
sknano.structures.generate_Ch_list(ns=None, ni=None, nf=None, dn=None, ms=None, mi=None, mf=None, dm=None, imax=None, chiral_types=None, handedness=None, echo_zsh_str=False)[source][source]

Generate a list of \((n, m)\) chiralities.


ns, ms : sequence

list of \(n\) and \(m\) chiral indices.

ni, nf, dn : int, optional

\((n_i, n_f, \Delta n)\) denote the start, stop, and step parameters passed to the numpy function np.arange, to generate an array of evenly spaced \(n\) chiral indices. ni only required if ns sequence kwarg is None.

mi, mf, dm : int, optional

\((m_i, m_f, \Delta m)\) denote the start, stop, and step parameters passed to the numpy function np.arange, to generate an array of evenly spaced \(m\) chiral indices. mi only required if ms sequence kwarg is None.

imax : int, optional

maximum chiral index \(n = m = i_{max}\).

chiral_types : {‘all’, ‘achiral’, ‘chiral’, ‘armchair’, ‘zigzag’}, optional

handedness : {‘all’, ‘left’, ‘right’}, optional

echo_zsh_str : bool, optional


Ch_list : sequence

list of chiralities