Source code for sknano.structures._swnt_bundle

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
SWNT bundle structure class (:mod:`sknano.structures._swnt_bundle`)

.. currentmodule:: sknano.structures._swnt_bundle

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

from ._nanotube_bundle import NanotubeBundleBase, compute_bundle_density
from ._swnt import SWNT

__all__ = ['SWNTBundle']

[docs]class SWNTBundle(NanotubeBundleBase, SWNT): """:class:`SWNT` bundle structure class. Parameters ---------- *Ch : {:class:`python:tuple` or :class:`python:int`\ s} Either a 2-tuple of integers (i.e., *Ch = ((n, m)) or 2 integers (i.e., *Ch = (n, m) specifying the chiral indices of the nanotube chiral vector :math:`\\mathbf{C}_h = n\\mathbf{a}_1 + m\\mathbf{a}_2 = (n, m)`. nx : :class:`python:int`, optional Number of nanotubes along the :math:`x` axis ny : :class:`python:int`, optional Number of nanotubes along the :math:`y` axis nz : :class:`python:int`, optional Number of repeat unit cells in the :math:`z` direction, along the *length* of the nanotube. basis : {:class:`python:list`}, optional List of :class:`python:str`\ s of element symbols or atomic number of the two atom basis (default: ['C', 'C']) .. versionadded:: 0.3.10 element1, element2 : {str, int}, optional Element symbol or atomic number of basis :class:`~sknano.core.Atom` 1 and 2 .. deprecated:: 0.3.10 Use `basis` instead bond : float, optional :math:`\\mathrm{a}_{\\mathrm{CC}} =` distance between nearest neighbor atoms. Must be in units of **Angstroms**. Lz : float, optional Length of nanotube in units of **nanometers**. Overrides the `nz` value. .. versionadded:: 0.2.5 tube_length : float, optional Length of nanotube in units of **nanometers**. Overrides the `nz` value. .. deprecated:: 0.2.5 Use `Lz` instead fix_Lz : bool, optional Generate the nanotube with length as close to the specified :math:`L_z` as possible. If `True`, then non integer :math:`n_z` cells are permitted. .. versionadded:: 0.2.6 verbose : bool, optional if `True`, show verbose output Examples -------- Create a :math:`\\mathbf{C}_{h} = (10, 10)` hexagonally close packed (*hcp*) :math:`5\\times 3\\times 10` :class:`SWNT` bundle. >>> from sknano.structures import SWNTBundle >>> swnt_bundle = SWNTBundle((10, 10), nx=5, ny=3, nz=10, ... bundle_packing='hcp') >>> print(swnt_bundle) SWNTBundle((10, 10), nx=5, ny=3, nz=10, basis=['C', 'C'], bond=1.42, bundle_packing='hcp', bundle_geometry=None) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) fmtstr = "{Ch!r}, nx={nx!r}, ny={ny!r}, " if self.fix_Lz: fmtstr += "Lz={Lz!r}, fix_Lz=True, " else: fmtstr += "nz={nz!r}, " self.fmtstr = fmtstr + "basis={basis!r}, bond={bond!r}, " + \ "bundle_packing={bundle_packing!r}, " + \ "bundle_geometry={bundle_geometry!r}" @property def bundle_density(self): return compute_bundle_density(self.n, self.m, r_vdw=self.vdw_radius,, basis=self.basis)