Source code for sknano.core.structures.extras

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Extra helper functions (:mod:`sknano.core.structures.extras`)

.. currentmodule:: sknano.core.structures.extras

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, \
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

import importlib
import inspect
import numbers
import re

import numpy as np

from sknano.core.math import operator_map

__all__ = ['cmp_Ch', 'filter_Ch', 'filter_Ch_list', 'generate_Ch_list',
           'generate_Ch_property_grid', 'get_Ch_indices',
           'get_chiral_type', 'get_Ch_type',
           'map_Ch', 'chiral_type_name_mappings', 'CHIRAL_TYPES',
           'filter_key_type_mappings', 'attr_units', 'attr_symbols',
           'attr_strfmt', 'type_check_chiral_indices',
           'get_chiral_indices', 'get_chiral_indices_from_str',

chiral_type_name_mappings = \
    {'achiral': 'aCh', 'armchair': 'AC', 'zigzag': 'ZZ', 'chiral': 'Ch'}
CHIRAL_TYPES = list(chiral_type_name_mappings.keys()) + \

filter_key_type_mappings = {}
filter_key_type_mappings['Ch_type'] = str
for k in ('even', 'odd'):
    filter_key_type_mappings[k + '_only'] = bool

for k in ('min_index', 'max_index',
          'min_n', 'max_n',
          'min_m', 'max_m',
          'n', 'm'):
    filter_key_type_mappings[k] = int

attr_units = {}
attr_units['dt'] = \
    attr_units['rt'] = \
    attr_units['Ch'] = \
    attr_units['T'] = \
    attr_units['bond'] = ' \u212B'
attr_units['chiral_angle'] = '\u00b0'

attr_symbols = {}
attr_symbols['t1'] = 't\u2081'
attr_symbols['t2'] = 't\u2082'
attr_symbols['chiral_angle'] = '\u03b8c'

attr_strfmt = {}
attr_strfmt['Ch'] = \
    attr_strfmt['T'] = \
    attr_strfmt['dt'] = \
    attr_strfmt['rt'] = \
    attr_strfmt['chiral_angle'] = '{:.2f}'
attr_strfmt['bond'] = '{:.3f}'

[docs]def cmp_Ch(Ch1, Ch2): """Custom comparator function for sorting chirality lists. Parameters ---------- Ch1, Ch2 : {str, tuple} 2-tuple or 2-tuple string of integers Returns ------- int """ if isinstance(Ch1, tuple) and isinstance(Ch2, tuple): n1, m1 = Ch1 Ch1_type = get_Ch_type(Ch1) n2, m2 = Ch2 Ch2_type = get_Ch_type(Ch2) elif isinstance(Ch1, str) and \ isinstance(Ch2, str): n1, m1 = get_chiral_indices_from_str(Ch1) Ch1_type = get_Ch_type(Ch1) n2, m2 = get_chiral_indices_from_str(Ch2) Ch2_type = get_Ch_type(Ch2) if Ch1_type == 'armchair' and Ch2_type == 'zigzag': return 1 elif Ch1_type == 'zigzag' and Ch2_type == 'armchair': return -1 else: if n1 > n2: return 1 elif n1 < n2: return -1 else: if m1 > m2: return 1 elif m1 < m2: return -1 else: return 0
[docs]def filter_Ch(Ch, even_only=False, odd_only=False, Ch_type=None, min_index=None, max_index=None, min_n=None, max_n=None, min_m=None, max_m=None, **kwargs): """Filter for testing if chirality satisfies given constraint parameters. Parameters ---------- Ch : {str, tuple} even_only, odd_only : bool, optional Ch_type : {None, 'armchair', 'zigzag', 'achiral', 'chiral'}, optional min_index, max_index : int, optional min_n, max_n : int, optional min_m, max_m : int, optional Returns ------- bool """ if isinstance(Ch, tuple): this_Ch_type = get_Ch_type(Ch) n, m = Ch else: n, m = get_chiral_indices_from_str(Ch) this_Ch_type = get_Ch_type(Ch) if even_only: if n % 2 == 0 and m % 2 == 0: return True else: return False elif odd_only: if this_Ch_type != 'zigzag': if n % 2 != 0 and m % 2 != 0: return True else: return False else: if max(n, m) % 2 != 0: return True else: return False elif Ch_type is not None: if this_Ch_type in ('armchair', 'zigzag'): if Ch_type in ('achiral', 'aCh') or \ (Ch_type in ('armchair', 'AC') and this_Ch_type == 'armchair') or \ (Ch_type in ('zigzag', 'ZZ') and this_Ch_type == 'zigzag'): return True else: return False elif Ch_type in ('chiral', 'Ch') and this_Ch_type == 'chiral': return True else: return False elif min_index is not None and isinstance(min_index, int): if this_Ch_type != 'zigzag': if n >= min_index and m >= min_index: return True else: return False else: if max(n, m) >= min_index: return True else: return False elif max_index is not None and isinstance(max_index, int): if n <= max_index and m <= max_index: return True else: return False else: return True
[docs]def filter_Ch_list(Ch_list, property_filters=None, **kwargs): """Filter list of chiralities. Parameters ---------- Ch_list : sequence list of chiralities property_filters : sequence, optional kwargs : dict, optional dictionary of conditions to test each chirality against. Returns ------- :class:`python:list` filtered `Ch_list` """ # Ch_list = np.asarray(Ch_list) if property_filters is not None: from .swnt import SWNT filtered_list = Ch_list[:] try: for filter_index, (prop, cmp_symbol, value) in \ enumerate(property_filters, start=1): cmp_op = operator_map[cmp_symbol] tmp_list = [] for Ch in filtered_list: n, m = Ch nanotube = SWNT(n=n, m=m) try: if cmp_op(getattr(nanotube, prop), value): tmp_list.append(Ch) except AttributeError: break filtered_list = tmp_list[:] except ValueError as e: print(e) finally: Ch_list = filtered_list[:] return [Ch for Ch in Ch_list if filter_Ch(Ch, **kwargs)]
[docs]def generate_Ch_list(ns=None, ni=None, nf=None, dn=None, ms=None, mi=None, mf=None, dm=None, imax=None, chiral_types=None, handedness=None, echo_zsh_str=False): """Generate a list of :math:`(n, m)` chiralities. Parameters ---------- ns, ms : sequence list of :math:`n` and :math:`m` chiral indices. ni, nf, dn : int, optional :math:`(n_i, n_f, \\Delta n)` denote the `start`, `stop`, and `step` parameters passed to the numpy function `np.arange`, to generate an array of evenly spaced :math:`n` chiral indices. `ni` only required if `ns` sequence kwarg is `None`. mi, mf, dm : int, optional :math:`(m_i, m_f, \\Delta m)` denote the `start`, `stop`, and `step` parameters passed to the numpy function `np.arange`, to generate an array of evenly spaced :math:`m` chiral indices. `mi` only required if `ms` sequence kwarg is `None`. imax : int, optional maximum chiral index :math:`n = m = i_{max}`. chiral_types : {'all', 'achiral', 'chiral', 'armchair', 'zigzag'}, optional handedness : {'all', 'left', 'right'}, optional echo_zsh_str : bool, optional Returns ------- Ch_list : sequence list of chiralities """ Ch_list = [] if imax is not None: nf = mf = imax try: if (not ns or (isinstance(ns, list) and ns[0] is None)) \ and not ni and not nf and \ (not ms or (isinstance(ns, list) and ms[0] is None)) \ and not mi and not mf: raise TypeError('ns or [ni,] nf[, dn,] and/or ' 'ms or [mi,] mf[, dm,] must be specified') if not ns and isinstance(ms, list) and ms[0] is not None and \ not ni and not nf and not mi and not mf: ns = ms[:] ms = None elif not ns and (not ms or isinstance(ms, list) and ms[0] is None) \ and not ni and not nf and \ (isinstance(mi, int) or isinstance(mf, int)): ni = mi nf = mf mi = mf = None if not dn and isinstance(dm, int): dn = dm dm = None if not ns and (isinstance(ni, int) or isinstance(nf, int)): try: ns = np.arange(ni, nf + 1, dn, dtype=int).tolist() except TypeError: try: ni, nf, dn = int(float(ni)), int(float(nf)), int(float(dn)) ns = np.arange(ni, nf + 1, dn, dtype=int).tolist() except (TypeError, ValueError): try: ni, nf = int(float(ni)), int(float(nf)) ns = np.arange(ni, nf + 1, dtype=int).tolist() except (TypeError, ValueError): try: nf = int(float(nf)) ns = np.arange(nf + 1, dtype=int).tolist() except (TypeError, ValueError): ns = [int(float(ni))] if (not ms or isinstance(ms, list) and ms[0] is None) and \ not mi and not mf: for n in ns: m = 0 while m <= n: if (m == 0) or (m == n): Ch_list.append((n, m)) else: if handedness == 'left': Ch_list.append((m, n)) elif handedness == 'right': Ch_list.append((n, m)) else: Ch_list.append((n, m)) Ch_list.append((m, n)) m += 1 elif (not ms or isinstance(ms, list) and ms[0] is None) and \ (isinstance(mi, int) or isinstance(mf, int)): try: ms = np.arange(mi, mf + 1, dm, dtype=int).tolist() except TypeError: try: mi, mf, dm = int(float(mi)), int(float(mf)), int(float(dm)) ms = np.arange(mi, mf + 1, dm, dtype=int).tolist() except (TypeError, ValueError): try: mi, mf = int(float(mi)), int(float(mf)) ms = np.arange(mi, mf + 1, dtype=int).tolist() except (TypeError, ValueError): try: mf = int(float(mf)) ms = np.arange(mf + 1, dtype=int).tolist() except (TypeError, ValueError): ms = [int(float(mi))] except (TypeError, ValueError): Ch_list = None else: if len(Ch_list) == 0 and isinstance(ms, list) and len(ms) != 0: for n in ns: for m in ms: if (n == 0) and (m == 0): break elif (n == 0) or (m == 0): nm = (n, m) mn = (m, n) if handedness == 'left': if m != 0 and nm not in Ch_list: Ch_list.append(nm) elif handedness == 'right': if n != 0 and nm not in Ch_list: Ch_list.append(nm) else: if nm not in Ch_list: Ch_list.append(nm) if mn not in Ch_list: Ch_list.append(mn) elif (n == m) and (n, m) not in Ch_list: Ch_list.append((n, m)) else: nm = (n, m) mn = (m, n) if handedness == 'left': if n < m and nm not in Ch_list: Ch_list.append(nm) elif handedness == 'right': if n > m and nm not in Ch_list: Ch_list.append(nm) else: if nm not in Ch_list: Ch_list.append(nm) if mn not in Ch_list: Ch_list.append(mn) finally: if echo_zsh_str and Ch_list is not None: print(' '.join([repr(str(Ch)) for Ch in Ch_list])) if chiral_types is not None: if not isinstance(chiral_types, list): chiral_types = [chiral_types] chiral_types = chiral_types[:] if any([chiral_type in CHIRAL_TYPES for chiral_type in chiral_types]): if 'achiral' in chiral_types or 'aCh' in chiral_types: if 'armchair' not in chiral_types: chiral_types.append('armchair') if 'zigzag' not in chiral_types: chiral_types.append('zigzag') Ch_list = [Ch for Ch in Ch_list if get_Ch_type(Ch) in chiral_types] return Ch_list
[docs]def generate_Ch_property_grid(compute=str, imax=10, **kwargs): """Generate a 2-dimensional, :math:`i_{\\mathrm{max}}\\times i_{\\mathrm{max}}` grid of nanotube properties. The property grid is indexed by :math:`(n, m)` chiralities for :math:`0\\le n\\le i_{\\mathrm{max}}` and :math:`0\\le m\\le i_{\\mathrm{max}}`. Parameters ---------- compute_method : str imax : int Returns ------- grid : ndarray """ try: compute_func = \ getattr(importlib.import_module('sknano.core.structures'), compute) grid = np.zeros((imax + 1, imax + 1)) - 1 for n in range(imax + 1): for m in range(imax + 1): grid[n, m] = compute_func(n, m, **kwargs) return grid except AttributeError as e: print(e) return None
[docs]def get_chiral_type(Ch): """Identify the type of nanotube based on its chirality Parameters ---------- Ch : {str, tuple} Returns ------- str `armchair` for armchair tubes, `zigzag` for zigzag tubes, `chiral` for chiral tubes, """ if isinstance(Ch, tuple): n, m = Ch else: n, m = get_chiral_indices_from_str(Ch) if n == m: return 'armchair' elif n != m and (n == 0 or m == 0): return 'zigzag' else: return 'chiral'
get_Ch_type = get_chiral_type
[docs]def map_Ch(Ch, compute=None, **kwargs): """Map compute function using `Ch` as input. Parameters ---------- Ch : {str, tuple} compute : str Returns ------- value of compute function. """ try: compute_func = \ getattr(importlib.import_module('sknano.core.structures'), compute) if isinstance(Ch, tuple): n, m = Ch else: n, m = get_chiral_indices_from_str(Ch) return compute_func(n, m, **kwargs) except AttributeError as e: print(e) return None
def get_Ch_map_from_data(Chlist, Chdata): pass
[docs]def get_chiral_indices(*args, check_type=True, **kwargs): """Parse the chiral indices `n` and `m` from a `vararg` `*args`, \ which may be a `tuple` or 2 ints or from varkwargs `**kwargs`. """ n = m = None try: n, m = args except ValueError: try: n, m = args[0] except IndexError: try: n, m = kwargs['Ch'] del kwargs['Ch'] except KeyError: try: n = kwargs['n'] del kwargs['n'] m = kwargs['m'] del kwargs['m'] except KeyError: n = m = 5 if check_type: type_check_chiral_indices((n, m)) return n, m, kwargs
get_Ch_indices = get_chiral_indices
[docs]def get_chiral_indices_from_str(Ch): """Return the chiral indicies `n` and `m`. Parameters ---------- Ch : str string of the form 'NNMM' or "(n, m)". Extra spaces are acceptable. Returns ------- sequence 2-tuple of chiral indices `n` and `m` """ try: return int(Ch[:2]), int(Ch[2:]) except ValueError: try: return tuple([int(c) for c in re.split('[\(\),\s*]+', Ch)[1:-1]]) except Exception as e: print(e) return None
[docs]def type_check_chiral_indices(*Ch): """Check type of chiral indices. Parameters ---------- Ch : :class:`~python:tuple` Raises ------ TypeError """ n = m = None try: n, m = Ch except ValueError: try: n, m = Ch[0] except IndexError: raise ValueError('Expected an (n, m) tuple of chiral indices') if not (isinstance(n, numbers.Real) or n >= 0): raise TypeError('Expected an integer') if not (isinstance(m, numbers.Real) or m >= 0): raise TypeError('Expected an integer')
[docs]def pymatgen_structure(*args, classmethod=None, **kwargs): """Helper function to generate a :class:`pymatgen:pymatgen.core.Structure`. Parameters ---------- args : :class:`~python:tuple` variable number of positional arguments to pass to the :class:`~pymatgen:pymatgen.core.Structure` constructor classmethod : {None, str}, optional name of :class:`~pymatgen:pymatgen.core.Structure` classmethod to call instead of calling :class:`~pymatgen:pymatgen.core.Structure`. kwargs : :class:`~python:dict` variable number of keyword arguments to pass to the :class:`~pymatgen:pymatgen.core.Structure` constructor Returns ------- :class:`~pymatgen:pymatgen.core.Structure` """ try: from pymatgen import Structure except ImportError as e: print(e) else: constructor = None if classmethod is None: constructor = Structure else: constructor = getattr(Structure, classmethod, None) pmg_sig = inspect.signature(constructor) bound_sig = pmg_sig.bind(*args, **kwargs) return constructor(*bound_sig.args, **bound_sig.kwargs)