Source code for sknano.core.crystallography.xtal_lattices

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Crystal lattice classes (:mod:`sknano.core.crystallography.xtal_lattices`)

.. currentmodule:: sknano.core.crystallography.xtal_lattices

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, \
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

# from abc import ABCMeta, abstractproperty
from functools import total_ordering

import numpy as np

# from tabulate import tabulate

from sknano.core import BaseClass, TabulateMixin
from sknano.core.geometric_regions import Cuboid, Parallelepiped, \
from sknano.core.math import Vector, Point, zhat, transformation_matrix
from .extras import pbc_diff

__all__ = ['LatticeBase', 'ReciprocalLatticeBase',
           'DirectLatticeMixin', 'ReciprocalLatticeMixin',
           'Direct2DLatticeMixin', 'Direct3DLatticeMixin',
           'Reciprocal2DLatticeMixin', 'Reciprocal3DLatticeMixin',
           'Crystal2DLattice', 'Reciprocal2DLattice',
           'Crystal3DLattice', 'Reciprocal3DLattice',
           'Domain', 'generate_lattice']
# __all__ += ['BravaisLattice', 'Bravais3DLattice',
#            'SimpleCubicLattice', 'BodyCenteredCubicLattice',
#            'FaceCenteredCubicLattice']

[docs]class Domain(TabulateMixin, BaseClass): """Container class for molecular dynamics simulation box metadata.""" def __init__(self): """ Attributes ---------- bounding_box : :class:`~sknano.core.geometric_regions.Cuboid` triclinic : :class:`~python:bool` xy, xz, yz : :class:`~python:float` lattice : :class:`~sknano.core.crystallography.Crystal3DLattice`. """ self.bounding_box = Cuboid() self.triclinic = False self.xy = self.xz = self.yz = 0.0 self.lattice = None def __str__(self): strrep = self._table_title_str() attrs = ['triclinic', 'xy', 'xz', 'yz'] values = [getattr(self, attr) for attr in attrs] table = self._tabulate(list(zip(attrs, values))) strrep = '\n'.join((strrep, table)) lattice = self.lattice if lattice is not None: strrep = '\n'.join((strrep, str(lattice))) return strrep @property def tilt_factors(self): """Domain tilt factors `xy`, `xz`, `yz`.""" return self.xy, self.xz, self.yz @property def xlo(self): """Alias for :attr:`Domain.bounding_box.xmin`""" return self.bounding_box.xmin @xlo.setter def xlo(self, value): self.bounding_box.xmin = value @property def xhi(self): """Alias for :attr:`Domain.bounding_box.xmax`""" return self.bounding_box.xmax @xhi.setter def xhi(self, value): self.bounding_box.xmax = value @property def ylo(self): """Alias for :attr:`Domain.bounding_box.ymin`""" return self.bounding_box.ymin @ylo.setter def ylo(self, value): self.bounding_box.ymin = value @property def yhi(self): """Alias for :attr:`Domain.bounding_box.ymax`""" return self.bounding_box.ymax @yhi.setter def yhi(self, value): self.bounding_box.ymax = value @property def zlo(self): """Alias for :attr:`Domain.bounding_box.zmin`""" return self.bounding_box.zmin @zlo.setter def zlo(self, value): self.bounding_box.zmin = value @property def zhi(self): """Alias for :attr:`Domain.bounding_box.zmax`""" return self.bounding_box.zmax @zhi.setter def zhi(self, value): self.bounding_box.zmax = value @property def lengths(self): """:class:`~python:tuple` of side lengths""" return self.bounding_box.lengths @property def lx(self): """Alias for :attr:`Domain.bounding_box.lx`.""" return self.bounding_box.lx @property def ly(self): """Alias for :attr:``.""" return @property def lz(self): """Alias for :attr:`Domain.bounding_box.lz`.""" return self.bounding_box.lz @property def xlo_bound(self): """Triclinic bounding box minimum extent in the x-dimension""" xlo = self.xlo xy = self.xy xz = self.xz return xlo + min((0.0, xy, xz, xy + xz)) @xlo_bound.setter def xlo_bound(self, value): xy = self.xy xz = self.xz self.xlo = value - min((0.0, xy, xz, xy + xz)) @property def xhi_bound(self): """Triclinic bounding box maximum extent in the x-dimension""" xhi = self.xhi xy = self.xy xz = self.xz return xhi + max((0.0, xy, xz, xy + xz)) @xhi_bound.setter def xhi_bound(self, value): xy = self.xy xz = self.xz self.xhi = value - max((0.0, xy, xz, xy + xz)) @property def ylo_bound(self): """Triclinic bounding box minimum extent in the y-dimension""" return self.ylo + min((0.0, self.yz)) @ylo_bound.setter def ylo_bound(self, value): self.ylo = value - min((0.0, self.yz)) @property def yhi_bound(self): """Triclinic bounding box maximum extent in the y-dimension""" return self.yhi + max((0.0, self.yz)) @yhi_bound.setter def yhi_bound(self, value): self.yhi = value - max((0.0, self.yz)) @property def zlo_bound(self): """Triclinic bounding box minimum extent in the z-dimension""" return self.zlo @zlo_bound.setter def zlo_bound(self, value): self.zlo = value @property def zhi_bound(self): """Triclinic bounding box maximum extent in the z-dimension""" return self.zhi @zhi_bound.setter def zhi_bound(self, value): self.zhi = value
[docs] def update(self, from_lattice=None, from_region=None, from_array=None, allow_triclinic_box=False, pad_box=False, pad_tol=0.01, xpad=10., ypad=10., zpad=10., verbose=False, **kwargs): """Update simulation domain attributes from lattice.""" bounding_box = \ generate_bounding_box(from_lattice=from_lattice, from_region=from_region, from_array=from_array, verbose=verbose) if pad_box and from_array is not None: coords = from_array boxpad = {'x': xpad, 'y': ypad, 'z': zpad} # for dim, pad in boxpad.items(): for i, dim in enumerate(('x', 'y', 'z')): pad = boxpad[dim] dmin = dim + 'min' dmax = dim + 'max' if abs(getattr(bounding_box, dmin) - coords[:, i].min()) < pad - pad_tol: setattr(bounding_box, dmin, getattr(bounding_box, dmin) - pad) if abs(getattr(bounding_box, dmax) - coords[:, i].max()) < pad - pad_tol: setattr(bounding_box, dmax, getattr(bounding_box, dmax) + pad) if allow_triclinic_box and from_lattice is not None: self.lattice = lattice = from_lattice if not np.allclose(np.radians(lattice.angles), np.pi / 2 * np.ones(3)): self.triclinic = True a, b, c = lattice.lengths cos_alpha, cos_beta, cos_gamma = \ np.cos(np.radians(lattice.angles)) self.xy = xy = b * cos_gamma self.xz = xz = c * cos_beta self.yz = \ (b * c * cos_alpha - xy * xz) / np.sqrt(b ** 2 - xy ** 2) self.xlo_bound = bounding_box.xmin self.xhi_bound = bounding_box.xmax self.ylo_bound = bounding_box.ymin self.yhi_bound = bounding_box.ymax self.zlo_bound = bounding_box.zmin self.zhi_bound = bounding_box.zmax else: self.bounding_box = bounding_box
[docs] def todict(self): """Return :class:`~python:dict` of constructor parameters.""" return dict()
[docs]def generate_lattice(from_domain=None, from_region=None, offset=None): """Return a :class:`~sknano.core.crystallography.Crystal3DLattice`. Parameters ---------- from_domain : :class:`~sknano.core.crystallography.Domain` from_region : :class:`~sknano.core.geometric_regions.Geometric3DRegion` verbose : :class:`~python:bool` Returns ------- lattice : :class:`~sknano.core.crystallography.Crystal3DLattice` """ if all([obj is None for obj in (from_domain, from_region)]): return None if from_domain is not None: domain = from_domain lx, ly, lz = domain.lengths xy, xz, yz = domain.tilt_factors a = lx b = np.sqrt(ly ** 2 + xy ** 2) c = np.sqrt(lz ** 2 + xz ** 2 + yz ** 2) alpha = np.degrees(np.arccos((xy * xz + ly * yz) / (b * c))) beta = np.degrees(np.arccos(xz / c)) gamma = np.degrees(np.arccos(xy / b)) lattice = \ Crystal3DLattice(a=a, b=b, c=c, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, gamma=gamma, offset=offset) return lattice
[docs]class LatticeBase(TabulateMixin, BaseClass): """Base class for crystallographic lattice objects. Parameters ---------- nd : int cell_matrix : array_like orientation_matrix : array_like, optional offset : array_like, optional """ def __init__(self, nd=None, cell_matrix=None, orientation_matrix=None, offset=None): super().__init__() self.nd = nd if cell_matrix is not None and orientation_matrix is None: orientation_matrix = cell_matrix.T * self.fractional_matrix if orientation_matrix is None: orientation_matrix = np.asmatrix(np.identity(3)) self.orientation_matrix = np.asmatrix(orientation_matrix) self.lattice_type = None self._offset = Point(offset, nd=3) self._update_region() def __dir__(self): return ['nd', 'offset', 'orientation_matrix'] def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, type(self)): return self is other or \ all([np.allclose(getattr(self, attr), getattr(other, attr)) for attr in dir(self)]) def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, type(self)): try: return self.cell_volume < other.cell_volume except AttributeError: return self.cell_area < other.cell_area @property def offset(self): """Lattice offset.""" return self._offset @offset.setter def offset(self, value): # self.translate(Vector(p0=self._offset, p=Point(value))) self._offset[:] = Point(value) @property def ortho_matrix(self): """Transformation matrix to convert from fractional coordinates to \ cartesian coordinates. .. math:: [M] = \\begin{pmatrix} \\mathbf{a} & \\mathbf{b} & \\mathbf{c} \\end{pmatrix} = \\begin{pmatrix} a & b\\cos\\gamma & c\\cos\\beta\\\\ 0 & b\\sin\\gamma & c(\\cos\\alpha - \\cos\\beta\\cos\\gamma)/\\sin\\gamma\\\\ 0 & 0 & c\\sin\\alpha\\sin\\beta\\sin\\gamma^*/\\sin\\gamma \\end{pmatrix} """ return self._ortho_matrix @property def cell_matrix(self): """Matrix of lattice row vectors. Same as the matrix transpose of the matrix product :attr:`LatticeBase.orientation_matrix` :math:`\\times` :attr:`LatticeBase.ortho_matrix`: .. math:: [A] = ([R][M])^T \\begin{pmatrix} \\mathbf{a}\\\\ \\mathbf{b}\\\\ \\mathbf{c} \\end{pmatrix} =([R][\\mathbf{a}\\,\\mathbf{b}\\,\\mathbf{c}])^T """ return (self.orientation_matrix * self.ortho_matrix).T @property def cell(self): """Alias for \ :attr:`~sknano.core.crystallography.LatticeBase.cell_matrix`.""" return self.cell_matrix @property def matrix(self): """Alias for \ :attr:`~sknano.core.crystallography.LatticeBase.cell_matrix`.""" return self.cell_matrix @property def fractional_matrix(self): """Transformation matrix to convert from cartesian coordinates to \ fractional coordinates. The fractional matrix :math:`[Q]` is given by the inverse of the orthogonal matrix :math:`[M]` (see: :attr:`~LatticeBase.ortho_matrix`), i.e. :math:`[Q]=[M]^{-1}` .. math:: [Q] = [M]^{-1} =\\begin{pmatrix} 1/a & -1/a\\tan\\gamma & (\\cos\\alpha\\cos\\gamma - \\cos\\beta)/ a\\phi\\sin\\gamma\\\\ 0 & 1/b\\sin\\gamma & (\\cos\\beta\\cos\\gamma - \\cos\\alpha)/ b\\phi\\sin\\gamma\\\\ 0 & 0 & \\sin\\gamma/c\\phi \\end{pmatrix} where: .. math:: \\begin{align*} \\phi &= \\frac{V}{abc}\\\\ &=\\sqrt{1 - \\cos^2\\alpha - \\cos^2\\beta - \\cos^2\\gamma + 2\\cos\\alpha\\cos\\beta\\cos\\gamma}\\\\ &=\\sin\\alpha\\sin\\beta\\sin\\gamma^* \\end{align*} where :math:`V` is the volume of the unit cell. """ return np.linalg.inv(self.ortho_matrix) @property def metric_tensor(self): """Metric tensor.""" return self.cell_matrix * self.cell_matrix.T @property def bounding_box(self): """:attr:`~LatticeBase.region` :attr:`~Parallelepiped.bounding_box`.""" return self.region.bounding_box @property def region(self): """:class:`Parallelepiped` defined by lattice vectors.""" try: return self._region except AttributeError: self._update_region() return self._region def _update_region(self): cell_matrix = self.cell_matrix o = self.offset u, v, w = \ map(Vector, [cell_matrix[ri].A.flatten() for ri in range(3)]) # u, v, w = \ # map(Vector, [ortho_matrix[:, ri].A.flatten() for ri in range(3)]) self._region = Parallelepiped(o, u, v, w) @property def centroid(self): """Region centroid.""" return self.region.centroid
[docs] def fractional_diff(self, fcoords1, fcoords2): """Compute difference between fractional coordinates. See Also -------- core.crystallography.pbc_diff """ return pbc_diff(fcoords1, fcoords2)
[docs] def fractional_to_cartesian(self, fcoords): """Convert fractional coordinate to cartesian coordinate. Parameters ---------- fcoords : array_like Returns ------- :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` """ ccoords = self.orientation_matrix * self.ortho_matrix * \ np.asmatrix(fcoords).T + self.offset.column_matrix try: return ccoords.T.A.reshape((3, )) except ValueError: return ccoords.T.A.reshape((len(fcoords), 3))
[docs] def cartesian_to_fractional(self, ccoords): """Convert cartesian coordinate to fractional coordinate. Parameters ---------- ccoords : array_like Returns ------- :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` """ fcoords = np.linalg.inv(self.ortho_matrix) * \ np.linalg.inv(self.orientation_matrix) * \ (np.asmatrix(ccoords).T - self.offset.column_matrix) try: return fcoords.T.A.reshape((3, )) except ValueError: return fcoords.T.A.reshape((len(ccoords), 3))
[docs] def wrap_fractional_coordinate(self, p, epsilon=1e-8, pbc=None): """Wrap fractional coordinate to lie within unit cell. Parameters ---------- p : array_like Returns ------- :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` """ if pbc is None: pbc = np.asarray(np.ones(3), dtype=bool) p =, mask=~pbc) p =, 1) p[ < 0)] += 1 p[ > 1 - epsilon)] -= 1 p[ > 1 - epsilon), (p < epsilon)))] = 0 p.mask = return np.asarray(p.tolist())
[docs] def wrap_fractional_coordinates(self, points, epsilon=1e-8, pbc=None): """Wrap array of fractional coordinates to lie within unit cell. Parameters ---------- p : array_like Returns ------- :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` """ return np.asarray([self.wrap_fractional_coordinate(p, epsilon=epsilon, pbc=pbc) for p in points])
[docs] def wrap_cartesian_coordinate(self, p, epsilon=1e-8, pbc=None): """Wrap cartesian coordinate to lie within unit cell. Parameters ---------- p : array_like Returns ------- :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` """ return self.fractional_to_cartesian( self.wrap_fractional_coordinate(self.cartesian_to_fractional(p), epsilon=epsilon, pbc=pbc))
[docs] def wrap_cartesian_coordinates(self, points, epsilon=1e-8, pbc=None): """Wrap array of cartesian coordinates to lie within unit cell. Parameters ---------- p : array_like Returns ------- :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` """ return np.asarray([self.wrap_cartesian_coordinate(p, epsilon=epsilon, pbc=pbc) for p in points])
[docs] def rotate(self, **kwargs): """Rotate unit cell. Parameters ---------- angle : float axis : :class:`~sknano.core.math.Vector`, optional anchor_point : :class:`~sknano.core.math.Point`, optional rot_point : :class:`~sknano.core.math.Point`, optional from_vector, to_vector : :class:`~sknano.core.math.Vector`, optional degrees : bool, optional transform_matrix : :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` See Also -------- core.math.rotate """ if self.nd == 2 and kwargs.get('axis', None) is None: kwargs['axis'] = 'z' if kwargs.get('anchor_point', None) is None: kwargs['anchor_point'] = self.offset if kwargs.get('transform_matrix', None) is None: kwargs['transform_matrix'] = transformation_matrix(**kwargs) transform_matrix = kwargs['transform_matrix'] if transform_matrix.shape == (4, 4): # tvec = translation_from_matrix(transform_matrix) # print('translation_part: {}'.format(tvec)) # self.translate(tvec) transform_matrix = transform_matrix[:3, :3] transform_matrix = np.asmatrix(transform_matrix) self.orientation_matrix = transform_matrix * self.orientation_matrix
[docs] def translate(self, t): """Translate lattice. Parameters ---------- t : :class:`Vector` See Also -------- core.math.translate """ self.offset.translate(t) self.region.translate(t)
[docs]class ReciprocalLatticeBase(LatticeBase): """Base class for crystallographic reciprocal lattice objects. Parameters ---------- direct_lattice : :class:`Crystal2DLattice` or :class:`Crystal3DLattice` nd : int """ def __init__(self, direct_lattice, nd, offset=None): self._direct_lattice = direct_lattice super().__init__( nd=nd, cell_matrix=self._direct_lattice.cell_matrix, orientation_matrix=self._direct_lattice.orientation_matrix, offset=offset) def __getattr__(self, name): if name != '_direct_lattice': return getattr(self._direct_lattice, name)
[docs]class Direct2DLatticeMixin: """Mixin class for computing the 2D direct lattice parameters from \ 2D reciprocal lattice parameters.""" @property def cos_gamma(self): """:math:`\\cos\\gamma`""" return np.around(np.acos(np.radians(self.gamma)), decimals=10) @property def sin_gamma(self): """:math:`\\sin\\gamma`""" return np.sqrt(1 - self.cos_gamma ** 2) @property def a1(self): """2D lattice vector :math:`\\mathbf{a}_1=\\mathbf{a}`.""" b2 = Vector() b2[:2] = self.b2 # b2.p0 = self.offset return b2.cross(zhat) / self.cell_area @property def a2(self): """2D lattice vector :math:`\\mathbf{a}_2=\\mathbf{b}`.""" b1 = Vector() b1[:2] = self.b1 # z = zhat.copy() # z.p0 = self.offset return zhat.cross(b1) / self.cell_area
[docs]class Reciprocal2DLatticeMixin: """Mixin class for computing the 2D reciprocal lattice parameters from \ 2D direct lattice parameters.""" @property def cos_gamma_star(self): """:math:`\\cos\\gamma^*`""" return np.around(np.acos(np.radians(self.gamma_star)), decimals=10) @property def sin_gamma_star(self): """:math:`\\sin\\gamma^*`""" return np.sqrt(1 - self.cos_gamma_star ** 2) @property def b1(self): """2D reciprocal lattice vector :math:`\\mathbf{b}_1=\\mathbf{a}^{*}`. """ a2 = Vector() a2[:2] = self.a2 # a2.p0 = self.offset return a2.cross(zhat)[:2] / self.cell_area @property def b2(self): """2D reciprocal lattice vector :math:`\\mathbf{b}_2=\\mathbf{b}^{*}`. """ a1 = Vector() a1[:2] = self.a1 # z = zhat.copy() # z.p0 = self.offset return zhat.cross(a1)[:2] / self.cell_area
[docs]class Direct3DLatticeMixin: """Mixin class for computing the 3D direct lattice parameters from \ 3D reciprocal lattice parameters.""" @property def cos_alpha(self): """:math:`\\cos\\alpha`""" return np.around( (self.cos_beta_star * self.cos_gamma_star - self.cos_alpha_star) / (self.sin_beta_star * self.sin_gamma_star), decimals=10) @property def cos_beta(self): """:math:`\\cos\\beta`""" return np.around( (self.cos_gamma_star * self.cos_alpha_star - self.cos_beta_star) / (self.sin_gamma_star * self.sin_alpha_star), decimals=10) @property def cos_gamma(self): """:math:`\\cos\\gamma`""" return np.around( (self.cos_alpha_star * self.cos_beta_star - self.cos_gamma_star) / (self.sin_alpha_star * self.sin_beta_star), decimals=10) @property def sin_alpha(self): """:math:`\\sin\\alpha`""" return np.sqrt(1 - self.cos_alpha ** 2) @property def sin_beta(self): """:math:`\\sin\\beta`""" return np.sqrt(1 - self.cos_beta ** 2) @property def sin_gamma(self): """:math:`\\sin\\gamma`""" return np.sqrt(1 - self.cos_gamma ** 2) @property def a1(self): """3D lattice vector :math:`\\mathbf{a}_1=\\mathbf{a}`.""" return self.b2.cross(self.b3) / self.cell_volume @property def a2(self): """3D lattice vector :math:`\\mathbf{a}_2=\\mathbf{b}`.""" return self.b3.cross(self.b1) / self.cell_volume @property def a3(self): """3D lattice vector :math:`\\mathbf{a}_3=\\mathbf{c}`.""" return self.b1.cross(self.b2) / self.cell_volume
DirectLatticeMixin = Direct3DLatticeMixin
[docs]class Reciprocal3DLatticeMixin: """Mixin class for computing the 3D reciprocal lattice parameters from \ the 3D direct lattice parameters.""" @property def cos_alpha_star(self): """:math:`\\cos\\alpha^*`""" return np.around((self.cos_beta * self.cos_gamma - self.cos_alpha) / (self.sin_beta * self.sin_gamma), decimals=10) @property def cos_beta_star(self): """:math:`\\cos\\beta^*`""" return np.around((self.cos_gamma * self.cos_alpha - self.cos_beta) / (self.sin_gamma * self.sin_alpha), decimals=10) @property def cos_gamma_star(self): """:math:`\\cos\\gamma^*`""" return np.around((self.cos_alpha * self.cos_beta - self.cos_gamma) / (self.sin_alpha * self.sin_beta), decimals=10) @property def sin_alpha_star(self): """:math:`\\sin\\alpha^*`""" return np.sqrt(1 - self.cos_alpha_star ** 2) @property def sin_beta_star(self): """:math:`\\sin\\beta^*`""" return np.sqrt(1 - self.cos_beta_star ** 2) @property def sin_gamma_star(self): """:math:`\\sin\\gamma^*`""" return np.sqrt(1 - self.cos_gamma_star ** 2) @property def b1(self): """3D reciprocal lattice vector :math:`\\mathbf{b}_1=\\mathbf{a}^{*}`. """ return self.a2.cross(self.a3) / self.cell_volume @property def b2(self): """3D reciprocal lattice vector :math:`\\mathbf{b}_2=\\mathbf{b}^{*}`. """ return self.a3.cross(self.a1) / self.cell_volume @property def b3(self): """3D reciprocal lattice vector :math:`\\mathbf{b}_3=\\mathbf{c}^{*}`. """ return self.a1.cross(self.a2) / self.cell_volume
ReciprocalLatticeMixin = Reciprocal3DLatticeMixin
[docs]class Crystal2DLattice(LatticeBase, Reciprocal2DLatticeMixin): """2D crystal lattice class. Parameters ---------- a, b : float gamma : float a1, a2 : array_like cell_matrix : array_like orientation_matrix : array_like, optional """ def __init__(self, a=None, b=None, gamma=None, a1=None, a2=None, cell_matrix=None, orientation_matrix=None, offset=None): if cell_matrix is not None: cell_matrix = np.asarray(cell_matrix) a1 = np.array(cell_matrix[0]) a2 = np.array(cell_matrix[1]) if a1 is not None and a2 is not None: a1 = Vector(a1, nd=3) a2 = Vector(a2, nd=3) a = a1.length b = a2.length gamma = np.degrees(a1.angle(a2)) cell_matrix = np.matrix(np.vstack((np.asarray(a1), np.asarray(a2), np.asarray([0, 0, 1])))) self._a = a self._b = b self._gamma = gamma if None not in (a, b, gamma): self._update_ortho_matrix() super().__init__(nd=2, cell_matrix=cell_matrix, orientation_matrix=orientation_matrix, offset=offset) self.fmtstr = "a={a!r}, b={b!r}, gamma={gamma!r}" def __dir__(self): attrs = super().__dir__() attrs.extend(['a', 'b', 'gamma']) return attrs def __str__(self): strrep = self._table_title_str() objstr = self._obj_mro_str() lattice_params = \ self._tabulate(list(zip(('a', 'b', 'γ'), self.lengths_and_angles))) title = '.'.join((objstr, 'lengths_and_angles')) strrep = '\n'.join((strrep, title, lattice_params)) cosines = np.around(np.cos(np.radians(self.angles)), decimals=2) cosines = self._tabulate(list(zip(('cos(γ)',), (cosines,)))) title = '.'.join((objstr, 'offset')) offset = self._tabulate([['Lattice offset', self.offset]]) strrep = '\n'.join((strrep, title, offset)) lattice_vectors = \ self._tabulate(list(zip(('a1', 'a2'), self.lattice_vectors))) title = '.'.join((objstr, 'lattice_vectors')) strrep = '\n'.join((strrep, title, lattice_vectors)) region = self.region title = '.'.join((objstr, region.__class__.__qualname__)) strrep = '\n'.join((strrep, title, str(region))) bbox = region.bounding_box title = '.'.join((title, bbox.__class__.__qualname__)) strrep = '\n'.join((strrep, title, str(bbox))) return strrep
[docs] def todict(self): """Return `dict` of `Crystal2DLattice` parameters.""" return dict(a=self.a, b=self.b, gamma=self.gamma)
@property def a(self): """Length of lattice vector :math:`\\mathbf{a}`.""" return np.around(self._a, decimals=10) @a.setter def a(self, value): self._a = float(value) self._update_ortho_matrix() @property def b(self): """Length of lattice_vector :math:`\\mathbf{b}`.""" return np.around(self._b, decimals=10) @b.setter def b(self, value): self._b = float(value) self._update_ortho_matrix() @property def gamma(self): """Angle between lattice vectors :math:`\\mathbf{a}` and \ :math:`\\mathbf{b}` in **degrees**.""" try: return np.around(float(self._gamma), decimals=10) except TypeError: return None @gamma.setter def gamma(self, value): self._gamma = float(value) self._update_ortho_matrix() @property def a1(self): """Lattice vector :math:`\\mathbf{a}_1=\\mathbf{a}`.""" # return Vector(self.ortho_matrix[:, 0].A.flatten(), # p0=self.offset)[:2] return Vector(self.cell_matrix[0].A.flatten(), p0=self.offset)[:2] @property def a2(self): """Lattice vector :math:`\\mathbf{a}_2=\\mathbf{b}`.""" # return Vector(self.ortho_matrix[:, 1].A.flatten(), # p0=self.offset)[:2] return Vector(self.cell_matrix[1].A.flatten(), p0=self.offset)[:2] @property def cos_gamma(self): """:math:`\\cos\\gamma`""" return np.around(np.cos(np.radians(self.gamma)), decimals=10) @property def sin_gamma(self): """:math:`\\sin\\gamma`""" return np.around(np.sin(np.radians(self.gamma)), decimals=10) @property def cell_area(self): """Alias for :attr:`~Crystal2DLattice.area`.""" return self.area @property def area(self): """Crystal cell area.""" return np.abs(self.a1.cross(self.a2)) def _update_ortho_matrix(self): m11 = self.a m12 = self.b * self.cos_gamma m22 = self.b * self.sin_gamma self._ortho_matrix = np.matrix([[m11, m12, 0.0], [0.0, m22, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) @property def reciprocal_lattice(self): """Return `Crystal2DLattice` reciprocal lattice.""" return Reciprocal2DLattice( cell_matrix=np.linalg.inv(self.cell_matrix).T) @classmethod
[docs] def oblique(cls, a, b, gamma): """Generate an oblique 2D lattice with lattice parameters \ :math:`a, b, \\gamma`.""" return cls(a=a, b=b, gamma=gamma)
[docs] def rectangular(cls, a, b): """Generate a rectangular 2D lattice with lattice parameters \ :math:`a, b`.""" return cls(a=a, b=b, gamma=90)
[docs] def square(cls, a): """Generate a square 2D lattice with lattice parameter \ :math:`a`.""" return cls(a=a, b=a, gamma=90)
[docs] def hexagonal(cls, a): """Generate a hexagonal 2D lattice with lattice parameter \ :math:`a`.""" return cls(a=a, b=a, gamma=120)
@property def lengths(self): """Tuple of lattice parameter lengths :math:`a, b`.""" return self.a, self.b @property def angles(self): """Lattice parameter angle \\gamma`.""" return self.gamma @property def lattice_parameters(self): """Tuple of lattice parameters `a`, `b`, `gamma`.""" return self.a, self.b, self.gamma @property def lengths_and_angles(self): """Alias for attr:`Crystal2DLattice.lattice_parameters`.""" return self.lattice_parameters @property def lattice_vectors(self): """Tuple of lattice vectors :math:`\\mathbf{a}_1, \\mathbf{a}_2`.""" return self.a1, self.a2
[docs]class Reciprocal2DLattice(ReciprocalLatticeBase, Direct2DLatticeMixin): """2D reciprocal lattice class. Parameters ---------- a_star, b_star : float gamma_star : float b1, b2 : array_like cell_matrix : array_like orientation_matrix : array_like """ def __init__(self, a_star=None, b_star=None, gamma_star=None, b1=None, b2=None, cell_matrix=None, orientation_matrix=None, offset=None): direct_lattice = \ Crystal2DLattice(a=a_star, b=b_star, gamma=gamma_star, a1=b1, a2=b2, cell_matrix=cell_matrix, orientation_matrix=orientation_matrix) super().__init__(direct_lattice, nd=2, offset=offset) self.fmtstr = "a_star={a_star!r}, b_star={b_star!r}, " + \ "gamma_star={gamma_star!r}" def __dir__(self): attrs = super().__dir__() attrs.extend(['a_star', 'b_star', 'gamma_star']) return attrs
[docs] def todict(self): """Return `dict` of `Reciprocal2DLattice` parameters.""" return dict(a_star=self.a_star, b_star=self.b_star, gamma_star=self.gamma_star)
@property def a_star(self): """Length of reciprocal lattice vector :math:`\\mathbf{a^*}`.""" return self._direct_lattice.a @a_star.setter def a_star(self, value): self._direct_lattice.a = value @property def b_star(self): """Length of reciprocal lattice_vector :math:`\\mathbf{b^*}`.""" return self._direct_lattice.b @b_star.setter def b_star(self, value): self._direct_lattice.b = value @property def gamma_star(self): """Angle between reciprocal lattice vectors \ :math:`\\mathbf{a}^{\\ast}` and :math:`\\mathbf{b}^{\\ast}` in \ **degrees**.""" try: return np.around(self._direct_lattice.gamma, decimals=10) except TypeError: return None @gamma_star.setter def gamma_star(self, value): self._direct_lattice.gamma = value @property def b1(self): """Reciprocal lattice vector :math:`\\mathbf{b}_1=\\mathbf{a}^*`.""" return self._direct_lattice.a1 @property def b2(self): """Reciprocal lattice vector :math:`\\mathbf{b}_2=\\mathbf{b}^*`.""" return self._direct_lattice.a2 @property def cos_gamma_star(self): """:math:`\\cos\\gamma^*`""" return self._direct_lattice.cos_gamma @property def sin_gamma_star(self): """:math:`\\sin\\gamma^*`""" return self._direct_lattice.sin_gamma @property def reciprocal_lattice(self): """Reciprocal lattice of this `Reciprocal2DLattice`.""" return Crystal2DLattice(cell_matrix=np.linalg.inv(self.cell_matrix).T) @classmethod
[docs] def oblique(cls, a_star, b_star, gamma_star): """Generate an oblique 2D reciprocal lattice with lattice parameters \ :math:`a^*, b^*, \\gamma^*`.""" return cls(a_star=a_star, b_star=b_star, gamma_star=gamma_star)
[docs] def rectangular(cls, a_star, b_star): """Generate a rectangular 2D reciprocal lattice with lattice \ parameters :math:`a^*, b^*`.""" return cls(a_star=a_star, b_star=b_star, gamma_star=90)
[docs] def square(cls, a_star): """Generate a square 2D reciprocal lattice with lattice parameter \ :math:`a^*`.""" return cls(a_star=a_star, b_star=a_star, gamma_star=90)
[docs] def hexagonal(cls, a_star): """Generate a hexagonal 2D reciprocal lattice with lattice parameter \ :math:`a^*`.""" return cls(a_star=a_star, b_star=a_star, gamma_star=120)
@property def lengths(self): """Tuple of lattice parameter lengths :math:`a^*, b^*`.""" return self.a_star, self.b_star @property def angles(self): """Lattice parameter angle \\gamma^*`.""" return self.gamma_star @property def lattice_parameters(self): """Tuple of lattice parameters `a^*`, `b^*`, `gamma^*`.""" return self.a_star, self.b_star, self.gamma_star @property def lattice_vectors(self): """Tuple of lattice vectors :math:`\\mathbf{b}_1, \\mathbf{b}_2`.""" return self.b1, self.b2
[docs]class Crystal3DLattice(LatticeBase, ReciprocalLatticeMixin): """3D crystal lattice class. Parameters ---------- a, b, c : float alpha, beta, gamma : float a1, a2, a3 : array_like cell_matrix : array_like orientation_matrix : array_like, optional """ def __init__(self, a=None, b=None, c=None, alpha=None, beta=None, gamma=None, a1=None, a2=None, a3=None, cell_matrix=None, orientation_matrix=None, offset=None): if all([p is None for p in (a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, a1, a2, a3, cell_matrix)]): errmsg = 'Expected lattice parameters ' + \ '`a`, `b`, `c`, `alpha`, `beta`, `gamma`\n' + \ 'or lattice vectors `a1`, `a2`, `a3`\n' + \ 'or a 3x3 matrix with rows of lattice vectors.' raise ValueError(errmsg) if cell_matrix is not None: cell_matrix = np.asarray(cell_matrix) a1 = np.array(cell_matrix[0]) a2 = np.array(cell_matrix[1]) a3 = np.array(cell_matrix[2]) if all([v is not None for v in (a1, a2, a3)]): a1 = Vector(a1) a2 = Vector(a2) a3 = Vector(a3) a = a1.length b = a2.length c = a3.length alpha = np.degrees(a2.angle(a3)) beta = np.degrees(a3.angle(a1)) gamma = np.degrees(a1.angle(a2)) cell_matrix = np.matrix(np.vstack((np.asarray(a1), np.asarray(a2), np.asarray(a3)))) self._a = a self._b = b self._c = c self._alpha = alpha self._beta = beta self._gamma = gamma if all([p is not None for p in (a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma)]): self._update_ortho_matrix() super().__init__(nd=3, cell_matrix=cell_matrix, orientation_matrix=orientation_matrix, offset=offset) self.fmtstr = "a={a!r}, b={b!r}, c={c!r}, " + \ "alpha={alpha!r}, beta={beta!r}, gamma={gamma!r}" def __dir__(self): attrs = super().__dir__() attrs.extend(['a', 'b', 'c', 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma']) return attrs def __str__(self): strrep = self._table_title_str() objstr = self._obj_mro_str() lattice_params = \ self._tabulate(list(zip(('a', 'b', 'c', 'α', 'β', 'γ'), self.lengths_and_angles))) title = '.'.join((objstr, 'lengths_and_angles')) strrep = '\n'.join((strrep, title, lattice_params)) cosines = np.around(np.cos(np.radians(self.angles)), decimals=2) cosines = self._tabulate(list(zip(('cos(α)', 'cos(β)', 'cos(γ)'), cosines))) title = '.'.join((objstr, 'offset')) offset = self._tabulate([['Lattice offset', self.offset]]) strrep = '\n'.join((strrep, title, offset)) lattice_vectors = \ self._tabulate(list(zip(('a1', 'a2', 'a3'), self.lattice_vectors))) title = '.'.join((objstr, 'lattice_vectors')) strrep = '\n'.join((strrep, title, lattice_vectors)) region = self.region title = '.'.join((objstr, region.__class__.__qualname__)) strrep = '\n'.join((strrep, title, str(region))) bbox = region.bounding_box title = '.'.join((title, bbox.__class__.__qualname__)) strrep = '\n'.join((strrep, title, str(bbox))) return strrep
[docs] def todict(self): """Return `dict` of `Crystal3DLattice` parameters.""" return dict(a=self.a, b=self.b, c=self.c, alpha=self.alpha, beta=self.beta, gamma=self.gamma)
@property def a(self): """Length of lattice vector :math:`\\mathbf{a}`.""" return np.around(self._a, decimals=10) @a.setter def a(self, value): self._a = float(value) self._update_ortho_matrix() @property def b(self): """Length of lattice_vector :math:`\\mathbf{b}`.""" return np.around(self._b, decimals=10) @b.setter def b(self, value): self._b = float(value) self._update_ortho_matrix() @property def c(self): """Length of lattice vector :math:`\\mathbf{c}`.""" return np.around(self._c, decimals=10) @c.setter def c(self, value): self._c = float(value) self._update_ortho_matrix() @property def alpha(self): """Angle between lattice vectors :math:`\\mathbf{b}` and \ :math:`\\mathbf{c}` in **degrees**.""" return np.around(self._alpha, decimals=10) @alpha.setter def alpha(self, value): self._alpha = float(value) self._update_ortho_matrix() @property def beta(self): """Angle between lattice vectors :math:`\\mathbf{a}` and \ :math:`\\mathbf{c}` in **degrees**.""" return np.around(self._beta, decimals=10) @beta.setter def beta(self, value): self._beta = float(value) self._update_ortho_matrix() @property def gamma(self): """Angle between lattice vectors :math:`\\mathbf{a}` and \ :math:`\\mathbf{b}` in **degrees**.""" return np.around(self._gamma, decimals=10) @gamma.setter def gamma(self, value): self._gamma = float(value) self._update_ortho_matrix() @property def a1(self): """Lattice vector :math:`\\mathbf{a}_1=\\mathbf{a}`.""" # return Vector(self.ortho_matrix[:, 0].A.flatten(), p0=self.offset) return Vector(self.cell_matrix[0].A.flatten(), p0=self.offset) @property def a2(self): """Lattice vector :math:`\\mathbf{a}_2=\\mathbf{b}`.""" # return Vector(self.ortho_matrix[:, 1].A.flatten(), p0=self.offset) return Vector(self.cell_matrix[1].A.flatten(), p0=self.offset) @property def a3(self): """Lattice vector :math:`\\mathbf{a}_3=\\mathbf{c}`.""" # return Vector(self.ortho_matrix[:, 2].A.flatten(), p0=self.offset) return Vector(self.cell_matrix[2].A.flatten(), p0=self.offset) @property def cos_alpha(self): """:math:`\\cos\\alpha`""" return np.around(np.cos(np.radians(self.alpha)), decimals=10) @property def cos_beta(self): """:math:`\\cos\\beta`""" return np.around(np.cos(np.radians(self.beta)), decimals=10) @property def cos_gamma(self): """:math:`\\cos\\gamma`""" return np.around(np.cos(np.radians(self.gamma)), decimals=10) @property def sin_alpha(self): """:math:`\\sin\\alpha`""" return np.around(np.sin(np.radians(self.alpha)), decimals=10) @property def sin_beta(self): """:math:`\\sin\\beta`""" return np.around(np.sin(np.radians(self.beta)), decimals=10) @property def sin_gamma(self): """:math:`\\sin\\gamma`""" return np.around(np.sin(np.radians(self.gamma)), decimals=10) @property def cell_volume(self): """Alias for :attr:`~Crystal3DLattice.volume`.""" return self.volume @property def volume(self): """Crystal cell volume.""" return self.a * self.b * self.c * \ np.sqrt(1 - self.cos_alpha ** 2 - self.cos_beta ** 2 - self.cos_gamma ** 2 + 2 * self.cos_alpha * self.cos_beta * self.cos_gamma) @property def ortho_matrix(self): """Transformation matrix to convert from fractional coordinates to \ cartesian coordinates.""" return self._ortho_matrix def _update_ortho_matrix(self): m11 = self.a m12 = self.b * self.cos_gamma m13 = self.c * self.cos_beta m22 = self.b * self.sin_gamma m23 = self.c * (self.cos_alpha - self.cos_beta * self.cos_gamma) / \ self.sin_gamma m33 = self.c * self.sin_alpha * self.sin_beta * self.sin_gamma_star / \ self.sin_gamma self._ortho_matrix = np.matrix([[m11, m12, m13], [0.0, m22, m23], [0.0, 0.0, m33]]) @property def reciprocal_lattice(self): """Reciprocal lattice of this `Crystal3DLattice`.""" return Reciprocal3DLattice( cell_matrix=np.linalg.inv(self.cell_matrix).T) @classmethod
[docs] def triclinic(cls, a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma): """Generate a triclinic 3D lattice with lattice parameters \ :math:`a, b, c, \\alpha, \\beta, \\gamma`.""" return cls(a=a, b=b, c=c, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, gamma=gamma)
[docs] def monoclinic(cls, a, b, c, beta): """Generate a monoclinic 3D lattice with lattice parameters \ :math:`a, b, c, \\beta`.""" return cls(a=a, b=b, c=c, alpha=90, beta=beta, gamma=90)
[docs] def orthorhombic(cls, a, b, c): """Generate an orthorhombic 3D lattice with lattice parameters \ :math:`a, b, c`.""" return cls(a=a, b=b, c=c, alpha=90, beta=90, gamma=90)
[docs] def tetragonal(cls, a, c): """Generate a tetragonal 3D lattice with lattice parameters \ :math:`a, c`.""" return cls(a=a, b=a, c=c, alpha=90, beta=90, gamma=90)
[docs] def hexagonal(cls, a, c): """Generate a hexagonal 3D lattice with lattice parameters \ :math:`a, c`.""" return cls(a=a, b=a, c=c, alpha=90, beta=90, gamma=120)
[docs] def cubic(cls, a): """Generate a cubic 3D lattice with lattice parameter \ :math:`a`.""" return cls(a=a, b=a, c=a, alpha=90, beta=90, gamma=90)
@property def lengths(self): """Tuple of lattice vector lengths :math:`a, b, c`.""" return self.a, self.b, self.c @property def angles(self): """Tuple of lattice parameter angles \ :math:`\\alpha, \\beta, \\gamma`.""" return self.alpha, self.beta, self.gamma @property def lattice_parameters(self): """Tuple of lattice parameters \ `a`, `b`, `c`, `alpha`, `beta`, `gamma`.""" return self.a, self.b, self.c, self.alpha, self.beta, self.gamma @property def lengths_and_angles(self): """Alias for attr:`Crystal3DLattice.lattice_parameters`.""" return self.lattice_parameters @property def lattice_vectors(self): """Tuple of lattice vectors \ :math:`\\mathbf{a}_1, \\mathbf{a}_2, \\mathbf{a}_3`.""" return self.a1, self.a2, self.a3
CrystalLattice = Crystal3DLattice
[docs]class Reciprocal3DLattice(ReciprocalLatticeBase, DirectLatticeMixin): """3D reciprocal lattice class. Parameters ---------- a_star, b_star, c_star : float alpha_star, beta_star, gamma_star : float b1, b2, b3 : array_like cell_matrix : array_like orientation_matrix : array_like """ def __init__(self, a_star=None, b_star=None, c_star=None, alpha_star=None, beta_star=None, gamma_star=None, b1=None, b2=None, b3=None, cell_matrix=None, orientation_matrix=None, offset=None): direct_lattice = \ Crystal3DLattice(a=a_star, b=b_star, c=c_star, alpha=alpha_star, beta=beta_star, gamma=gamma_star, a1=b1, a2=b2, a3=b3, cell_matrix=cell_matrix, orientation_matrix=orientation_matrix) super().__init__(direct_lattice, nd=3, offset=offset) self.fmtstr = "a_star={a_star!r}, b_star={b_star!r}, " + \ "c_star={c_star!r}, alpha_star={alpha_star!r}, " + \ "beta_star={beta_star!r}, gamma_star={gamma_star!r}" def __dir__(self): attrs = super().__dir__() attrs.extend(['a_star', 'b_star', 'c_star', 'alpha_star', 'beta_star', 'gamma_star']) return attrs @property def a_star(self): """Length of lattice vector :math:`\\mathbf{a^*}`.""" return self._direct_lattice.a @a_star.setter def a_star(self, value): self._direct_lattice.a = value @property def b_star(self): """Length of lattice_vector :math:`\\mathbf{b^*}`.""" return self._direct_lattice.b @b_star.setter def b_star(self, value): self._direct_lattice.b = value @property def c_star(self): """Length of lattice vector :math:`\\mathbf{c^*}`.""" return self._direct_lattice.c @c_star.setter def c_star(self, value): self._direct_lattice.c = value @property def alpha_star(self): """Angle between lattice vectors :math:`\\mathbf{b}^{\\ast}` and \ :math:`\\mathbf{c}^{\\ast}` in **degrees**.""" return self._direct_lattice.alpha @alpha_star.setter def alpha_star(self, value): self._direct_lattice.alpha = value @property def beta_star(self): """Angle between lattice vectors :math:`\\mathbf{c}^{\\ast}` and \ :math:`\\mathbf{a}^{\\ast}` in **degrees**.""" return self._direct_lattice.beta @beta_star.setter def beta_star(self, value): self._direct_lattice.beta = value @property def gamma_star(self): """Angle between lattice vectors :math:`\\mathbf{a}^{\\ast}` and \ :math:`\\mathbf{b}^{\\ast}` in **degrees**.""" return self._direct_lattice.gamma @gamma_star.setter def gamma_star(self, value): self._direct_lattice.gamma = value @property def b1(self): """Lattice vector :math:`\\mathbf{b}_1=\\mathbf{a}^{\\ast}`.""" return self._direct_lattice.a1 @property def b2(self): """Lattice vector :math:`\\mathbf{b}_2=\\mathbf{b}^{\\ast}`.""" return self._direct_lattice.a2 @property def b3(self): """Lattice vector :math:`\\mathbf{b}_3=\\mathbf{c}^{\\ast}`.""" return self._direct_lattice.a3 @property def cos_alpha_star(self): """:math:`\\cos\\alpha^{\\ast}`""" return self._direct_lattice.cos_alpha @property def cos_beta_star(self): """:math:`\\cos\\beta^{\\ast}`""" return self._direct_lattice.cos_beta @property def cos_gamma_star(self): """:math:`\\cos\\gamma^{\\ast}`""" return self._direct_lattice.cos_gamma @property def sin_alpha_star(self): """:math:`\\sin\\alpha^{\\ast}`""" return self._direct_lattice.sin_alpha @property def sin_beta_star(self): """:math:`\\sin\\beta^{\\ast}`""" return self._direct_lattice.sin_beta @property def sin_gamma_star(self): """:math:`\\sin\\gamma^{\\ast}`""" return self._direct_lattice.sin_gamma @property def reciprocal_lattice(self): """Reciprocal lattice of this `Reciprocal3DLattice`.""" return Crystal3DLattice(cell_matrix=np.linalg.inv(self.cell_matrix).T) @classmethod
[docs] def triclinic(cls, a_star, b_star, c_star, alpha_star, beta_star, gamma_star): """Generate a triclinic 3D lattice with lattice parameters \ :math:`a^*, b^*, c^*, \\alpha^*, \\beta^*, \\gamma^*`.""" return cls(a_star=a_star, b_star=b_star, c_star=c_star, alpha_star=alpha_star, beta_star=beta_star, gamma_star=gamma_star)
[docs] def monoclinic(cls, a_star, b_star, c_star, beta_star): """Generate a monoclinic 3D lattice with lattice parameters \ :math:`a^*, b^*, c^*, \\beta^*`.""" return cls(a_star=a_star, b_star=b_star, c_star=c_star, alpha_star=90, beta_star=beta_star, gamma_star=90)
[docs] def orthorhombic(cls, a_star, b_star, c_star): """Generate an orthorhombic 3D lattice with lattice parameters \ :math:`a^*, b^*, c^*`.""" return cls(a_star=a_star, b_star=b_star, c_star=c_star, alpha_star=90, beta_star=90, gamma_star=90)
[docs] def tetragonal(cls, a_star, c_star): """Generate a tetragonal 3D lattice with lattice parameters \ :math:`a^*, c^*`.""" return cls(a_star=a_star, b_star=a_star, c_star=c_star, alpha_star=90, beta_star=90, gamma_star=90)
[docs] def hexagonal(cls, a_star, c_star): """Generate a hexagonal 3D lattice with lattice parameters \ :math:`a^*, c^*`.""" return cls(a_star=a_star, b_star=a_star, c_star=c_star, alpha_star=90, beta_star=90, gamma_star=120)
[docs] def cubic(cls, a_star): """Generate a cubic 3D lattice with lattice parameter \ :math:`a^*`.""" return cls(a_star=a_star, b_star=a_star, c_star=a_star, alpha_star=90, beta_star=90, gamma_star=90)
[docs] def todict(self): """Return `dict` of `Reciprocal3DLattice` parameters.""" return dict(a_star=self.a_star, b_star=self.b_star, c_star=self.c_star, alpha_star=self.alpha_star, beta_star=self.beta_star, gamma_star=self.gamma_star)
@property def lengths(self): """Tuple of lattice vector lengths :math:`a^*, b^*, c^*`.""" return self.a_star, self.b_star, self.c_star @property def angles(self): """Tuple of lattice parameter angles \ :math:`\\alpha^*, \\beta^*, \\gamma^*`.""" return self.alpha_star, self.beta_star, self.gamma_star @property def lattice_parameters(self): """Tuple of lattice parameters \ `a^*`, `b^*`, `c^*`, `alpha^*`, `beta^*`, `gamma^*`.""" return self.a_star, self.b_star, self.c_star, \ self.alpha_star, self.beta_star, self.gamma_star @property def lattice_vectors(self): """Tuple of lattice vectors \ :math:`\\mathbf{b}_1, \\mathbf{b}_2, \\mathbf{b}_3`.""" return self.b1, self.b2, self.b3
ReciprocalLattice = Reciprocal3DLattice # class Bravais3DLattice: # """Class for bravais lattices.""" # def __init__(self, crystal_system=None, centering=None, # symbol=None): # pass # BravaisLattice = Bravais3DLattice # class SimpleCubicLattice(BravaisLattice): # """Abstract representation of simple cubic lattice.""" # lattice_points = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] # class BodyCenteredCubicLattice(BravaisLattice): # """Abstract representation of body-centered cubic lattice.""" # lattice_points = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], # [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]] # class FaceCenteredCubicLattice(BravaisLattice): # """Abstract representation of face-centered cubic lattice.""" # lattice_points = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], # [0.5, 0.5, 0.0], # [0.0, 0.5, 0.5], # [0.5, 0.0, 0.5]]