Source code for sknano.structures._unrolled_swnt

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Unrolled SWNT structure class (:mod:`sknano.structures._unrolled_swnt`)

.. currentmodule:: sknano.structures._unrolled_swnt

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

import numbers

import numpy as np

from sknano.core.atoms import BasisAtom as Atom, BasisAtoms as Atoms
from sknano.core.crystallography import Crystal3DLattice, UnitCell
from sknano.core.math import Vector
from sknano.core.refdata import aCC

from ._base import NanoStructureBase, r_CC_vdw
from ._extras import get_chiral_indices
from ._swnt import NanotubeMixin, compute_Ch, compute_T, compute_chiral_angle

__all__ = ['UnrolledSWNTMixin', 'UnrolledSWNT']

[docs]class UnrolledSWNTMixin: """Mixin class for unrolled nanotubes.""" @property def Lx(self): return self.nx * self.Ch / 10 @property def Ly(self): return self.nlayers * self.layer_spacing / 10 @property def nx(self): """Number of unit cells along the :math:`x`-axis.""" return self._nx @nx.setter def nx(self, value): """Set :math:`n_x`""" if not (isinstance(value, numbers.Number) or value > 0): raise TypeError('Expected a real positive number.') self._nx = int(value) @property def nlayers(self): """Number of layers.""" return self._nlayers @nlayers.setter def nlayers(self, value): """Set :attr:`nlayers`.""" if not (isinstance(value, numbers.Number) or value > 0): raise TypeError('Expected a real positive number.') self._nlayers = int(value) @nlayers.deleter def nlayers(self): del self._nlayers @property def fix_Lx(self): return self._fix_Lx @fix_Lx.setter def fix_Lx(self, value): if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError('Expected `True` or `False`') self._fix_Lx = value self._integral_nx = False if self.fix_Lx else True
class UnrolledSWNT(UnrolledSWNTMixin, NanotubeMixin, NanoStructureBase): """Unrolled SWNT structure class. Parameters ---------- *Ch : {:class:`python:tuple` or :class:`python:int`\ s} Either a 2-tuple of integers (i.e., *Ch = ((n, m)) or 2 integers (i.e., *Ch = (n, m) specifying the chiral indices of the nanotube chiral vector :math:`\\mathbf{C}_h = n\\mathbf{a}_1 + m\\mathbf{a}_2 = (n, m)`. nx : :class:`python:int`, optional Number of repeat unit cells in the :math:`x` direction, along the *unrolled* chiral vector. nz : :class:`python:int`, optional Number of repeat unit cells in the :math:`z` direction, along the *length* of the nanotube. basis : {:class:`python:list`}, optional List of :class:`python:str`\ s of element symbols or atomic number of the two atom basis (default: ['C', 'C']) .. versionadded:: 0.3.10 element1, element2 : {str, int}, optional Element symbol or atomic number of basis :class:`~sknano.core.Atom`\ s 1 and 2 .. deprecated:: 0.3.10 Use `basis` instead bond : float, optional :math:`\\mathrm{a}_{\\mathrm{CC}} =` distance between nearest neighbor atoms. Must be in units of **Angstroms**. nlayers : int, optional Number of layers (default: 1) layer_spacing : float, optional Distance between layers in **Angstroms** (default: 3.35). stacking_order : {'AA', 'AB'}, optional Stacking order of layers. layer_rotation_angles : list, optional list of rotation angles for each layer in **degrees** if `degrees` is `True` (default), otherwise in radians. The list length must equal the number of layers. layer_rotation_increment : float, optional incremental layer rotation angle in **degrees** if `degrees` is `True` (default), otherwise in radians. Each subsequent layer will be rotated by `layer_rotation_increment` relative to the layer below it. Lx : float, optional Length of the unrolled swnt sheet along the chiral vector in units of **nanometers**. Overrides the `nx` value. fix_Lx : bool, optional Generate the unrolled swnt sheet with the length along the chiral vector as close to the specified :math:`L_x` as possible. If `True`, then non integer :math:`n_x` cells are permitted. Lz : float, optional Length of the unrolled swnt sheet along the translation vector in units of **nanometers**. Overrides the `nz` value. fix_Lz : bool, optional Generate the unrolled swnt sheet with the length along the translation vector as close to the specified :math:`L_z` as possible. If `True`, then non integer :math:`n_z` cells are permitted. verbose : bool, optional if `True`, show verbose output Examples -------- >>> from sknano.structures import UnrolledSWNT """ def __init__(self, *Ch, nx=1, nz=1, basis=['C', 'C'], bond=aCC, gutter=None, nlayers=1, layer_spacing=2 * r_CC_vdw, layer_rotation_angles=None, layer_rotation_increment=None, degrees=True, stacking_order='AB', Lx=None, fix_Lx=False, Lz=None, fix_Lz=False, wrap_coords=False, **kwargs): n, m, kwargs = get_chiral_indices(*Ch, **kwargs) super().__init__(basis=basis, bond=bond, **kwargs) if gutter is None: gutter = self.vdw_radius self.gutter = gutter self.wrap_coords = wrap_coords self.n = n self.m = m self.fix_Lx = fix_Lx if Lx is not None: self.nx = 10 * float(Lx) / self.Ch elif nx is not None: self.nx = nx else: self.nx = 1 self.fix_Lz = fix_Lz if Lz is not None: = 10 * float(Lz) / self.T elif nz is not None: = nz else: = 1 self.nlayers = nlayers self.layer_spacing = layer_spacing if layer_rotation_increment is not None and \ layer_rotation_angles is None: layer_rotation_angles = layer_rotation_increment * \ np.arange(self.nlayers) elif isinstance(layer_rotation_angles, numbers.Number): layer_rotation_angles = layer_rotation_angles * \ np.ones(self.nlayers) elif layer_rotation_angles is None or \ isinstance(layer_rotation_angles, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)) \ and len(layer_rotation_angles) != self.nlayers: layer_rotation_angles = np.zeros(self.nlayers) degrees = False if degrees: layer_rotation_angles = \ np.radians(np.asarray(layer_rotation_angles)).tolist() self.layer_rotation_angles = \ np.asarray(layer_rotation_angles).tolist() self.layer_shift = Vector() self.stacking_order = stacking_order if nlayers > 1 and stacking_order == 'AB': chiral_angle = compute_chiral_angle(self.n, self.m, degrees=False) self.layer_shift.x = * np.cos(np.pi/6 - chiral_angle) self.layer_shift.z = * np.sin(np.pi/6 - chiral_angle) self.generate_unit_cell() self.crystal_cell.scaling_matrix = \ [int(np.ceil(self.nx)), self.nlayers, int(np.ceil(] self.fmtstr = "{Ch!r}, nx={nx!r}, nz={nz!r}, bond={bond!r}, " + \ "basis={basis!r}, nlayers={nlayers!r}, " + \ "layer_spacing={layer_spacing!r}, " + \ "stacking_order={stacking_order!r}" def generate_unit_cell(self): """Generate the nanotube unit cell.""" eps = 0.01 e1 = self.element1 e2 = self.element2 N = self.N T = self.T rt = self.rt psi, tau, dpsi, dtau = self.unit_cell_symmetry_params a = compute_Ch(self.n, self.m, b = self.layer_spacing c = compute_T(self.n, self.m,, length=True) lattice = Crystal3DLattice.orthorhombic(a, b, c) basis = Atoms() if self.verbose: print('dpsi: {}'.format(dpsi)) print('dtau: {}\n'.format(dtau)) for i in range(N): for j, element in enumerate((e1, e2), start=1): theta = i * psi h = i * tau if j == 2: theta += dpsi h -= dtau x = rt * theta z = h while z > T - eps: z -= T if z < 0: z += T xs, ys, zs = \ lattice.cartesian_to_fractional([x, 0, z]) if self.wrap_coords: xs, ys, zs = \ lattice.wrap_fractional_coordinate([xs, ys, zs]) if self.debug: print('i={}: x, z = ({:.6f}, {:.6f})'.format(i, x, z)) atom = Atom(element, lattice=lattice, xs=xs, ys=ys, zs=zs) atom.rezero() if self.verbose: print('Basis Atom:\n{}'.format(atom)) basis.append(atom) self.unit_cell = UnitCell(lattice=lattice, basis=basis) def todict(self): """Return :class:`~python:dict` of `SWNT` attributes.""" return dict(Ch=(self.n, self.m), nx=self.nx,,, basis=self.basis, nlayers=self.nlayers, layer_spacing=self.layer_spacing, stacking_order=self.stacking_order)