
class sknano.core.atoms.StructureAtom(*args, **kwargs)[source] [edit on github][source]

Bases: sknano.core.atoms.mixins.AtomAdapterMixin, sknano.core.atoms.mixins.AtomTopologyMixin, sknano.core.atoms.mixins.AtomTransformationsMixin, sknano.core.atoms.mixins.POAVAtomMixin, sknano.core.atoms.mixins.RingAtomMixin, sknano.core.atoms.neighbor_atoms.NeighborAtom, sknano.core.atoms.image_atoms.ImageAtom, sknano.core.atoms.lattice_atoms.LatticeAtom, sknano.core.atoms.xyz_atoms.XYZAtom, sknano.core.atoms.charged_atoms.ChargedAtom, sknano.core.atoms.type_atoms.TypeAtom, sknano.core.atoms.id_atoms.IDAtom

An Atom class for structure analysis.


CN NeighborAtom coordination number.
NN Nearest-neighbor Atoms.
Nneighbors Number of neighbors.
POAV1 POAV1 instance.
POAV2 POAV2 instance.
POAVR POAVR instance.
Z Atomic number Z.
angles Atom bond Angles.
atomID Alias for id.
bonds Atom Bonds
dihedrals Atom Dihedrals
dr x,y,z components of Atom displacement vector.
element Element symbol.
first_neighbors First nearest neighbors.
fmtstr Format string.
i ix,iy,iz image flags
id id.
impropers Atom Impropers
ix ix image flag.
iy iy image flag.
iz iz image flag.
lattice Crystal3DLattice.
m An alias for mass.
mass Atomic mass ma in atomic mass units.
mol mol.
moleculeID Alias for mol.
molid An alias for mol.
neighbor_distances Neighbor atom distances.
neighbor_map Neighbor atoms.
neighbors Neighbor atoms.
q Charge q as multiple of elementary charge e.
r x,y,z components of Atom position vector.
r0 x,y,z components of Atom position vector at t=0.
rs Scaled x,y,z components of Atom position vector.
second_neighbors Second nearest neighbors
serial Alias for id.
symbol Element symbol.
third_neighbors Third nearest neighbors
type type.
vmd_index VMD atom index attribute.
x x-coordinate in units of Angstroms.
xs Scaled x-coordinate.
y y-coordinate in units of Angstroms.
ys Scaled y-coordinate.
z z-coordinate in units of Angstroms.
zs Scaled z-coordinate.


get_coords([asdict]) Return atom coords.
get_nth_nearest_neighbors(n[, exclusive]) Get the `n`th set of neighbors.
getattr(attr[, default, recursive]) Get atom attribute named attr.
reset_attrs(**kwargs) Reset atom attributes.
rezero([epsilon]) Alias for Atom.rezero_xyz, but calls super class rezero method as well.
rezero_coords([epsilon]) Alias for Atom.rezero_xyz.
rezero_xyz([epsilon]) Re-zero position vector components.
rotate(**kwargs) Rotate Atom position vector.
set_nth_nearest_neighbors(n, neighbors) Set nth nearest neighbors
todict() Return dict of constructor parameters.
translate(t[, fix_anchor_point, cartesian]) Translate Atom position vector by Vector t.
update_attrs(**kwargs) Update atom attributes.