vector([0, 0, 1]) class NullVector(metaclass=Singleton): def __init__(self): self.__instance = Vector([0, 0, 0]) def __repr__(self): return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.__instance.tolist())